The Nazi board game that taught the Hitler Youth how defeat the British


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Maybe the Germans do have a sense of humour - albeit a very black one - after all.

In 1941, whilst British children were being killed in their beds by Luftwaffe bombers or having to suffer food rationing, German kids were playing a board game which taught them the tactics of warfare. Their foe in the game was, naturally, the British.

The illustration on the box depicts a British plane being shot down by a German gunner, indicating exactly where the manufacturers thought an attack on Germany might come from, and various positions on the board represent various bombing targets for the Luftwaffe.

And the instruction booklet included with the game - which is due to be sold at auction for an estimated price of £100 - explains that the game was 'developed by an officer of the Luftwaffe with the aim of the defence of our airspace.'

Somewhat ironically, the game was manufactured in Dresden which was, later in the war, almost completely destroyed by the RAF.

Taking on ze Tommies: The Nazi board game that taught the Hitler Youth how defeat the enemy

By Daily Mail Reporter
10th February 2010
Daily Mail

British children of the time were playing marbles and hiding in air raid shelters.

But for youngsters under the Third Reich, this board game was invented to teach them the tactics of warfare - against a British foe.

The war time amusement, Adlers Luftverteidigungs spiel, which translates as the Eagle Air Defence Game, involves two or more players attacking enemy positions on a geographically illustrated board while defending friendly territory.

Gotcha: With a picture on the box of a British plane being shot down, the Hitler Youth would have been in no doubt about who the enemy was in this board game

Specifically designed in 1941 to prepare young members of the Hitler Youth 'for an attack on the Fatherland', the box illustration shows a British plane being shot down by a German gunner - indicating exactly where the manufacturers thought such an attack might come from.

Players take turns to roll a die with six symbols on it to decide the success or failure of each military move with points awarded for each successful military move.

A roll of a red cross means 'damage to people' - the highest scoring type of damage in the game.

As well as the die, the game comes with little model airplanes to symbolise aerial attacks.

Game on: Players learn basic military strategy by rolling a die before attacking an enemy town with model fighter planes

Various positions on the board represent valuable bombing targets, in a similar way to Battleships, a game familiar to many British children.

Barrage balloons and flak guns helped defend the positions and the game was like a smaller version of the popular pastime of Risk.

The object of Eagle Air Defence was to attack airfields, barracks, gas and electricity works, iron works and radio stations.

And the instruction booklet included with the board and pieces explains that the game was 'developed by an officer of the Luftwaffe with the aim of the defence of our airspace.'

As well as providing entertainment for German children, it explains: 'Its more profound reason is to be prepared for an attack on the Fatherland.'

War game: Flak guns and German fighter aircraft decorate the instructions

The game, which is due to be sold at auction for an estimated price of £100, was made in Dresden, the German city which was later subjected to a massive bombing campaign by the Allies.

It was designed to be played by over-12s - all of whom were compulsory members of the Hitler Youth - either two individuals, or two teams from the 150-strong 'Gefolgschaft' groups which met every week.

Children aged 10 to 14 were all members of the Deutsches Jungvolk division of the Hitler Youth.

Roy Butler, from Wallis and Wallis auction house in Lewes, East Sussex, said: 'It came in a box that is about A4 size and there is a picture on the front of a British plane being shot down.

'It's obviously designed for two players or teams and the object is to attack various installations while defending your own.'

He continued: 'The board looks as if you are looking down on top of an aerial photo, although it is a fictional town.

'There is a specially made dice, which is how you move around the board and there is also a booklet of instructions, which is of course in German.

'It is a very interesting item from the war.'

Last year it was revealed that German children collected Nazi photographs of Hitler and his generals like a Panini football sticker album during the war.

The images formed part of Joseph Goebbels's propaganda policy.
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Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Interesting. However, give credit (or condemnation) where it is due. A large component of the planes that destroyed Dresden were part of the RCAF.