Enough farting around on Iran & Nukes

Iran should have Nuke Weapons

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Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Enough farting around on Iran & Nukes Enough farting around on this Nuke crap regarding Iran - Nukes are a fact of life - Please name any Arab or Persian or Muslim - Hindu country that you would find it acceptable to have Nuke Weapons -
We have had different and dissenting views on the NPT - The IAEA etc - Answer the question
Get down to the straight skinny.
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Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I don't believe anybody should have them but as long as the US insists it have them, I think everybody should have them to protect themselves from US aggression.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
I don't believe anybody should have them but as long as the US insists it have them, I think everybody should have them to protect themselves from US aggression.
Can you name an Arab-Persian - Govt that is stable?


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
I don't believe anybody should have them but as long as the US insists it have them, I think everybody should have them to protect themselves from US aggression.

You actually believe that Canada should have nukes to protect itself from the US??? That's funny. Haven't you learned anything from Iraq.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
You actually believe that Canada should have nukes to protect itself from the US??? That's funny. Haven't you learned anything from Iraq.
If every country is going to have nukes, then for Canada to have none would just be silly. But then I think all citizens in all countries should be armed to the teeth to protect themselves from their own governments. Call me crazy. I would think you were observant.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If every country is going to have nukes, then for Canada to have none would just be silly.

No, it would be practical. We don't need nukes simply because the US China and Russia have them. Whether everybody else has then would make no difference.

But then I think all citizens in all countries should be armed to the teeth to protect themselves from their own governments. Call me crazy. I would think you were observant.

You are crazy.

People don't need weapons to protect themselves from governments. Only those of lesser intelligence fall for that old line.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
No, it would be practical. We don't need nukes simply because the US China and Russia have them. Whether everybody else has then would make no difference.

You are crazy.

People don't need weapons to protect themselves from governments. Only those of lesser intelligence fall for that old line.
Well then, I'm crazy and stupid.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Don't know. Never been there. If you are talking about sanity, I don't know any government on the planet that is sane.
Cliffy - Would you trust Imanutjob with Nuke weapons? Read up on the 13th Iman -Clerics have told President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad to stick to more worldly issues after he was quoted as saying the "hidden imam" of Shiite Islam was directing Iran. Ahmadinejad has always been a devotee of the Mahdi, the twelfth imam of Shiite Islam, who Shiites believe disappeared more than a thousand years ago and who will return one day to usher in a new era of peace and harmony.But in a speech to theology students broadcast by state television on Monday, Ahmadinejad went further than ever before in emphasising his belief that the Mahdi is playing a critical role in Iran's day-to-day politics."The Imam Mahdi is in charge of the world and we see his hand directing all the affairs of the country," he said in the speech, which appears to date from last month but has only now been broadcast."We must solve Iran's internal problems as quickly as possible. Time is lacking. A movement has started for us to occupy ourselves with our global responsibilities, which are arriving with great speed."Two leading clerics retorted that Ahmadinejad would be better off concentrating on Iran's social problems -- most notably its double-digit inflation -- than indulging in such mystical rhetoric."If Ahmadinejad wants to say that the hidden imam is supporting the decisions of the government, it is not true," sniped Gholam Reza Mesbahi Moghadam, the spokesman of the conservative Association of Combatant Clerics.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
Well then, I'm crazy and stupid.
Cliffyhttp://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1634084/postsThe Iranian nation will wipe the strain of regret on the foreheads of those who want to bring about injustice”, President Ahmadinejad scorned at a recent rally in the province of Zanjan . Iran “will cut off the hands of any aggressor”, any attack would be met with a response that is double-fold including suicide attacks across Europe and the United States , he warned. “ Israel should be wiped off the map”, the predominately Jewish nation “cannot survive” and is headed “towards extinction” quipped the fanatical President.If one were to listen to his rhetoric alone, even the most astute political intellectuals would think Iran is a nation equipped with the most dangerous military arsenal capable of challenging any nation. But Iran ’s rhetoric has little to do with their outdated and dismal military, their fledging economy or their detested government. The root of the government’s fiery tone may be traced to their Shi’te ideology messianic belief in a mysterious, mystical twelfth imam who ventured into hiding over a thousand years ago.The Hidden Imam is a central concept in the teachings of Shi’te Islam. Born Muhammad al-Mahdi he ventured into a cave in 941 AD hidden by a gate called the Gate of Occultation. The doctrine of Occultation professes Allah aided the cloaking of the Imam away from the eyes of man so that he could be kept alive until his return. Shi’tes believe that the Twelfth Imam will return to lead the religious battle between good and evil when the world has become consummately nefarious.According to Shi’te orthodoxy humans may not force or hasten the return of the Imam, but the Hojjateiehs a group of which Ahmadinejad is a member, opine that humans may stir up chaos to encourage his return. With his recent rhetoric vowing for the destruction of Israel, demanding deportation of the Jews to Europe and denying the Holocaust that the President seems to be doing just that. In fact, his messianic axiom of the Twelfth Imam and the subsequent suppression of the forces of evil [modern day US, UK, Israel and many other nations] is central to Ahmadinejad’s foreign policy. The Iranian government’s official policy has undercut efforts of the international community by rejecting a United Nations deadline to suspend Iran’s nuclear program, threatening to quit the Non-Proliferation Treaty and vying that “nothing can stop Iran’s path to nuclear technology.” In anticipation of a stand off with the West Iran recently clinched agreements with eight different Middle East insurgency groups to carry out suicide attacks against Israeli, British and US interests across the world. Ironically this plan is called ‘Judgment Day.’During a private meeting with an Iranian cleric in November Ahmadinejad claimed that while giving a speech before the United Nations he felt “the atmosphere change and for 27 to 28 minutes the leaders did not blink” “they were astonished.. it had opened their eyes and ears to the Islamic Republic.” He further said that he felt the hand of God upon him as he delivered his omniscient speech. In his egocentric fantasy world the Iranian President likely sees himself as a deputy of the Imam with a divine mission to encourage his arrival. His references to the Imam in conjunction with threats to wipe countries off the face of earth should be taken seriously. Foreign policy experts should examine the Islamic Republic from both a political and religious perspective. To the clerical regime the return of the Imam is not a mere possibility, but a surety. Their attitude towards the international community seems to point at their preparation for that day.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
And JC is about to return and the two can bash it out in the middle east as has been foretold in both books. I really don't see a lot of difference between Revelations and the Muslim version. Yahoo, we're all gonna fry!


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Cliffy! Fer cryin' out loud, give your head a shake!

There are two major differences between Israel and Iran that make it a very good thing that Israel have nukes and Iran does not......

1. Israel is a secular society, not apt to launch a nuclear attack in a bid to hasten the Second Coming....of whomever.

2. Israel is one of us. Iran is not.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
I'm not one of any. Fundamentalist Christians have been wanting to hasten Armageddon since Raygun. I really don't see any difference between us and them. Governments are run by megalomaniacs in most countries and the major part of any population are just humans trying to get through the day.

Armed conflicts are engage in by old morons at the expense of the young and foolish. Until there is no more us and them, there will be war. Stupid but true.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
israel is one of us . Iran is not.
In what ways?Describe us and who we are. Marx was one of us? Trotsky was one of us? How about Schiff who backed them? One of us too? Nah Jews would NEVER threaten the likes of you would they?
Israel is a secular society, not apt to launch a nuclear attack in a bid to hasten the Second Coming....of whomever.
Nah they just killed the first guy who came and have lived in **** since and now plan to off any possible second guy for what gain? Yours?
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Time Out
Feb 2, 2006

Calling Turkey stable is quite a stretch. I guess if you are comparing it to the rest of the Muslim world...

BBC NEWS | Europe | Country profiles | Country profile: Turkey

Can you name an English one that doesn't think it's ways are the only ways no matter how rotten or dishonest their system is?

Most. All one has to do is look at the friction south of the border regarding health care changes, the Iraq war and so on. Societies that think they can do better will generally change therefore, the rate of change is a good measuring stick to use. English speaking countries win hands down.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
English speaking countries win hands down.
If other peoples or countries do not do as we say we kill them, how does that qualify as being a winner?

As of this moment Iran is free from possession of nuclear weapons and the delivery systems that would be considered long-range (past aircraft range). There have been extensive searches, now it is the time for Israel to do the same, prove they have no weapons in that category. That would make it a level playing field.

The time to complain about their power stations was at the time they applied for permission to build them, period. This is just interference in the matters of a foreign nation, that is just one step before real war, that is started by the same ones doing the interfering these days. With Iran that goes back to 1953.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I'm not one of any. Fundamentalist Christians have been wanting to hasten Armageddon since Raygun. I really don't see any difference between us and them. Governments are run by megalomaniacs in most countries and the major part of any population are just humans trying to get through the day.

Armed conflicts are engage in by old morons at the expense of the young and foolish. Until there is no more us and them, there will be war. Stupid but true.

I happen to be reading Edmund Morris' biography of Ronald Reagan, entitled Dutch. Neither Morris nor I are sycophants to Reagan as the conservative icon......however, your characterization of him as "wanting to hasten Armageddon" is not only completely unfair, it reveals a clear ignorance of the facts of the matter.

To my amazement, history will remember Ronald Reagan as the man who broke the back of one of the most murderous regimes in history,........without firing a shot.

We should have such a man to deal with China, were we have encouraged the worst regime on earth to emerge as a super-power.


Time Out
Feb 2, 2006
If other peoples or countries do not do as we say we kill them, how does that qualify as being a winner?

Rubbish. We aren't killing the Chinese, we didn't kill South Africans, we aren't killing Venezuelans or North Koreans. Let's try and keep the discussion above a grade three level OK.

As of this moment Iran is free from possession of nuclear weapons and the delivery systems that would be considered long-range (past aircraft range). There have been extensive searches, now it is the time for Israel to do the same, prove they have no weapons in that category. That would make it a level playing field.

The playing field does not have to be level as Israel is not now, nor has it ever, called for the destruction of Iran. I'm all for a level playing field but the Joo-haters want Israel to do the leveling without asking the radicals to stop piling.

This is just interference in the matters of a foreign nation...


Since Iran can't seem to mind its own business either its "matters" are not solely its own.

that is just one step before real war, that is started by the same ones doing the interfering these days. With Iran that goes back to 1953.

The west is not blameless. Looking backwards instead of forwards accomplishes little except promoting a continuation of the status quo.