Recent content by dr_lal

  1. D

    Healing criminal minds

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  2. D

    If your child is overweight / obese:

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  3. D

    Is your age against you?

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    Yoga and vertigo

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    Watch your thoughts

    Depression, fear, anger, disgust- where are they generated from? They are not generated from our hands, legs, lungs or respiratory tubes. They are generated by our thoughts. In that case, what is a ‘thought’? Consider this. When we allow words to flow freely, without moving our lips or tongue...
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    Keep your ‘head’

    Lady Blessington has said that a woman's head is influenced by her heart and a man's by his head. Rivarol has said that a mob has many heads, but no brains. William Penn has said that the smaller the drink, the clearer the head, and cooler the blood. Rochefoucaudl has said that the head always...
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    The Annual Chinese Horoscope 2006

    The Annual Chinese Horoscope 2006 According to the Chinese Calendar, the first day of the coming Lunar year, which will be the Year of the Dog, will fall on January 29, 2006.While Western Astrology is based upon the months of the year, Chinese Astrology is based upon a twelve-year lunar cycle...
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    The Meaning of Prayer

    A prayer is not just words, descriptions or sounds. It is mainly the sacred understanding of ourselves with devotion. Prayer is not getting entangled in mere rituals without understanding their meanings. There was a Guru who had mastered the scriptures. One day, when he was teaching Vedas to his...
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    Cut out the negatives

    Once in a restaurant the sizzler that I had ordered had a baked tomato only half cooked. I called the waiter who very casually pointed out – “But Sir, the rest of the platter is fine. At that moment, I was furious. It was the first gift my five-year old niece had wrapped all by herself. I...
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    Learn to be irresistible

    The metro sexual male, the city gal, the power trippers, the ladies who lunch, they all need to up their Irresistibility Factor (IF). All it takes is some practice, so bone up on the pointers given below and get going! Be confident: Be Madonna. Be Brad Pitt. No, you don’t need to go in for...
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    Blossoming beauties for health

    Have you noticed that when you pass a florist, you cannot help pausing for a minute or two? The blossoms splashing vivid colors are so beautiful that you are compelled to stand and stare at them. You drink in their beauty and then, spirits uplifted, go on your way. Small wonder then that we take...
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    COULD FREQUENT CONSUMPTION OF ASPIRIN OR IBUPROFEN RESULT IN AN ULCER? No Odds are that the strip of Brufen in your purse won’t do your stomach any serious harm. There’s quite a bit of research linking regular ibuprofen use to GI troubles, but those studies have looked only at people who...
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    To Lose Weight Do You Have To Reach The Fat-burning Zone ?

    Not necessary At a gym, you see all these machines that have charts to show you the fat burning or weight loss zone. The idea is that to burn the most fat, you should work at a fairly low heart rate — not be breathing hard. But that’s a myth. It’s true that when you’re working at a low...
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    Believe it or not

    Butterflies taste with their feet. Cats have over one hundred vocal sounds, dogs only have about ten. Cat's urine glows under a black light. China has more English speakers than the United States. Donald Duck comics were banned in Finland because he doesn't wear pants. Dueling is legal in...
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    Just one more day

    We like to eat sweets, watch movies, gossip with friends. These are topical desires. Now let us look at fundamental desires. Basically there are three desires under this category. If we were to learn that today would be the last day in our lives, we would pray, “Can we not live for a day...