Meet Bubbles, Lilac, Cuddles, Apple, Muffin and Beefy, six showjumping bunnies.
The six rabbits have learnt to run an obstacle in their owners' garden in Doncaster, South Yorkshire which features miniature fences.
The rabbits will be among the competitors at the Ultimate Pet Show at the NEC Arena in Birmingham.
Pictured: The showjumping rabbits who are 'hop' favourites to win pet talent contest
By Chris Brooke
01st May 2009
Daily Mail
For the average pet rabbit, the daily routine involves nothing more strenuous than chomping on a carrot.
But life is very different for the Haslam household's six showjumping bunnies.
Under the guidance of twins Mathew and Thomas, they have learned to leap over miniature fences in the back garden.
Hop to it: Lilac shows off her talent as she clears another fence
The 15-year-olds, who live in Doncaster, have owned rabbits for nine years, but decided to teach them to 'showjump' after being inspired by a video on the YouTube website.
They set up obstacles in their garden and encouraged the pets to bounce over them by leading them on a leash.
Now Bubbles, Lilac, Cuddles, Apple, Muffin and Beefy will be among the competitors at the Ultimate Pet Show at the NEC Arena in Birmingham tomorrow.
Taking a leap: Lilac goes up...
...and over...
...and back down again!
The boys' mother Brenda, 46, said: 'I think the whole thing is brilliant.
'The boys love rabbits so we have always kept them and they have been brought up with them.'
Both boys have Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autism, and working with the rabbits - often for seven hours a day - has helped with their condition.
Mathew said: 'We are really excited about the finals. We just hope our rabbits don't get stage fright on the day.'
Reach for the stars: Little Bubbles takes his first leaps... hops.. bounds
Top talent: Mathew and Thomas Haslam, 15, have been training 20 rabbits to jump over fences in their back garden. They are hoping the bunnies will win a national pet competition on Saturday
The six rabbits have learnt to run an obstacle in their owners' garden in Doncaster, South Yorkshire which features miniature fences.
The rabbits will be among the competitors at the Ultimate Pet Show at the NEC Arena in Birmingham.
Pictured: The showjumping rabbits who are 'hop' favourites to win pet talent contest
By Chris Brooke
01st May 2009
Daily Mail
For the average pet rabbit, the daily routine involves nothing more strenuous than chomping on a carrot.
But life is very different for the Haslam household's six showjumping bunnies.
Under the guidance of twins Mathew and Thomas, they have learned to leap over miniature fences in the back garden.

Hop to it: Lilac shows off her talent as she clears another fence
The 15-year-olds, who live in Doncaster, have owned rabbits for nine years, but decided to teach them to 'showjump' after being inspired by a video on the YouTube website.
They set up obstacles in their garden and encouraged the pets to bounce over them by leading them on a leash.
Now Bubbles, Lilac, Cuddles, Apple, Muffin and Beefy will be among the competitors at the Ultimate Pet Show at the NEC Arena in Birmingham tomorrow.

Taking a leap: Lilac goes up...

...and over...

...and back down again!
The boys' mother Brenda, 46, said: 'I think the whole thing is brilliant.
'The boys love rabbits so we have always kept them and they have been brought up with them.'
Both boys have Asperger's Syndrome, a type of autism, and working with the rabbits - often for seven hours a day - has helped with their condition.
Mathew said: 'We are really excited about the finals. We just hope our rabbits don't get stage fright on the day.'

Reach for the stars: Little Bubbles takes his first leaps... hops.. bounds

Top talent: Mathew and Thomas Haslam, 15, have been training 20 rabbits to jump over fences in their back garden. They are hoping the bunnies will win a national pet competition on Saturday