Commuters and pedestrians passing through east London's Canning Town couldn't believe their eyes as they saw road markings, obviously done by someone who didn't concentrate in school, which read "SUS STOP" rather than "BUS STOP."
Taxi driver Raj Ahmed, 26, who spotted the glaring error, told The Sun: 'It's so ridiculous and so clearly wrong. It beggars belief that they left it like that.
'Bus is one of the first words that kids learn to spell.'
And, as these pictures show, this isn't the first error of its type to have occurred in the UK...
Spelling's a bit sus-spect! Blundering road painters misspell yellow bus markings... as SUS stop
By Daily Mail Reporter
9th July 2011
Daily Mail
Commuters will be waiting a rather long time for one of these to come along.
A road painter was particularly careless with his latest markings, which even the youngest school child could get right.
The glaring mistake was made near the town hall in Canning Town, East London - where a bus stop became a 'sus stop' in 2ft high, yellow writing.
Stay behind after class! Road painters misspelled the markings in two-foot high, neon yellow letters at this bus lane in Canning Town, East London
Taxi driver Raj Ahmed, 26, who spotted the glaring error, told The Sun: 'It's so ridiculous and so clearly wrong. It beggars belief that they left it like that.
'Bus is one of the first words that kids learn to spell.'
The bungling council worker can take comfort in the fact that he is far from the first creator of the comedy road sign, as other examples from around the UK show.
It's clear that they ran out of room: Bungling council workers left this baffling warning for Essex drivers
After being alerted to the sign above, painted on a narrow street in Essex, town councillor Kerry King said: 'I just laughed when I saw it. We are all wondering how the workers could have missed out the R.
'Maybe they went on their lunch or ran out of paint and couldn't finish it.'
Less well-remembered, but still capable of raising a wry smile, are the bilingual Welsh road signs deployed some 200 miles from Swansea in the distinctly English village of Little Kingshill, Buckinghamshire.
Of course, there is a serious side to the story as every mistake will sooner or later need to be fixed, and the cumulative cost of all these small errors mounts up.
For non-Welsh speakers the bottom half of this sign helpfully states: 'I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated...'
Westminster Council recently published a list of misspelled signs - many of which had to be replaced at taxpayers' expense - because of that traditional signwriter's bugbear, the apostrophe.
The signs are Bishops Bridge Road, which should have been written as Bishop's Bridge Road; Lord Hill's Bridge, which should be Lord Hills Bridge; Kensington Garden Square, which should be Kensington Gardens Square; Princes Square, which should be Prince's Square; and Kings Scholars Passage, which should be King's Scholars' Passage.
Still, there's sure to be a lot more fun to be had at the expense of road sign artists who get so engrossed in their work that they lose sight of the bigger picture, as the image below from a leafy country lane shows.
Reader Ray Wilson sent us this brain-teasing piece of signage that he discovered on the B3159 near Martinstown, just outside Dorchester
Blundering road painters misspell bus stop markings as SUS stop | Mail Online
Taxi driver Raj Ahmed, 26, who spotted the glaring error, told The Sun: 'It's so ridiculous and so clearly wrong. It beggars belief that they left it like that.
'Bus is one of the first words that kids learn to spell.'
And, as these pictures show, this isn't the first error of its type to have occurred in the UK...
Spelling's a bit sus-spect! Blundering road painters misspell yellow bus markings... as SUS stop
By Daily Mail Reporter
9th July 2011
Daily Mail
Commuters will be waiting a rather long time for one of these to come along.
A road painter was particularly careless with his latest markings, which even the youngest school child could get right.
The glaring mistake was made near the town hall in Canning Town, East London - where a bus stop became a 'sus stop' in 2ft high, yellow writing.

Stay behind after class! Road painters misspelled the markings in two-foot high, neon yellow letters at this bus lane in Canning Town, East London
Taxi driver Raj Ahmed, 26, who spotted the glaring error, told The Sun: 'It's so ridiculous and so clearly wrong. It beggars belief that they left it like that.
'Bus is one of the first words that kids learn to spell.'
The bungling council worker can take comfort in the fact that he is far from the first creator of the comedy road sign, as other examples from around the UK show.

It's clear that they ran out of room: Bungling council workers left this baffling warning for Essex drivers
After being alerted to the sign above, painted on a narrow street in Essex, town councillor Kerry King said: 'I just laughed when I saw it. We are all wondering how the workers could have missed out the R.
'Maybe they went on their lunch or ran out of paint and couldn't finish it.'
Less well-remembered, but still capable of raising a wry smile, are the bilingual Welsh road signs deployed some 200 miles from Swansea in the distinctly English village of Little Kingshill, Buckinghamshire.
Of course, there is a serious side to the story as every mistake will sooner or later need to be fixed, and the cumulative cost of all these small errors mounts up.

For non-Welsh speakers the bottom half of this sign helpfully states: 'I am not in the office at the moment. Send any work to be translated...'
Westminster Council recently published a list of misspelled signs - many of which had to be replaced at taxpayers' expense - because of that traditional signwriter's bugbear, the apostrophe.
The signs are Bishops Bridge Road, which should have been written as Bishop's Bridge Road; Lord Hill's Bridge, which should be Lord Hills Bridge; Kensington Garden Square, which should be Kensington Gardens Square; Princes Square, which should be Prince's Square; and Kings Scholars Passage, which should be King's Scholars' Passage.
Still, there's sure to be a lot more fun to be had at the expense of road sign artists who get so engrossed in their work that they lose sight of the bigger picture, as the image below from a leafy country lane shows.

Reader Ray Wilson sent us this brain-teasing piece of signage that he discovered on the B3159 near Martinstown, just outside Dorchester
Blundering road painters misspell bus stop markings as SUS stop | Mail Online