Recent content by S-Ranger

  1. S

    The only candidate worth voting for...

    It was unusual to see "the newz" airing a bit of the truth about its worthlessness, particularly around election circus marketing act "campaigns," but it was long ago and I saved it for just before the election fiasco, because nothing would print it now; too much money to lose selling ad space...
  2. S

    A year caught with its pants down

    It's not much, I could add 1,000 more and real things that "the newz" has managed to forget about, but Merry Holidays and such... A year caught with its pants way down Dec. 31, 2005. 01:00 AM ROSIE DIMANNO STAR COLUMNIST It was another year of living stupidly. Foolishness and folly and all...
  3. S

    Why Are We So Different? A Canadian View

    If someone from another country (or the U.S. in particular; not always viewed as another country, as in "foreigners") asks you what Canadian means, what you are, how you're different from Americans, what do you say? Many Canadians, journalists have stated so many times, are of the mind that the...
  4. S

    The "Do Anything, Say Anything" Conservative Party

    From quite a strange source, hard to pin down other than publishing facts: The Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF). June 08, 2005 The "Do Anything, Say Anything" Conservative Party Deputy Conservative leader Peter MacKay this week accused the Liberal government of having a “do anything, say...
  5. S

    Stephen Harper Halted

    Harper Halted Sorry for all of my comments in the article but I would have just pulled quotes out and posted the same anyway, which may have looked like I was trying to take things out of context. And don't tell me ... (you know who you are :)), "it's too long to read." A newspaper article...