Are there any authors amongst us?


Time Out
Mar 23, 2008
Canada - Golden Triangle
After reading all that I have here I am very impressed with the way the members express themselves. Has anyone ever given thought to putting pen to paper or more appropriately `fingers to keys`. We have a lot of great Canadian authors and you know who they are, but other than them has anyone contemplated or actually written a book. Not necessarily about Canada but about anything that your heart desires. You know write a book, get your point across, make the populace think! Floor is now open...

lone wolf

Grossly Underrated
Nov 25, 2006
In the bush near Sudbury
Author ... or published one? There is a huge gap between - one that the Canadian print industry does little to bridge. I have one that 9/11 would have made a best seller. In truest of ironies, the first three chapters went to an interested publishing house on September 7, 2001. The disk was probably going through their #2 WTC mail slot about the same time an airplane flew into their building.
