Copy write infringement by movie studio


Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2007
The artist that created Mike Tyson's tatoo, the tatoo that is being parodied in "The Hangover 2", is suing for copy write infringement, because apparently the studio releasing that movie, doesn't have permission to use the image. The Studio admitted that delaying the release would cost them a pile of money, so they're releasing it anyway. The studio argues that they can use the image under "Fair Use" clause in the copy write act, the problem is "Fair Use" doesn't count if profits are being generated for the studio because of the use of the image.

I find this really ironic, they are willfully doing something illegal, but continue to do it anyway, because they can afford to. Movie studios wouldn't hesitate to bankrupt someone for downloading movies, because they know joe average can't put up the legal battle they can. I believe they are hypocritical a&*holes.


Jan 6, 2007
I was always under the impression that satire was 'fair use'. Where they're poking fun at it, do they really need to pay for it? If so, how could movies like 'Scary Movie' ever afford to be made?