Recent content by Administration

  1. Administration

    Intermittent periods of downtime

    Dear Members, Canadian Content has recently experiences both short and longer periods of downtime. Along with the downtime is also periods of slowdowns due to very heavy load on the server's daemons including the httpd server and database loads. The 1.5 hours of downtime tonight was not due...
  2. Administration

    Canadian Content News - Format Change

    Dear Readers: There has been a slight change in format of the Canadian Content News / Editorial front page. We now have a special feature for the latest story which is featured in a box at the very top of the content page. It now has a larger image illustration compared to other stories and...
  3. Administration

    Canadian has a new look!

    We've just completed a transformation of the rest of our site which we think users will find quite pleasing. Weather, News and the main site all go with the new look. Please comment and suggest improvements here!
  4. Administration

    Consumer Alert Forum

    Hello to everyone, This is a new forum for people who want to complaint or just rant about a certain product. Whether it be good reviews, bad reviews or just a comment about something you, a friend or your family has purchased. You may post anything regarding any product available and in the...
  5. Administration

    Canada abstains, first shot at UN reform

    Original Article: By Alex Harris Something extraordinary happened at the UN on July 21 and Canada was at the centre of it. In a UN General Assembly vote demanding Israel tear down the security barrier ruled illegal -- in a non-binding...
  6. Administration

    Fair Dealing in Forum Threads

    In an attempt to keep the forums clean and easy to get through, we now request that when you would like to share an article with the community that you only include a couple of paragraphs or quote certain points from the source. Please include a URL to the link where the article was found. It...
  7. Administration

    Registration Now Required (to post and reply)

    Dear users, To combat spam, help identify flame posts and to help bring sanity to our growing forums, we now require that you register a nickname in our database in order to be able to post. There is no requirement to active your account, so to register, all you need to do is choose a nickname...
  8. Administration

    Limit to Registered Posting only

    Dear all users, An idea has popped up to limit posting to Registered users only. The reason why the idea came up was because there are so many Guest posts which might be out of order. It's impossible to tell who's making guest posts, especially if they don't use a name when posting anonymous...
  9. Administration

    Curse of the Vancouver Canucks; Dashing Tampa Bay's hopes

    Full Article: By Glen Berls June 1, 2004 (CC) - Fans in Calgary as well as across this great nation are cheering the Flames, Canada's team on to victory in the Stanley cup final. Sure it may be true that the Tampa Bay Lighting have more...
  10. Administration

    Discussion Française - New Forum

    Canadian Content is open arms to bilingual conversations. We've recently opened a forum for people wishing to chat in French about a variety of topics. Since Canada is a bilingual country, we urge you to use whichever language you are most comfortable with. On that point, the forum titled...
  11. Administration

    A bunch of new smilies added

    Including a whole slew of new and sometimes annoying emoticons, two custom emoticons were just finished! :canada: and :quebec: -- The Quebec emoticon was inspired by Numure and our friends from Quebec. The Canada flag is generated by using :canada: The Quebec flag is generated by using...
  12. Administration

    Working on a new optional forum skin

    Not totally sure if it will be created, but input is required from members. Note: This preview is not to scale. It would be wider and the forum tables would be more spaced out.
  13. Administration

    Poll Results: Do you believe Canada should annex Turks and C

    Do you believe Canada should annex Turks and Caicos? Yes: 78.34% No: 11.06% I'm really not sure.: 10.60% (Of approx 450 users polled)
  14. Administration

    Database lost

    Dear everybody, We seem to have come over a problem regarding the forum database. The messages from the past two days have been lost due to corruption in the database. Messages have been restored from the past 2 days have unfortunately been lost! Feel free to repost your articles and/or...
  15. Administration


    Dear Users, We have experienced some recent downtime due to hard ware upgrades, longer than expected times have been experienced. It seems we have encountered some faulty hardware which has made it very difficult to continually rush back to get the system up and running. Please be aware that...