Radical Islamic Shooter Was Gay


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
He didn't want to go to hell, so he killed gay's to be forgiven for his sin.

Like Muhammed ordered in the Qu'ran.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Using your logic we would go after the gay community.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Stop perpetrating the radical Islamist" BS. It is just pure hate mongering. He was a whack job who barely had any knowledge of Islam. It is idiotic, irresponsible crap like this that causes people to fall off the edge and murder people.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
He was an Islamic Terrorist.... and it is coming out that he was probably something else.


Prickly Curmudgeon Smiter
Jun 28, 2010
Stop perpetrating the radical Islamist" BS. It is just pure hate mongering. He was a whack job who barely had any knowledge of Islam. It is idiotic, irresponsible crap like this that causes people to fall off the edge and murder people.

The term is misleading and partly responsible for propagating the confusion on this issue.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Stop perpetrating the radical Islamist" BS. It is just pure hate mongering. He was a whack job who barely had any knowledge of Islam. It is idiotic, irresponsible crap like this that causes people to fall off the edge and murder people.
When are you gonna go off? Should we get a "72" written up for you out of concern?

The term is misleading and partly responsible for propagating the confusion on this issue.

So why is Obama fanning the flames?


Hall of Fame Member
May 8, 2011
Look, I'm Athiest, And Muhammed also slaughtered them, as well. We already have enough religious nuts. We don't need to import more.

Especially the kind that follow Muhammed who slaughtered gay's and none believes.

As there is no way of telling the difference from a crazy religion nut, and a semi just pretending to believe so he doesn't get publicly executed. I suggest we ban them all until they stop slaughtering gay's in all Muslim countries.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
There is mounting evidence Mohammad was a creation of the Augustine monks to be used to shake the wealth out of the peeps of the day in the reulting religious wars
just like now
thats why the Muslim views on revering the virgin mary

no difference really then when Protestantism was created and then promptly murdered a third of europe and stole all their stuff in the resulting religious wars

football in the groin
Lather rinse repeat

if this guy is as rainbow is he is now found to be
what happens to the retarded BS about he saw two guys kissing and wigged out?
would he not have got on well with pedophile catholic priests like the kind that did residential schools and raped all those children??


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Gonna be a mite tough to develop a gay-Muslim-radical-seeking missile.

Better just kill 'em all. Fur unsere Sicherheit.
and they feel that way about you too
nice knowin y'all

everyone else:
buy bullet bomb and missile stocks now!


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario

This isn't shocking. This is what happens when society/cultures/religions make hatred (and often self-hatred) mandatory by passing judgement over something that isn't anybody else's fukking business in the first place. This is why so many gay teens kill themselves. And there is always a fraction of any suicidal demographic that takes others with them.

It's fu*cked up but people reap the poisonous bullsh*t that they sow.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Fukk. Your thoughts. And Prayers. We don't need them. I don't want them.
You can't elevate people like Kim Davis, Ted Cruz, Huckabee and Trump and then as a country turn around and pretend that it's Islam that caused this.
We have been beaten to death with fists and boots and bottles and bats and lead pipes. We have been shot and stabbed and mutilated. We have been raped to death and we have been raped as punishment. We have been trapped and burned alive, families too ashamed to claim our corpses, churches refusing us burial. We have been strangled and stuffed under motel mattresses. We have been hung from barbed wire fences and left, alone, to die slowly.
America you have done all of this to us while calling *us* the predators, accusing *us* of perversion. You have stripped us of honor and titles even after we fought and died for you. You have called our bodies and our families unnatural and legislated against their safety. America, your politicians have fractured our bones under the heels of their shoes and their footprints have tracked our blood all the way to the airport bathrooms and clandestine hotel rooms where they seek pleasurable release from us.
How dare you, America, use our suffering and our corpses as a shield to attack 1.6 billion people. How dare you pretend that suddenly, just today, you care for our safety while you do nothing about the reckless greed of gun manufacturers, do nothing about the people in power who mock us and encourage fear of us.
How dare you, America, try to co-opt the fear that I live with every day of my life - every threat, every attack, every slur that has been screamed at me, every bit of rage hurled at me by men who wanted my number in a gay bar or men who cornered me to demand to know how my girlfriends taste, every bit of shame from the pulpit on Sundays, every time I had to hear as Dobson said my queerness should be beaten out of me, every time I gripped my son's hand a little tighter to walk past the protesters outside of Pride. How dare you try to take this fear that *you* have instilled in me and redirect it towards YOUR war.
America, you have been at war with me since before I was even born. I am not your cannon fodder. You are not actually angry on my behalf and you do not get to twist my anguish to fuel yet more hatred and yet more death.
So take your thoughts and your prayers and turn them inward. They won't help me, but maybe they'll help you realize that we've been dying all this time and you never cared before. - Bre Mechafox Bader June 12 at 2:39pm · Pflugerville, TX, United States ·


Executive Branch Member
Dec 3, 2008
New Brunswick
Doesn't matter if he was gay, straight or anything else.

He was a terrorist.

He had hate.

Someone with his history should NOT have gotten a hold of a weapon of mass death. He did.

Naming him an "Islamic" does nothing but twist the issue into something it's not.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Doesn't matter if he was gay, straight or anything else.

He was a terrorist.

He had hate.

Someone with his history should NOT have gotten a hold of a weapon of mass death. He did.

Naming him an "Islamic" does nothing but twist the issue into something it's not.
It gives us an excuse to deport all the non-citizen Muslims in the U.S.

Hmmm. . . a lot of them are serving in the forces. Should we discharge them before we deport 'em, or just ship 'em off to Islamia and put 'em down as deserters?


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Stop perpetrating the radical Islamist" BS. It is just pure hate mongering. He was a whack job who barely had any knowledge of Islam. It is idiotic, irresponsible crap like this that causes people to fall off the edge and murder people.



Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
which shooter we talkin about willis?
"Man overheard shooter’s phone conversation; shooter said there were 4 others involved, ‘3 snipers and 1 woman suicide bomber’

"Who Held the Doors Closed In The Pulse As People Tried to Escape"

hard to see the truth through all the childish hate being spewed
one has to look
but then hey, if discernment is above your paygrade...

"Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen is not the first employee of British security giant G4S to go on a rampage"
oh great, one if by land, two if by sea... the british are attacking
hello 1812 redux
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