Bunny and Clyde: Escaped giant rabbit brings chaos to town centre


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A giant rabbit led police on a wild goose-chase (or should that be rabbit-chase?) as it managed to escape and cause chaos in a town centre.

The rabbit, sarcastically named Tiny, is the size of a small dog and brought traffic to a standstill in Canterbury, Kent.

Bunny and Clyde: Tiny the escaped giant rabbit gives police the slip and brings chaos to town centre

By Daily Mail Reporter
23rd February 2009
Daily Mail

A giant rabbit led police on a wild bunny-chase as it caused traffic chaos and evaded capture in a busy town centre.

Police at first thought their eyes were deceiving them when they spotted the massive white creature bounding between cars in the early hours of the morning.

But when PC Matt Jackson and PC Yasmin Mossadegh stepped out of their patrol car they saw the rabbit - which weighed 20lbs and is the size of a small dog - close up as it charged them.

Hop to it: A relieved PC Matt Jackson after finally snaring the runaway 20lb rabbit, nicknamed Tiny, which took 10 people to capture

After spending 10 minutes fruitlessly trying to grab the animal - even resorting to using their jackets as matador capes in a bid to snare the creature - they had to call on eight members of the public to finally capture the rabbit.

PC Jackson, of Canterbury Police in Kent, said: 'After several failed attempts trying to grab the rabbit, we removed our coats to try and cover it with a bull-fighting technique.

'Kind-hearted pet-loving members of the public who were passing by, saw us struggling and rushed to our assistance.

'Now, with ten pairs of hands at the ready, the rabbit's time on the run was coming to an end.'

The 10-strong team chased the rabbit for 200 yards through the streets of Northgate, Canterbury, before finally managing to surround and 'detain' it.

The rabbit, nicknamed Tiny, was taken to an animal hospital on Sunday morning and will be cared for by the RSPCA as its owner has not yet been found.

PC Jackson added: 'Inquiries are ongoing into unconfirmed reports that Bunny had an accomplice called Clyde who assisted in the hare-brained escape plan.'

A police spokesman said: 'Due to the location near a busy road, the officers attempted to catch the bunny for its safety and before it caused an accident.'

Robert Atkinson, of Canterbury, said: 'This rabbit led the cops a merry dance.

'If it hadn't been caught it certainly would have caused an accident.'



Always thinking
Nov 12, 2008

Last year, Kelowna, BC had to do something to eradicate their exploding rabbit population. Just a couple of days ago, some of our local residents are having the same complaint. Too many whiners. It has been suggested that the bunnies will not KILL us but that we should leave them alone (feral bunnies)as leaving food out for them brings rats (ugh). Our little city is well populated with deer and rabbits. I just don't find them pesky and I'm really quite happy to watch a deer bounding over a fence or a bunny hoping across the lawn. I hope they do not figure out a way to eradicate our bunnies. They get enough road kill from rabbits and racoons. Should be good enough.