Recent content by Tresson

  1. T

    Your thoughts on the election results?

    Well my thoughts on the results in no particular order. -Another minority government. Why do i have the feeling that we'll be back here in another 1 1/2 - 2 years? -Harper will, most likely, still run the government as he had a majority. -The liberals will continue to refrain from voting...
  2. T

    Yet another reason to stop funding them...

    School board pulls ‘anti-God’ book Halton's Catholic trustees and staff to review fantasy that is `apparently written by an atheist' Nov 22, 2007 04:30 AM Kristin...
  3. T

    Is Bin Laden Dead?

    I just heard a report on the CBC that said that a french newspaper has aquirerd evidence from the french intelligence services that show that Osama Bin Laden is dead. No comment from that French government so far. Thoughts? Comments?
  4. T

    Elections Stock Market

    Just a little something i found on the net that I think you guys would enjoy. The U of BC is currently running a election stock market.