Recent content by dukee

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    Layton Intent on Working With Harper --SNIP-- Conservatives bad, Liberals safe - does a disservice to real policy alternatives. Last election, voters "in the last days became frightened of Stephen Harper and said, 'Geez, I guess we better vote for Paul Martin,"' said...
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    TORSTAR - Booting out Liberals a Good First Step --SNIP-- Sure, after more than a decade of what often felt like one-party rule, a change would be as refreshing as a rest. Stephen Harper is an honest man...
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    I really love polls Conservatives 36 UP 6 Liberals 27 STALLED NDP 15 DOWN 4 --SNIP-- "At a minimum these numbers mean if an election were held tomorrow we could quite clearly have a Tory minority government," says Ipsos-Reid...
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    Alberta Liberal MP - Mulling Crossing the Floor

    In todays Calgary Sun, there is an interview with Alberta Liberal MP David Kilgour. While I can't find a link, here are a couple of snippets:
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    Only a miracle can save the Grits as the true horror of ...

    Liberals at the abyss Only a miracle can save the Grits as the true horror of the sponsorship scandal reveals systemic looting of public purse...
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    LARRY ZOLF:Harper veers to the middle --snip-- The polices of the Tories are politically sound because they are anything but extreme. The party remains united and voted pragmatically on all issues including the hot-button ones of abortion and same-sex marriage. Harper has...
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    Maybe Bush was right Maybe Bush was right Even U.S. critics agree that the Iraq invasion may have sparked democracy PETER MANSBRIDGE There I was , standing near the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, or West Berlin as it was then...
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    In The Red Zone - A journey into the soul of Iraq Frontpage Interview’s guest today is Steven Vincent, the author of the new book, In the Red Zone: A Journey Into The Soul Of Iraq. You can visit his blog at FP: Steven Vincent, welcome...