Recent content by iamcanadian

  1. I

    Ontario Municipal Elections Heating up

    The only smart thing to do when voting in Ontario Municipal Elections is to never vote for encomebants. They are either corrupt or are too chicken-little to stand up to those around them that are corrupt. You can't go wrong by voting for ANYONE OTHER THAN THE ENCUMBANTS. Wheather you are in...
  2. I

    Conseil Scolaire du Disctrict Centre Sud Ouest is Corrupt

    Please don't send your children there.
  3. I

    Putting an end to Apartheid in Ontario:

    Putting an end to Apartheid in Ontario: There is not much that can be done by the Multicultural Canadians to deal with the Apartheid in Quebec being advanced by the group of French Speaking Canadians over there, but we in Ontario have a duty to our descendants to STOP the spread of French...
  4. I

    Peel Region is the 5th Largest Government in Canada:

    Peel Region is the 5th Largest Government in Canada: In order of Government Size: 1) Federal Govenment of Canada 2) Province of Ontario 3) City of Toronto 4) City of Montreal 5) Region of Peel How could Canadians have been so stupid as to alow the Street Sweeping and Garbage Collection...
  5. I

    Defining Characteristics of Ontario’s Regions

    Defining Characteristics of Ontario’s Regions 1) No identifiable leader is elected to any public office in them… there is no one to blame for anything since each Councillor has only one vote. 2) Part time City/Town elected representatives… each too busy and more concerned with local...
  6. I

    Disbanding Ontario's Regions is HOT topic of Elections 2006:

    Disbanding Regions is HOT topic of Local Elections of 2006: The HOT topic for the 2006 municipal elections for Ontario is the disbanding of the Regions to allowing local governments to become more democratic and easier to control and manage the public's interest the way the voters want. A move...
  7. I

    Political aspirations can be virtually guranteed for anyone

    Political aspirations can be virtually guranteed for anyone located in Ontario and the GTA who wants to try their hand at holding an elected public office. You don’t even need to live in the ridding of your choice since this Board is different than all other boards that require people to live...
  8. I

    GTA Regional Elections this Novemeber

    Seems the hot topic is to ellect as many new people as possible to Regional Governments to try and stop all the corruption in the Regional Administrative levels. Does anyone think that electing all new people to Regional Seats can stop the Gangsterism and Billions worth of Corruption going on...
  9. I

    Gas Tax as a Percentage vs fixed price per liter

    In the USA the government taxes Gas at a fixed rate per Gallon. In Canada it is taxed as a Percentage. Does anyone here understand the significants of this and what this actually means to Canadians and the clearly illigitimate way our people are being taxed?
  10. I

    Town can't sue man for defamation

    Must accept criticism from citizens: Judge Ruling doesn't affect official's lawsuit Apr. 12, 2006. 01:00 AM MIKE FUNSTON STAFF REPORTER Citizens are free to criticize governments without fear of being sued for defamation, a judge has ruled in dismissing an action by the Town of Halton...
  11. I

    When Government buys insurance for anything it is stupid

    When Government buys insurance for anything it is stupid. The public is the biggest block available to spread risks of loss. So we are all paying taxes and if there is a loss we all just pay the loss from a part of the taxes we have paid. Government buying insurance is just like giving money...
  12. I

    >From a man who usually writes and uses profanity

    From a man who usually writes and uses profanity in all he does this is profound... Please read as it is good food for thought Comedian George Carlin's wife recently passed away. The gross and mouthy icon of the 70's and 80's has written something very eloquent...and so very appropriate for...
  13. I

    >>> > If you buy mulch this spring and summer

    >>> > If you buy mulch this spring and summer, make sure you know >>> where it came from. This information comes from a very reputable insurance agent. >> See >>> web address below form more details >>> > >>> > If you use mulch around your house be very careful about buying >>> mulch...
  14. I

    Let's talk about the Regional Governments of Canada

    These governments operate below the public radar and exist in a political twilight zone between Local Municipal level government and the Provicial level governments. Very few Canadians know about or understand this level of government; not even the other levels of government nor the majority of...
  15. I

    Don't Break The Elastic!!

    Don't Break The Elastic!! In April, Maya Angelou was interviewed by Oprah on her 70+ birthday. Oprah asked her what she thought of growing older. And, there on television, she said it was "exciting." Regarding body changes, she said there were many, occurring every her breasts. They...