Recent content by americanadian

  1. americanadian

    9/11, an inside job?

    Well Kakato, it's good to know at least one person here has common sense. Conspiracy theories in general just amuse me, it's like nothing can just happen in history without the big bad U.S. government being involved. Just because I moved doesn't mean I hate America, I'm very proud to be an...
  2. americanadian

    9/11, an inside job?

    Yeah I guess my uncle, aunt, and neighbour were all fake people, and I must be too. Disgusting.
  3. americanadian

    9/11, an inside job?

    Do you realize how many people would have to be paid off to keep quiet for 10 years? I don't think any of the people who think it was an inside job realize that. And out of everyone who would have to be paid off, the chances that one person out of the hundreds of thousands would come forward is...