Knights Templar mugs? They're offensive!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

Market trader, 56, is BANNED from town centre after selling Knights Templar coffee mugs that are 'offensive' to Muslims

Tina Gayle has been banned from having a stall in Loughborough Market

Someone complained the Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims

She was told to remove the mugs but refused and was then banned by council

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by council for selling Nazi memorabilia

By Thomas Burrows for MailOnline
12 October 2017

A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

When she refused to do so she was sent a letter and informed she had been given an outright ban.

The offending mugs feature a drawing of a knight and are branded with the Latin motto which translates to: 'Not to us Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give the glory'

Speaking to MailOnline Miss Gayle, 56, said: 'It's very unfair. The council told me about the complaint about the mugs and them being offensive to Muslims. They asked me to remove them. I said that was ridiculous and told them "no".

'They then printed off a letter on Friday at 4pm and said I'm banned. You're meant to have three written warnings before expulsion and they didn't do that. It was apparently something so bad they were banning me completely.'

She added: 'They have only given me three days to appeal which is nowhere near long enough.'

Miss Gayle, who lives in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been travelling to Loughborough, Leicestershire, and selling rare books there for the last three years.

She started selling the Knights Templar mugs to try and make more money, as she pays the council £22 to rent the stall.

She said: 'I provide a service no one else provides. I find books that people can't find and are out of print. I make a lot of people very happy. People know I am there and that I can find books they can't find anywhere.

'My customers think it's terrible what's going on and that the council are saying what they can and can't buy.'

Tina Gayle described the decision to ban her from Loughborough Market as 'ridiculous' and 'very unfair'

Referring to the mugs she said: 'The complainant said they were offensive because the Knights Templar killed Muslims in the Crusades 710 years ago.

'The Knights Templar were fighting monks, used to protect pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem. They stopped them being robbed. They weren't an army who were killing.

'It's a very important week for the Knights Templar as October 13 is when all the Knights Templar were arrested by the King of France and then slowly slaughtered.

'That's where the saying 'unlucky for some' comes from.

'A lot of my customers are Knights Templar. It's a Christian Masonic Order. It's about swearing a vow to protect the Christian faith.

'Richard the Lionheart killed thousands of Muslims and I've had items relating him, and the Romans, and no one has ever complained.

'No Muslims have ever complained. In fact, I don't think I've ever sold a book to a Muslim.

'If I only sell books on people who haven't killed someone, I'd be reduced to Alan Titchmarsh.'

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by the council for selling Nazi memorabilia.

She said many of her customers are actors who take part in WWII re-enactments and explained how items she sells, such as a book that shows detailed descriptions of soldiers' uniforms, can help them accurately portray characters.

Speaking at the time she said: 'It will be such a shame if they take away the chance for an ordinary citizen to research whatever historical information they wish. You're taking away an individual's rights.'

She claimed the complainant was the same person who was angry about the mugs.

A spokesman for Charnwood Borough Council said: 'We received a complaint in August about the trader selling Nazi memorabilia
'We want the public to have a safe and enjoyable experience when visiting our markets and we have a duty to ensure that items sold do not cause public offence, a threat to safety or that could bring the market into disrepute.

'We visited the trader at her stall and found that some of the items being sold were modern mugs with Nazi symbols, and not historical or vintage items.

'We spoke to the trader and advised that she would need to remove the mugs from the stall..

'The trader agreed to remove the mugs and stop selling new items or items which could be offensive to customers.

'We sent a letter on August 18 to the trader to confirm this decision.'

She added: 'On Friday, October 6 we received a further complaint that the trader was selling contemporary Knights of the Templar mugs.

'We visited the stall and spoke to the trader again to ask her to remove the mugs.

'It's not for us to comment as to why the mugs were offensive to the complainant. However, we had previously asked the trader not to sell contemporary mugs or items which could cause offence so we asked for them to be removed.

'The trader refused to remove the mugs from the stall so we issued a second letter which excludes the trader from all Loughborough markets.

'This decision is in line with our market regulations which state that if a trader has displayed serious misconduct they can be immediately excluded from trading, with no further warnings required.

'Serious misconduct includes bringing the market into disrepute and selling items which could be offensive.

'The trader can appeal this decision, and we would ask her to write to us to confirm she wishes to do so.'


The Knights Templar was a religious order that fought in the Crusades.

The order's full name was the 'Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon'.

It was founded around 1119 by French nobleman Hugh de Payens along with eight of his companions in Jerusalem.

The group of knights originally protected Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land against attack from brigands and Saracen pirates after the crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.

They gradually transformed into a chivalric order of warrior-monks who fought bravely in the Crusades.

The history of the Templars in England began when de Payens travelled to the country in 1128 to gather men and money for the Crusades.

King Henry II (r1154–1189) granted the group land across England where they built several churches and other headquarters



Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
The US is tearing down reminders of oppression and you are putting their mugs on mugs. Only in English would that be a real sentence.

You do know there are two sides to every coin right??

Eternal slavery to a mostly hidden hand is not something that will stand when brought into the light. I can understand why you drink in pubs and not in a BAR.


MAYER AMSCHEL BAUER opened a money lending business on Judenstrasse (Jew Street) in Frankfurt Germany in 1750 and changed his name to Rothschild.
Mayer Rothschild had five sons.
The smartest of his sons, Nathan, was sent to London to establish a bank in 1806. Much of the initial funding for the new bank was tapped from the British East India Company which Mayer Rothschild had significant control of. Mayer Rothschild placed his other four sons in Frankfort, Paris, Naples, and Vienna.
In 1814, Nathanael Rothschild saw an opportunity in the Battle of Waterloo. Early in the battle, Napoleon appeared to be winning and the first military report to London communicated that fact. But the tide turned in favor of Wellington.
A courier of Nathan Rothschild brought the news to him in London on June 20. This was 24 hours before Wellington's courier arrived in London with the news of Wellington's victory. Seeing this fortuitous event, Nathan Rothschild began spreading the rumor that Britain was defeated.
With everyone believing that Wellington was defeated, Nathan Rothschild began to sell all of his stock on the English Stock Market. Everyone panicked and also began selling causing stocks to plummet to practically nothing.
At the last minute, Nathan Rothschild began buying up the stocks at rock-bottom prices.
This gave the Rothschild family complete control of the British economy - now the financial centre of the world and forced England to set up a revamped Bank of England with Nathan Rothschild in control.

Ruling 'Committee of 300′ for The 'Crown' names included in the London based corp. are names like:

  • Rockefellers
  • Gore
  • Greenspan
  • Kissinger
  • Krugman (NYTimes)
  • Powell
  • Gates
  • Buffet
  • Bush, etc.
Why are these 'American's' on a foreign committee... because the Crown STILL owns the UNITED STATES CORPORATION, private corporation!

The Lord Mayor and 12 member council serve as proxies/representatives who sit-in for 13 of the world's wealthiest, most powerful banking families (syndicates) headed by the Rothschild Dynasty they include:

  • Warburgs
  • Oppenheimers
  • Schiffs,
...these families and their descendants run the Crown Corporation of London
Rockefeller Syndicate runs American colony through interlocking directorships in JP Morgan Chase/Bank of America and Brown Brothers Harriman (BBH) and Brown Brothers Harriman New York along with their oil oligarchy Exxon-Mobil (formerly multi-headed colossus Standard Oil).

They also manage Rothschild oil asset British Petroleum (BP). The Crown Corporation holds title to world-wide Crown land in Crown colonies like Canada, Australia, New Zealand and many Caribbean Islands.
British parliament and British PM serve as public front for hidden power of these ruling crown families.

"Today the path to total dictatorship in the U.S. can be laid by strictly legal means... We have a well-organized political-action group in this country, determined to destroy our Constitution and establish a one-party state...

It operates secretly, silently, continuously to transform our Government... This ruthless power-seeking elite is a disease of our century... This group... is answerable neither to the President, the Congress, nor the courts.

It is practically irremovable."
Senator William Jenner, 1954 speech
The constitution for the District of Columbia operates under tyrannical Roman law known as "Lex Fori" which bears no resemblance to U.S. Constitution.
When congress passed the act of 1871 it created a separate corporation known as THE UNITED STATES and corporate government for the District of Columbia.
This treasonous act allowed the District of Columbia to operate as a corporation outside the original constitution of the United States and outside of the best interests of American citizens (sheeple).
POTUS is the Chief Executive of the Corporation of the United States operating as any other CEO - governs with a Board of Directors (cabinet officials) and managers (Senators/Congress).
Obama as others before him, is POTUS, operating as "vassal king" (below video) taking orders from "The City of London" through the RIIA (Royal Institute of Intl Affairs) - read 'District of Columbia Organic Act of 1871'.

(in part)
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
So Mrs Gayle is part of the Illuminati and is selling those mugs on a Leicestershire market stall in order to convince the citizenry to join the New World Order.

Unfortunately for the Illuminati, Charnwood Borough Council aren't in on their plans.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 9, 2004
Location, Location
I bet she cooks pizza, too.

Notice that in London, and Washington, and in Rome, the buildings have roofs. That's proof that it's all a conspiracy.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

The only independent state of the three is the Vatican City. It's the world's smallest country. It's so small that it has two popes per square mile.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB

The only independent state of the three is the Vatican City. It's the world's smallest country. It's so small that it has two popes per square mile.
And one ring to rule them all.

I bet she cooks pizza, too.

Notice that in London, and Washington, and in Rome, the buildings have roofs. That's proof that it's all a conspiracy.

Nothing to see here, move along sheeple.



Senate Member
Feb 21, 2017
A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

Market trader, 56, is BANNED from town centre after selling Knights Templar coffee mugs that are 'offensive' to Muslims

Tina Gayle has been banned from having a stall in Loughborough Market

Someone complained the Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims

She was told to remove the mugs but refused and was then banned by council

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by council for selling Nazi memorabilia

By Thomas Burrows for MailOnline
12 October 2017

A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

When she refused to do so she was sent a letter and informed she had been given an outright ban.

The offending mugs feature a drawing of a knight and are branded with the Latin motto which translates to: 'Not to us Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give the glory'

Speaking to MailOnline Miss Gayle, 56, said: 'It's very unfair. The council told me about the complaint about the mugs and them being offensive to Muslims. They asked me to remove them. I said that was ridiculous and told them "no".

'They then printed off a letter on Friday at 4pm and said I'm banned. You're meant to have three written warnings before expulsion and they didn't do that. It was apparently something so bad they were banning me completely.'

She added: 'They have only given me three days to appeal which is nowhere near long enough.'

Miss Gayle, who lives in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been travelling to Loughborough, Leicestershire, and selling rare books there for the last three years.

She started selling the Knights Templar mugs to try and make more money, as she pays the council £22 to rent the stall.

She said: 'I provide a service no one else provides. I find books that people can't find and are out of print. I make a lot of people very happy. People know I am there and that I can find books they can't find anywhere.

'My customers think it's terrible what's going on and that the council are saying what they can and can't buy.'

Tina Gayle described the decision to ban her from Loughborough Market as 'ridiculous' and 'very unfair'

Referring to the mugs she said: 'The complainant said they were offensive because the Knights Templar killed Muslims in the Crusades 710 years ago.

'The Knights Templar were fighting monks, used to protect pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem. They stopped them being robbed. They weren't an army who were killing.

'It's a very important week for the Knights Templar as October 13 is when all the Knights Templar were arrested by the King of France and then slowly slaughtered.

'That's where the saying 'unlucky for some' comes from.

'A lot of my customers are Knights Templar. It's a Christian Masonic Order. It's about swearing a vow to protect the Christian faith.

'Richard the Lionheart killed thousands of Muslims and I've had items relating him, and the Romans, and no one has ever complained.

'No Muslims have ever complained. In fact, I don't think I've ever sold a book to a Muslim.

'If I only sell books on people who haven't killed someone, I'd be reduced to Alan Titchmarsh.'

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by the council for selling Nazi memorabilia.

She said many of her customers are actors who take part in WWII re-enactments and explained how items she sells, such as a book that shows detailed descriptions of soldiers' uniforms, can help them accurately portray characters.

Speaking at the time she said: 'It will be such a shame if they take away the chance for an ordinary citizen to research whatever historical information they wish. You're taking away an individual's rights.'

She claimed the complainant was the same person who was angry about the mugs.

A spokesman for Charnwood Borough Council said: 'We received a complaint in August about the trader selling Nazi memorabilia
'We want the public to have a safe and enjoyable experience when visiting our markets and we have a duty to ensure that items sold do not cause public offence, a threat to safety or that could bring the market into disrepute.

'We visited the trader at her stall and found that some of the items being sold were modern mugs with Nazi symbols, and not historical or vintage items.

'We spoke to the trader and advised that she would need to remove the mugs from the stall..

'The trader agreed to remove the mugs and stop selling new items or items which could be offensive to customers.

'We sent a letter on August 18 to the trader to confirm this decision.'

She added: 'On Friday, October 6 we received a further complaint that the trader was selling contemporary Knights of the Templar mugs.

'We visited the stall and spoke to the trader again to ask her to remove the mugs.

'It's not for us to comment as to why the mugs were offensive to the complainant. However, we had previously asked the trader not to sell contemporary mugs or items which could cause offence so we asked for them to be removed.

'The trader refused to remove the mugs from the stall so we issued a second letter which excludes the trader from all Loughborough markets.

'This decision is in line with our market regulations which state that if a trader has displayed serious misconduct they can be immediately excluded from trading, with no further warnings required.

'Serious misconduct includes bringing the market into disrepute and selling items which could be offensive.

'The trader can appeal this decision, and we would ask her to write to us to confirm she wishes to do so.'


The Knights Templar was a religious order that fought in the Crusades.

The order's full name was the 'Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon'.

It was founded around 1119 by French nobleman Hugh de Payens along with eight of his companions in Jerusalem.

The group of knights originally protected Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land against attack from brigands and Saracen pirates after the crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.

They gradually transformed into a chivalric order of warrior-monks who fought bravely in the Crusades.

The history of the Templars in England began when de Payens travelled to the country in 1128 to gather men and money for the Crusades.

King Henry II (r1154–1189) granted the group land across England where they built several churches and other headquarters

Sure they're offensive, but not worth wasting my energy over.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Funny templars don't hate christians though innit?
I guess being burnt at the stake by conspirators has that effect on a body.

high ya Ten Penny!
more facts for you to ignore so you can attempt to be facetious.

This Nazi political correctness shows it self in the most horrid ways doesn't it?

From this drastic effort to squelch free speech to posters who try to rain on any fact they can like ten penny does its completely pedo and rapist protecting crap


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
You must crush free thought
that is the ultimate goal of these genocidal propagandists

Did CIA Director William Casey really say, "We'll know our disinformation program is complete when everything the American public believes is false"?

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Barbara Honegger
Date: Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 11:19 PM
Subject: Re: Conference on THE WARREN REPORT AND THE
To: Greg Smith
I told Mae about it when we worked together ...
On Sun, Sep 21, 2014 at 10:32 PM, Greg Smith wrote:

Thanks Barbara! That's priceless. The web attributes it to Mae B only, and therefore, it's discounted in chat and group conversations on social media. You might want to give it better street cred? Your call!

On Sep 21, 2014, at 8:59 PM, Barbara Honegger wrote:

> Seriously -- I personally was the Source
> for that William Casey quote. He said it
> at an early Feb. 1981 meeting in the
> Roosevelt Room in the West Wing of
> the White House which I attended, and
> I immediately told my close friend and
> political godmother Senior White House
> Correspondent Sarah McClendon, who
> then went public with it without naming
> the source ...

me and ten penny will never get along because I see right through it.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You must crush free thought
that is the ultimate goal of these genocidal propagandists

"Mustn't sell Knights Templar mugs. Muslims might be offended!"

"Mustn't sell Manchester United shirts. Liverpool fans might find it offensive!"

"Mustn't eat meat in a restaurant. A vegetarian customer might find it offensive!"

"Mustn't wear a green T-shirt when being interviewed on Granada Reports. Someone somewhere in the region is bound to find it offensive."

"Mustn't go shopping in Morrison's. Sainsbury's shoppers may find it offensive."


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Yes, that's why he apologizes and deletes benign tweets like a coward.

What a noble hero for free speech. :lol:

It's just a shame you have to pay and see his live show in order to hear his dead baby joke. It's bloody HILARIOUS, by many accounts.

‘I’m going to be nice tonight. I’ve changed.

‘Not as much as Bruce Jenner, obviously… now Caitlyn Jenner. What a year she’s had.

‘She became a role model for trans people everywhere, showing great bravery in breaking down barriers and destroying stereotypes. She didn’t do a lot for women drivers, but you can’t have everything, can you?’ - Ricky Gervais


on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
The Knights Templar were dissolved by Clement V at the instigation of King Phillip IV of Spain in 1312.

It's Grand Master, Jaques de Molay, was burned at the stake on charges of heresy, blasphemy and sodomy. All likely invented to allow Phillip and the Roman Church to confiscate its vast lands and wealth and because of political intrigue in which the society had become involved. Legendarily it still exists, perhaps in the guise of Free Masonry, and by modern fable is still in possession of the Holy Grail.

But essentially its a religious organization, formed during the Crusades. So it seems these Muslims are perpetrating the dissemination of hate propaganda against Christianity. Perhaps all Muslim iconography should be banned as well in the interests of fairness. Both sides of Crusades perpetrated their fair share of atrocities.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 26, 2009
A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

Market trader, 56, is BANNED from town centre after selling Knights Templar coffee mugs that are 'offensive' to Muslims

Tina Gayle has been banned from having a stall in Loughborough Market

Someone complained the Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims

She was told to remove the mugs but refused and was then banned by council

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by council for selling Nazi memorabilia

By Thomas Burrows for MailOnline
12 October 2017

A market stall holder has been banned from having a stand in a town centre because she was selling 'offensive' Knights Templar coffee mugs.

Tina Gayle has been prohibited from having a stall in Loughborough Market after someone complained about the mugs.

She said the complainant had told the council the £6 Knights Templar mugs were offensive to Muslims and so she was asked to remove them from her stall.

When she refused to do so she was sent a letter and informed she had been given an outright ban.

The offending mugs feature a drawing of a knight and are branded with the Latin motto which translates to: 'Not to us Lord, not to us, but to Your Name give the glory'

Speaking to MailOnline Miss Gayle, 56, said: 'It's very unfair. The council told me about the complaint about the mugs and them being offensive to Muslims. They asked me to remove them. I said that was ridiculous and told them "no".

'They then printed off a letter on Friday at 4pm and said I'm banned. You're meant to have three written warnings before expulsion and they didn't do that. It was apparently something so bad they were banning me completely.'

She added: 'They have only given me three days to appeal which is nowhere near long enough.'

Miss Gayle, who lives in Didcot, Oxfordshire, has been travelling to Loughborough, Leicestershire, and selling rare books there for the last three years.

She started selling the Knights Templar mugs to try and make more money, as she pays the council £22 to rent the stall.

She said: 'I provide a service no one else provides. I find books that people can't find and are out of print. I make a lot of people very happy. People know I am there and that I can find books they can't find anywhere.

'My customers think it's terrible what's going on and that the council are saying what they can and can't buy.'

Tina Gayle described the decision to ban her from Loughborough Market as 'ridiculous' and 'very unfair'

Referring to the mugs she said: 'The complainant said they were offensive because the Knights Templar killed Muslims in the Crusades 710 years ago.

'The Knights Templar were fighting monks, used to protect pilgrims travelling to Jerusalem. They stopped them being robbed. They weren't an army who were killing.

'It's a very important week for the Knights Templar as October 13 is when all the Knights Templar were arrested by the King of France and then slowly slaughtered.

'That's where the saying 'unlucky for some' comes from.

'A lot of my customers are Knights Templar. It's a Christian Masonic Order. It's about swearing a vow to protect the Christian faith.

'Richard the Lionheart killed thousands of Muslims and I've had items relating him, and the Romans, and no one has ever complained.

'No Muslims have ever complained. In fact, I don't think I've ever sold a book to a Muslim.

'If I only sell books on people who haven't killed someone, I'd be reduced to Alan Titchmarsh.'

Miss Gayle had previously been warned by the council for selling Nazi memorabilia.

She said many of her customers are actors who take part in WWII re-enactments and explained how items she sells, such as a book that shows detailed descriptions of soldiers' uniforms, can help them accurately portray characters.

Speaking at the time she said: 'It will be such a shame if they take away the chance for an ordinary citizen to research whatever historical information they wish. You're taking away an individual's rights.'

She claimed the complainant was the same person who was angry about the mugs.

A spokesman for Charnwood Borough Council said: 'We received a complaint in August about the trader selling Nazi memorabilia
'We want the public to have a safe and enjoyable experience when visiting our markets and we have a duty to ensure that items sold do not cause public offence, a threat to safety or that could bring the market into disrepute.

'We visited the trader at her stall and found that some of the items being sold were modern mugs with Nazi symbols, and not historical or vintage items.

'We spoke to the trader and advised that she would need to remove the mugs from the stall..

'The trader agreed to remove the mugs and stop selling new items or items which could be offensive to customers.

'We sent a letter on August 18 to the trader to confirm this decision.'

She added: 'On Friday, October 6 we received a further complaint that the trader was selling contemporary Knights of the Templar mugs.

'We visited the stall and spoke to the trader again to ask her to remove the mugs.

'It's not for us to comment as to why the mugs were offensive to the complainant. However, we had previously asked the trader not to sell contemporary mugs or items which could cause offence so we asked for them to be removed.

'The trader refused to remove the mugs from the stall so we issued a second letter which excludes the trader from all Loughborough markets.

'This decision is in line with our market regulations which state that if a trader has displayed serious misconduct they can be immediately excluded from trading, with no further warnings required.

'Serious misconduct includes bringing the market into disrepute and selling items which could be offensive.

'The trader can appeal this decision, and we would ask her to write to us to confirm she wishes to do so.'


The Knights Templar was a religious order that fought in the Crusades.

The order's full name was the 'Poor Fellow-Soldiers of Christ and of the Temple of Solomon'.

It was founded around 1119 by French nobleman Hugh de Payens along with eight of his companions in Jerusalem.

The group of knights originally protected Christian pilgrims travelling to the Holy Land against attack from brigands and Saracen pirates after the crusaders captured Jerusalem in 1099.

They gradually transformed into a chivalric order of warrior-monks who fought bravely in the Crusades.

The history of the Templars in England began when de Payens travelled to the country in 1128 to gather men and money for the Crusades.

King Henry II (r1154–1189) granted the group land across England where they built several churches and other headquarters

muzzies are known to have a bad templar. ;)