When Billboard Messages Go Viral


Nominee Member
In this great age of shareable moments, your billboard messaging has a much better chance of going viral . . .

When Josie Candito at High Park Master Mechanic on the corner of Dundas St W and Howard p\Park Ave in Toronto discovered an auto business in NB had posted a billboard mocking women drivers, she was shocked and upset.

So she responded , and the billboard flame war began . . .

The story was picked up by the CBC,
Billboard mocking women drivers prompts female auto shop owner to fight back - Business - CBC News

and now Toronto Star is doing a piece for a wknd edition..

The original billboard message came down and another offensive ad aimed at men replaced it.http://forums.canadiancontent.net//www.pinterest.com/pin/create/extension/

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
Women have trouble backing up.

I admit that I do too - especially when people who are walking can see your back-up lights and choose to walk behind you anyway.

You can look one way - its clear - look the other - its clear - look back the first way and there's somebody there. I try to back into a spot every chance I get simply because of this. Extremely frustrating. When I walk, and I see backup lights - I stop and indicate to the driver that its safe to continue. I believe its called "courtesy" !

I've come to the conclusion that people who don't give a damn about cars backing up in parking lots do not drive!