The greatest video tributes to the greatest movie about


Adorable Deplorable
Jun 18, 2007
some buck-skinned dude and his trusty buffalo just riding the range and having wonderful buffalo adventures.

For those of you with the strength, I'll include the trailer for the original masterpiece and the the movie itself. They're really quite breath taking.


Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 1 (Bears, Indians & Such) - YouTube

Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 2 (Orphans, Cougars & What Not) - YouTube

Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 3: Finale Part 1 (Origins, Villains & The Like) - YouTube

Guy On A Buffalo - Episode 4: Finale Part 2 (Rehab, Vengeance & What Have You) - YouTube

The heart-warming and out west goodness trailer:

Buffalo Rider Trailer - YouTube

And as promised, yes, the original 1978 masterpiece:

Buffalo Rider Full Movie - YouTube

Guy on a buffalo.