BREAKING : Islamic Attack in London Dec. 05/15


Keep Calm and Carry On
Sep 6, 2008
Rent Free in Your Head
Knifeman screams 'this is for Syria' in Leytonstone tube 'machete' attack

A knifeman launched a terrorist attack on the London Underground last night, seriously injuring one man and wounding two other people, as he screamed "this is for Syria".
Scotland Yard declared they were treating the attack at Leytonstone station, east London, as "a terrorist incident".

This is the first terrorist attack on British soil since the murder of fusilier Lee Rigby on May 22, 2013.

Police were called to the station after reports of a stabbing in the ticket hall on Saturday at around 7pm.

The incident began at 7.06pm with reports of a stabbing, it is believed the assailant then went through the exit gate and there is footage of him appearing to threatening other people with a knife.

Dramatic mobile phone footage showed him appearing to attack a man as police arrived on the scene carrying Tasers.

Officers can be heard telling him to "drop it, drop it you fool" before Tasering him.

Panicked passengers, including some young families with children, fled the station as police appeared to kick a weapon from his hand as he lay on the floor of the ticket hall.

The man was arrested at 7.14pm and taken to a police station for questioning by Scotland Yard's anti-terrorism detectives.

The Metropolitan Police said one man suffered "serious knife injuries" but was not thought to be in a life threatening condition.

Two other victims received "minor injuries" in the attack.

Commander Richard Walton, the head of the Met's Counter Terrorism Command, said: "We are treating this as a terrorist incident.

"I would urge the public to remain calm, but alert and vigilant. The threat from terrorism remains at severe, which means that a terrorist attack is highly likely."

Police have appealed to witnesses who had been recording the attack as it happened on their mobile phones to pass the footage on to them urgently via the anti-terror hotline.

Detectives were believed to be investigating reports that the attacker declared that he was acting in response to the war in Syria.

The attack came just days after Britain launched its first air strikes against terrorist targets inside Syria.

A fresh wave of RAF strikes hit a key oil field held by the so-called Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant inside Syria yesterday.

One video apparently of the incident, which was posted on Twitter, shows a large pool of blood spattered across the ticket hall.

It then shows the attacker approach and gesticulate at two people in the station.

As they approach him he lashes out with his knife and appears to slash one of them in the neck area, it is reported.

Moments later a uniformed police officer arrives on the scene and fires his Taser at the man.

Ambulance crews received the called at 7.09pm and rushed to the scene to attend the injured.

In another video of the incident posted online, the man is pinned down on the floor by two police officers as another man can be heard shouting out to him: "You aint no Muslim brave."

A Met Police spokesman said: "Police were called at 19:06hrs on Saturday, 5 December, to reports of a stabbing at Leytonstone underground station. The male suspect was reportedly threatening other people with a knife.

"Met officers attended the scene. A man was arrested at 19:14hrs and taken to an east London police station where he remains in custody.

"A Taser was discharged by one of the Met officers.

For the rest of today, no service btn Liverpool St and Woodford / Newbury Park due to a police investigation. Severe delays on rest of line.​

— Central line (@centralline) December 5, 2015

"Officers from British Transport Police are now dealing with the incident at the scene. We are aware of one man having sustained serious stab injuries. We await details of any other injuries."

One victim is in a serious condition with multiple stab wounds and it is believed up to two others may also have been injured.

A spokeswoman from London Ambulance Service said: "We were called at 7:09pm to reports of an assault at Leytonstone underground station.

"We sent a number of resources to the including our joint response unit, an incident response officer, an ambulance crew and London's Air Ambulance to the scene.

"We treated a man for stab wounds.

My thoughts are with the victim of the horrific stabbing in Leytonstone. Police were quickly on the scene and have arrested a man.​

— Sadiq Khan MP (@SadiqKhan) December 5, 2015

"He was taken as a priority to hospital escorted by the doctor from London's Air Ambulance. "

source: Video: Knifeman screams 'this is for Syria' in Leytonstone tube 'machete' attack - Telegraph


Thank God the police apprehended this idiot..


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007

it's probably nothing.

and better wayyyy over there than here. lucky they don't know how to get across the sunny way ocean. lucky. *phew*


Doctor of Thinkology
Feb 23, 2006
A knife fight is news? Probably 140 of them in Chicago this afternoon.


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
I thought a knife fight was when two people have knives... when only one has a knife?.......

Ah, well, see there's the problem then. The people on the underground platform just brought their bare knuckles to a knife fight....they must have got the memo wrong, happens all the time.

Nothing to see here then, move along.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Compare the weapon used in this Islamist terror act (and the ones which killed Drummer Lee Rigby in May 2013) and the weapons used in San Bernardino.

Had guns been as easy to buy in Britain as they are in America (and even in other European countries like France which, even though they aren't as easy to get as in America, are still much easier to get than in Britain), that Muzzie would have gone into Leytonstone Tube station with a whole armoury of firearms and shot dead scores upon scores of people. Thankfully, with the tough gun control laws here, the deadliest weapon this Islamist, like Adebolajo and Adebowale, was able to arm himself with was a knife.

This incident highlights yet again just how safer Britain is than America and Canada and other countries with its tough gun laws.

it's probably nothing.

and better wayyyy over there than here. lucky they don't know how to get across the sunny way ocean. lucky. *phew*

The 2014 Canadian parliament building shooting was committed by an Islamist, as was the San Bernardino shooting in California the other day. People were killed in those two attacks, but none were killed in this one (thanks to the lack of guns here). I think you'll find they are already in your neck of the woods.

The murder rate in England & Wales is amongst the lowest in the world. People in England & Wales are far less likely to be murdered than people in Canada, and even more so than people in America.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 7, 2014
wherever i sit down my ars
Compare the weapon used in this Islamist terror act (and the ones which killed Drummer Lee Rigby in May 2013) and the weapons used in San Bernardino.

Had guns been as easy to buy in Britain as they are in America (and even in other European countries like France which, even though they aren't as easy to get as in America, are still much easier to get than in Britain), that Muzzie would have gone into Leytonstone Tube station with a whole armoury of firearms and shot dead scores upon scores of people. Thankfully, with the tough gun control laws here, the deadliest weapon this Islamist, like Adebolajo and Adebowale, was able to arm himself with was a knife.

This incident highlights yet again just how safer Britain is than America and other countries with its tough gun laws.

The 2014 Canadian parliament building shooting was committed by an Islamist, as was the San Bernardino shooting in California the other day. People were killed in those two attacks, but none were killed in this one (thanks to the lack of guns here). I think you'll find they are already in your neck of the woods.

The murder rate in England & Wales is amongst the lowest in the world. People in England & Wales are far less likely to be murdered than people in Canada, and even more so than people in America.
I guess Ted Nugent wouldn't like Britain then.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004

As we all keep getting told by our wise politicians every time there's another Islamist attack: "This attack has nothing to do with Islam."

And now Twitter has got into the act. A video showing the assailant in the Leytonstone Tube station stabbings being Tasered by police features a man shouting in a London accent: "You ain't no Muslim, bruv, you're an embarrassment!"

So, naturally, of course, this is great for the left-wing Twitterati, who couldn't wait to re-tweet the comment over and over again to show the bigots and Islamophobes that these attacks really DO have nothing to do with Islam!

One user called Barneswallace wrote: "#YouAintNoMuslimBruv seems like the best response to terrorism ive heard for ---ever".

Alexander Edwards responded: "#YouAintNoMuslimBruv shouted by Muslims at the #Leytonstone attacker. Good on you lads!"

Another user, Azee, said: "The Lad who shouted #youaintnomuslimbruv deserves Nobel Peace Prize".

Chris Lowndes wrote: "#YouAintNoMuslimBruv is just perfect - real, inclusive, undermines terrorist cause."

Roy Kerr said: "This is so beautifully British. I hope the victim pulls through. #YouAintNoMuslimBruv".

Another called Jackie Nn wrote: "#youaintnomuslimbruv- soo proud to be a Londoner. True Muslims don't try and kill innocent bystanders. Peace to true Muslims."

Muthla wrote: "Best # trend I've seen- #YouAintNoMuslimBruv regarding horrific attack in Leytonstone. Gotta love London for the # trend!"

Matthew Harper said: "#youaintnomuslimbruv is the most #London response to terrorism you could imagine and pretty much sums up how we all feel about these maniacs."

The suspect, understood to be a 29-year-old man, is being questioned by police in east London after being taken into custody.

#YouAintNoMuslimBruv: Twitter Reacts To Stabbing

So remember, these attacks having nothing to do with Islam whatsoever. Even the Twitterati say so now!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Leytonstone Tube attacker left victim with 12cm neck wound and had Isil images on his mobile, court hears

Muhaydin Mire accused of launching sustained and unprovoked attack before shouting 'this is for Syria, my Muslim brothers' at east London station

Muhaydin Mire appeared in custody at Westminster Magistrates' Court accused of the attempted murder of a 56-year-old man

By Tom Morgan
07 Dec 2015
The Telegraph

The Leytonstone Tube attacker left his victim with a 12cm knife wound across his neck in a "furious" act of terrorism on British streets, a court heard.

Muhaydin Mire, 29, is accused of launching a sustained and unprovoked attack before shouting "this is for Syria, my Muslim brothers" and "this is because you bombed the hospitals in Syria".

Images and flags associated with terror group Isil as well as details of recent attacks in America and Paris were discovered on Mire's mobile phone after the attack.

The 6ft 3in suspect spoke only to confirm his name and address as he appeared in the dock at Westminster Magistrates' Court on Monday to answer a "preliminary" charge of attempted murder.

Prosecutor David Cawthorne said the 56-year-old victim, named only as "Male A", had been walking through the station at 7pm on Saturday when he was attacked from behind.

The court heard Male A was was hit around the head and body before collapsing to the floor where he was kicked and stamped on by Mire.

Witnesses attempted to intervene before Mire brandished a knife, before holding Male A's head and began to cut his neck "in what is described by some as a sawing motion".

The victim was left in a pool of blood and required five hours of surgery in hospital.

Stills from a video of the suspect being arrested at Leytonstone

Mire appeared in the dock at Westminster Magistrates' Court in central London today

Police arrived at the Tube station at 7.06pm, where Mire was said to be "stalking around the concourse", slashing his knife in the direction of at least two other witnesses.

One officer "fearing for his safety" deployed his Taser twice before another officer also deployed his weapon before Mr Mire fell to the floor and was disarmed.

The attacker's phone was "named" "Die in your crusader", a phrase associated with Isil, a case summary handed to the media with the approval of the judge said.

The Crown said the offences were "acts of terrorism" falling within definition of section 1 of the Terrorism Act 2000.

As the hearing opened, Mire - who wore a grey t-shirt and matching tracksuit bottoms - had his handcuffs taken off under the orders of district judge Quentin Purdy.

Mire, of Leytonstone, was remanded in custody to appear again at the Old Bailey on Friday.

Male A and another man were taken to hospital. Police have increased patrols at transport hubs to "identify and deter terrorism" after the incident at the station in east London.

David Pethers, 33, was cut as he tried to approach the “crazy” assailant who had just stabbed another man and left him in a pool of blood. Read more: Video: Leytonstone terror attack: Hero victim tells of how he 'went back to have another go' - Telegraph

The attacker wields a knife while he taunts police and members of the public Photo: Sky News

Graphic footage of the attacks posted online soon after the incident showed a large pool of blood spattered on the station floor.

The video appeared to show the attacker wildly gesticulating and confronting several people in the station, before slashing a man in the throat area.

Assistant Chief Constable Mark Newton, of British Transport Police, said: "The safety of the travelling public remains our top priority. In addition to our usual specialist response teams, last week we launched Project Servator, deploying even more highly-visible police patrols designed to identify and deter terrorism.

"Following Saturday's incident, we are now deploying still more officers in this role. They involve both uniformed and plain-clothed officers, supported by other resources, such as armed officers, police dogs, a network of CCTV cameras, and the thousands of rail staff we work alongside.

"We ask the public to remain calm and carry on using public transport as normal."

Police cordon off Leytonstone Underground Station in east London following a stabbing incident. Photo: PA

Meanwhile, Britain’s armed response to terror attacks was called in to question after uniformed officers were left to deal with the incident at Leytonstone station.

John O’Connor, the former head of the Flying Squad, said it would be a concern if armed officers were not sent at all but it was sign of lack of resources.

Leytonstone Tube station is on the Central line in the London Borough of Waltham Forest

Asked if he was surprised, he said: “Not if they were not available. It certainly would have been an additional security measure.

“I would not be surprised when you consider the number of or lack of number of armed personnel.

“It is alarming. We should have thought about this years ago. We still rely on the first people on the scene having to deal with a situation, whoever they are, whether a uniform officer or firearms officer.”

Leytonstone Tube attacker left victim with 12cm neck wound and had Isil images on his mobile, court hears - Telegraph
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Council Member
Oct 11, 2015
Southern Ontario
This knife-wielding person deserved to be shot. Dead. If the police had shot him there would have been a big protest. Too bad and very sad!
Now the taxpayers will be stuck with the 'due process' the knifer is entitled to and which he doesn't deserve.