The Royal Navy's newest submarine - a miniature sub which can launch underwater that James Bond would be proud of - has been spotted moored off Gibraltar.
The submarine is intended to launch underwater in order to carry Special Boat Service (SBS) commandos to their destinations covertly so they can perform attacks or infiltration near the water.
Attached to a large nuclear sub, the mini pod can carry up to around eight elite commandos in heavy assault gear and is designed to be as stealthy as possible.
The pod can be seen attached to the topside of the nuclear submarine, HMS Astute, currently off the coast of Gibraltar on her maiden operational mission.
HMS Astute is the lead boat in the new Astute-class submarines, the largest and most powerful submarines ever operated by the Royal Navy.
More than 39,000 external acoustic tiles mask the vessels' sonar signatures, giving the Astute-class a better stealth quality than any other submarine previously operated. Speculation released by the media stated that by using advanced stealth technology Astute "makes less noise than a baby dolphin, making her as good as undetectable by enemy ships."
Britain's super-sub: Navy unveils James Bond-style mini submarine carried on board HMS Astute which can launch from under water
Attached to the HMS Astute, the mini pod can carry up eight commandos
Designed to be as stealthy for covert ops, like counter intelligence
Can launch underwater to carry commandos to their destinations covertly
Currently the mini sub is attached to the HMS Astute, docked in Gibraltar

The logo of the SBS
The Royal Navy's newest submarine - a miniature sub which can launch underwater that James Bond would be proud of - has been spotted moored off of Gibraltar.
The submarine is intended to launch underwater in order to carry commandos to their destinations covertly so they can perform attacks or infiltration near the water.
Attached to a large nuclear sub, the mini pod can carry up to around eight elite commandos in heavy assault gear and is designed to be as stealthy as possible.

The pod can be seen attached to the topside of the nuclear submarine, the HMS Astute, currently off the coast of Gibraltar.
In a covert attack, the secret submarine pod will detach from the HMS Astute and head to its destination, absorbing sonar on the way to evade detection.
The pod will be in use by Special Boat Service commandos in their covert operations, and the miniature submarine will likely make their activities hard to predict or anticipate.

HMS Astute, one of the Royal Navy's new Astute-class nuclear powered submarines, lays at dock in Gibraltar on her maiden operational mission

The mini-sub opening its deployment hatch, where the commandos will leave from during their covert operations

Before it was mounted to the top of the HMS Astute, the miniature submarine had to be airlifted by helicopter to seas near its destination, before being picked up later.
Now the submarine will move closer to the destination, and plans for deployment and support for the commandos will be more readily available.
The miniature submarine, codenamed 'Project Chalfont', has been tested since it was installed in 2012, but this is the first time it will reach active service.

The HMS Astute is the largest attack submarine the Royal Navy has at its disposal, and is the lead ship of its class.
Thanks to air recycling it could theoretically circumnavigate the planet without having to resurface, and its nuclear power system means it will never have to refuel again during its 25-year-service.
However, its only limit is that it is only able to carry three months worth of food for the 98 crew needed to man it.
The miniature submarine's main duties are for counter intelligence, as it allows for incredibly covert ops from discreet locations, and will now be able to deploy while hidden underwater, rather than having to travel by helicopter, which runs the risk of revealing its position.
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