The U.S./Canadian Military's Plan for London-Like Riots


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
With British Prime Minister David Cameron authorizing the use of rubber bullets and water canons in wake of the turbulent London riots spreading through Britain, questions have been raised about how authorities in the U.S. would respond to a similar domestic disturbance threatening the nation's stability.

According to National Journal's White House correspondent Marc Ambinder the U.S. already has a game plan in place. "If what happened in London ever happened in the US, the military has plans -- CONPLAN 3501 and 3502 -- to suppress the 'insurrection,' he tweeted.

The mysterious reference to a numbered military plan generated a flurry of interest on Twitter as NPR hostMichele Norris shot back:"I want to know more about the military's plan to suppress any potential 'insurrection.'-- CONPLAN 3501 and 3502????"

Interestingly, the CONPLAN (which stands for an "operation plan in concept format" at the Pentagon) Ambinder referenced is a popular subject among conspiracy theorists and critics of martial law. According to the public policy organization, CONPLAN 3502 is the U.S. military's plan for assisting state and local authorities in the event of a riot or major civil disturbance:

"Tasks performed by military forces may include joint patrolling with law enforcement officers; securing key buildings, memorials, intersections and bridges; and acting as a quick reaction force."

It derives its constitutional backing from Article I, Section 8 stating that "Congress shall have power... to provide for calling forth the Militia to execute laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections, and repel Invasions" and is rumored to have been activated during the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina, during the 1999 Seattle WTO riots and during the 1992 Rodney King riots in Los Angeles.

But, according to Nate Jones at the National Security Archive, "because historic Garden Plot activity was classified and current activity likely remains so, it is difficult to discern exactly how many times Garden Plot was evoked." What jarred Jones upon looking at internal military documents, were the "indicators of potential violence," which were especially racially oriented:
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on dbl secret probation
Oct 19, 2005
Chillliwack, BC
I assume it will as successful as their suppressing of the Afghanistan insurgency. When things get bad enough, even the army can't be trusted.


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
So, you're imPlying that the Canadian and American military's are completely interconnected. That the American plans automatically aploy to Canada.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Ready for a flow chart?


The Old Medic

Council Member
May 16, 2010
The World
Too bad that Petros really doesn't understand how the USA works. He THINKS he does, because he reads the liberal press and watches TV.

In the US, it would be up to each individual community, and the State that the community is located in, to deal with Riots like that. They would first attempt to utilize their local police. If they could not handle things, then the National Guard would be called in.

Federal troops would NOT be utilized, unless specifically requested by a State, after they had tried to suppress the riots and failed. The Federal Government can NOT simply send in troops, police, FBI and anyone else in situations like that.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Too bad that Petros really doesn't understand how the USA works. He THINKS he does, because he reads the liberal press and watches TV.

In the US, it would be up to each individual community, and the State that the community is located in, to deal with Riots like that. They would first attempt to utilize their local police. If they could not handle things, then the National Guard would be called in.

Federal troops would NOT be utilized, unless specifically requested by a State, after they had tried to suppress the riots and failed. The Federal Government can NOT simply send in troops, police, FBI and anyone else in situations like that.
Local cops? The same local cops that have been laying people off for the past couple years because there is no money? The unemployed cops will probably be the first to riot.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Local cops? The same local cops that have been laying people off for the past couple years because there is no money? The unemployed cops will probably be the first to riot.

I don't know about the rest of the country but in Massachusetts when a cop gets a layoff it is only a temporary layoff and a short one at that. The town that he gets layed off from cannot hire a new cop.

AND another town cannot hire a new cop if there is a layed off cop looking for a job.

So if a Brockton Ma. cop gets laid off and Newton Ma. is hiring two new cops all the Brockton cop needs to do is apply and they HAVE to take him or her.

That happened in the town I lived in. They were looking to hire a couple kids from the town as cops but before they did the open slots were applied for by a layed off Quincy cop and a layed off Barnstable cop. They had to take the cops that were layed off and the two potential recruits had to wait.

Massachusetts cops all bring down high 5 figures to six figure salaries with all the MANDATORY detail work. Any road work, manhole work, telephone pole work, large events requires a paid Police Detail. Not a bad living.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 27, 2006
Federal troops would NOT be utilized, unless specifically requested by a State, after they had tried to suppress the riots and failed. The Federal Government can NOT simply send in troops, police, FBI and anyone else in situations like that.

Yes, that is precisely what Petros' article said...

"According to the public policy organization, CONPLAN 3502 is the U.S. military's plan for assisting state and local authorities in the event of a riot or major civil disturbance"

Plan for assisting state and local authorities.

Is it too much to ask that posters read the content before posting???