Jesus, who peed in your Corn Flakes this morning?
Nobody, I had two Egg Sandwhiches and a can of lemonade pop.
First of all, I hadn't noticed that the United States Republican party has murdered at least 50 million of their own citizens in the last 60 years.
Well we all know how good they are at removing details they don't want the public to know
And 50 million? Who's records are those? Do you by chance have any souces for that claim?
And besides... 50 million in 60 years isn't that big when you considder their population. I'm not shedding a tear.
The Chinese Communist Party has, in fact as many as 70 million have died on the altar of ideological purity. To approach a accusation of parity between the USA and China on human rights grounds is either incredibly stupid, or incredibly ignorant. Take your pick.
A democratic country trying to tell a communist country how to run their nation is what I think is incredibly stupid as well as ignorant.
Secondly, which persecuted natives would they be? The ones we pay out $25,000 a year per person for? The ones that insist they keep collecting all that cash with no accountability so they can keep their collectivist, corrupt political system in place? The ones that claim to own land sold in 1840? The ones the gov't just finished apologising to for a nasty attempt to assimilate in schools 40 years ago? SPARE me. Were the Amerindians in China, most would be dead.
"October 18,2005—Geneva: 19 representatives of Canadian non-governmental
organizations (NGOs) are in Geneva, Switzerland for the review by the United Nations
Human Rights Committee of Canada’s compliance with the International Covenant on
Civil and Political Rights.
Yesterday, on the International Day for the Elimination of Poverty, the NGOs made
submissions that provided Committee members with the benefit of their experience and
that of their constituents on the realities of what has been happening on the ground in
The NGOs represent a wide range of interest areas and are in Geneva to highlight the
desperate situation faced by members of numerous disadvantaged groups in Canada.
“The members of the UN Human Rights Committee were plainly troubled by the
deepening of poverty in Canada and by the continuing inadequacy of welfare programs,
which the National Council of Welfare has called an ‘utter disaster’.They particularly
noted the negative effect on women, Aboriginal peoples, racialized minorities and people
with disabilities. Canada was also asked about the concerted slashing of social programs
and protections undertaken recently by the Government of British Columbia,” said
Shelagh Day of the Feminist Alliance for International Alliance.
Vince Calderhead of the Charter Committee on Poverty Issues stated: “The Committee
expressed serious concern to Canada’s representatives about why people with mental
disabilities languish in detention—after being medically and legally approved for
release—solely because of a lack of appropriate housing. This situation has now risen to
a international human rights question.”
Bev Jacobs, President of the Native Women’s Association of Canada (NWAC) said, “We
were encouraged to hear Canada inform the Human Rights Committee that NWAC will
finally receive the $5 million that the Government has promised us so that we may
document the scope of the human rights violation involved in the missing and murdered
Aboriginal women. We are pleased as well that the Committee expressed concern that the
money was insufficient. Importantly, the Committee asked Canada to ensure that
adequate statistics are gathered about the extent of violence against Aboriginal women
and pressed for more information about whether protocols for action are being adopted to
guarantee effective policing responses to this pressing human rights tragedy.”
Kim Pate of the Canadian Association of Elizabeth Fry Societies said: “Notably, on
Person’s Day, the Committee told Canada that it should remedy the violations of human
rights experienced by women prisoners, and asked Canada what it intends to do to
implement the recommendations of the Canadian Human Rights Commission and the
Arbour Commission.”
Margaret Parsons of the African Canadian Legal Clinic said: “For the first time this
Committee has considered seriously the issue of racial profiling, and other specific
human rights violations experienced by Canada’s diverse African Canadian population.”
“The Committee was clearly concerned that Canada’s counter-terrorism practices may
be falling far short of Canada’s international obligations,” said Alex Neve, Secretary
General of Amnesty International Canada. “Issues raised included Canada’s policy of
deporting alleged security risks to countries where they face torture, immigration security
certificates, the statutory definition of “terrorism” and concerns about the possibility of a
Canadian version of extraordinary rendition in cases where Canadian citizens, under
investigation in national security cases, have ended up being detained and tortured in
foreign jail cells.”
“Fifteen years ago, this Committee concluded that the plight of the Lubicon Cree in
northern Alberta constituted a violation of Canada’s obligations under this treaty,” noted
Ed Bianchi, Aboriginal Rights Program Coordinator with KAIROS. “Committee
members were clearly concerned that all these years later there is still no just resolution
of this longstanding land and resource dispute. Questions were raised as to the legitimacy
of the government’s negotiating position.”
The Committee was understandably frustrated that many of the issues covered at this
session have come up in the context of past reviews as well, and that there are numerous
recommendations the Committee has made previously, which Canada has either failed or
outright refused to implement. This lack of progress reflects wide concerns Canadian
NGOs have about an ‘implementation gap’ when it comes to Canada living up to its
international obligations. The federal and provincial governments do not have a publicly
accountable, well-coordinated approach to ensuring compliance with international human
rights treaties. The need for a new approach is long overdue."
You may think our country's human rights violations are trivial.... I don't... and since I have native background within my own family, I take it very seriously, so for you to bitch and trivialize native's rights and issues within our country as something to make fun of, you can kiss my ass until it's purple...... and to ignore the other violations which occur in our nation is just small minded.
You can nit pick which country has more violations over another, or try and make another nation seem like the bad guy over another, it doesn't remove the facts and truths about our own nation's as well as the US's long list of violations.
Fix our own before we start preaching to others to fix theirs.... you're argument is hypocritical.
Thirdly, the reason the Chinese need to be dictated to is BECAUSE they are a Communist nation. Relativists like yourself should have to spend a year there, shooting off your ignorant face. See how long it takes before you get a bullet in the back of the head.
Spare me your trivial crap about living in their country. I live here, I focus my attention on what affects my nation and the people living around me... let them deal with their own lives as it should be. I won't go and live there, because that isn't the way of life I want..... they apparently do or there would be an uprising if it was as bad as we all like to think.
And of course I guess you're completely forgetful of what happened in Iraq when the US turned their country totally upside down..... it's still a mess, and the majority still want things to go back to what they were used to. They live the lives they are acustomed to, just as we do.... your argument is irrelevent.
If you are lucky, they will only harvest your organs after you are dead. That is ONLY if you are lucky, they often harvest kidneys before the execution.
YOU get a Phucking clue.
I'm not the one thinking I live in such a perfect society that everybody should follow to a tee.... go live in the US if you want to keep that attitude.... it's working so well for them so far.
My stance is, and will continue to remain so.... is that we should be focusing on our own human rights violations and setting an example.... then and only then can I feel justified in pointing my finger at other countries' human right's issues.
But until that time, you can get the fk'n clue, a'thankya.