How many animal rights activists do you know that are serving prison terms for speaking their minds/ Or WTO activists, who, in China, would have been shot dead on the street or murdered in prison for their activities. Even communists in the USA during the McCarthy era were very rarely imprisoned, to say nothing of executed, and that was over 50 years ago.
Tell that to the Falun Gong, of which thousands have been arrested, and twelve leaders have been murdered in prison. Tell that to the leaders of the 750 churches closed down last year, simply because their pastors were not gov't approved.........and, many religions include witnessing for that religion to be a vital part of the faith.......
Well, 2 out of 4 ain't bad.....the concept of war being "legal" or "illegal" is simply ridiculous...........and this centuries greatest war crimes? I HOPE you mean in the last eight years.......you know, the 21st century, because if you mean in the last 100 years, you are living on a different planet. As for the greatest war crimes since 2001, I can't remember a SINGLE "war crime" not created in the fertile imagination of the brain-dead left.
What, they didn't have a jury? in China, they'd have put these kids down like dogs, no bother in trying to give them a fair trial..... And for crimes a LOT less serious than murder. I agree, if you're 13 and a lookout, life is a harsh sentence. If you are 16 and pull the trigger.....see ya. BTW.......you should ask the inmates if they'd rather face a noose......
And they drop baby girls on the side of the road in remote forests to die. Doesn't that just make you want to move to China?
I don't THINK our system is superior....I KNOW it is superior.........we spent 800 years since Runnymeade developing a system that respects the rights of the individual.......
no civilization in history has made so many people so rich, and so free......because liberty not only frees the individual in his political or religious activities, it frees him to invent, to create, to imagine, to build, to innovate...........how many Nobel Prize winners in sciences from China? How many from the west? The Chinese are gaining power in the world because of their population......and the technology handed them from western hands......or stolen. 1000 Chinese spies to steal technology....in Canada alone.
I see you have been around for a long time, because I am reading back some of the very things I have set forth in earlier posts. How many Nobel Prizes has the US won compared with _____?
The Mexicans are gaining power in the world because of their population, certainly not because of any contributions they have made to anyone. Similar analogy.
EXCUSE ME?????!!!!!!!!!!
Sometinmes, in the USA, and it is usually volunteer, and they ALWAYS get paid. NOT slavery.
Listen, sonny, I've spent almost 40 years fascinated with politics, history, and the development of western civilization............I actually went to school and got a degree, a major in History, a minor in poly-sci, in which my GPA was 4.1.....and I've never stopped reading in the subject, and I sure as hell don't need insults from ignorant little pissants like yourself that are so ****ing spoiled by their priviledge that they don't even know how damned lucky they are.
Listen, doodle bug (pretend you understand this), I've spent almost 40 years fascinated with psychology, statistics and human development......I actually went to school and got a degree in psychology, a minor in statistics. I graduated valedictorian in high school and summa cum laude in college. I agree with you. Why? Based on our best friend's travels in China, and his home spun assessment. He has travelled for about 15 years, and his comment is: "I ain't lost nothing in China. I wanna go home to Texas where life ain't so cheap." I paraphrase.
I withdraw the request.
Until you grow up, pull your head out of your arse, and look around, thinking is an impossibility for you. Obviously.