Haemorrhoids and the 18year British quest 4 perfect loo roll

Col Man

Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2005
Leeds England
LONDON (AFP) - Britain's civil service embarked on an 18-year quest for the perfect toilet paper after a doctor voiced concern about a diplomat's haemorrhoids, according to a government file made public.

John Hunt, a London physician, wrote to the Treasury's medical adviser in 1963 after he examined Sir John Pilcher, who was Britain's ambassador to Austria and, later, Japan, the Daily Telegraph reported.

"A patient of mine ... thinks that the government lavatory paper is out of date and extremely bad for his complaint (haemorrhoids) and he has asked me if there is any chance of it being changed to a softer type," Hunt wrote.

It soon emerged that Her Majesty's Stationery Office, in charge of buying all government toilet paper, preferred the rough stuff because it cost the taxpayer less.

A lively correspondence followed, involving such interested parties as combative staff unions, the august School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (which thought hard, shiny paper was better) and the Treasury typing pool.

In the 1970s, "creped paper" gained favour as the price factor evaporated. Then in 1980, a team of epidemiologists weighed in with a report that argued that soft paper was more hygienic.

The following year, soft paper made its debut in government toilets, bringing relief to countless bureaucratic bottoms.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Re: Haemorrhoids and the 18year British quest 4 perfect loo

:lol: :lol: On that note I think I will get off my ass, no pun intended....and go to starbucks for a jest with the common people 8) sign a few autographs, that kinda stuff....*sighs* its hard being me :p :wink:

Col Man

Electoral Member
Jan 5, 2005
Leeds England
Re: Haemorrhoids and the 18year British quest 4 perfect loo

:lol: :wink: i know what you mean...

i do hope the folks here will appreciate my 'different' news stories...

im off too..to bed i think..its late here.. have fun at starbucks dont work that hand too hard... you may need it for later ;)

peace n love


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: and the 18year British quest 4 perfect loo roll

ha ha what a story to wake up too. I am glad to see "tax payers" money put to good use. ha ha

Believe me I do not mind "different" news stories. Its a nice change..