Fitna: A controversial short movie on Islam


Time Out
Nov 21, 2004
Nice piece of propoganda...I bet the UAC damn near came in their jeans when they first saw it.


Time Out
Jan 5, 2006
Lots of reasons why youtoube might ban it. Copyrighted content for example.

Selected passages from the Qu'ran out of context, interlaced with 9/11 scenes isn't manipulative propaganda?

Islamic extremists could make a similar movie using selected Bible/Torah passages interlaced with recent scenes from Qana or Fallujah.


...The shelling of Qana took place on April 18, 1996 in Qana, a village located southeast of Tyre, in Southern Lebanon, when Israeli artillery attacked a UN compound in the village where 800 Lebanese civilians had taken refuge there to escape the fighting, of whom 106 were killed and around 116 others injured. Four Fijian United Nations Interim Force in Lebanon soldiers were also seriously injured...

...Amnesty International conducted an on-site investigation of the incident in collaboration with military experts, using interviews with UNIFIL staff and civilians in the compound, and posing questions to the IDF, who did not reply. Amnesty concluded, "the IDF intentionally attacked the UN compound, although the motives for doing so remain unclear. The IDF have failed to substantiate their claim that the attack was a mistake. Even if they were to do so they would still bear responsibility for killing so many civilians by taking the risk to launch an attack so close to the UN compound."...


...The 2006 Qana airstrike was an attack by the Israel Air Force (IAF) on a three-story[1] building in the small community of al-Khuraybah near the South Lebanese village of Qana on July 30, 2006, during the 2006 Lebanon War in which 28 civilians were killed, about half being children.[2] The move came amid increasing calls for a cease-fire in the conflict between Israel and Lebanon's Hezbollah guerrillas.[3]

Initial media reports stated that more than 50 people, including 37 children, had died[4][5], though later reports revised this to a lower figure of 28, including 16 children, with 13 people reported missing.[6][7][8] Residents dug through the rubble with their hands, searching for survivors as bodies were removed. Video broadcast by Arab TV showed the bloodied bodies of women and children who appeared to be wearing nightclothes.[3]According to the Israel Defense Forces, the bombing was an attempt to stop Katyusha rockets being fired by Hezbollah into northern Israel from the village over a two-week period...

800 Civilians Feared Dead in Fallujah
by Dahr Jamail

BAGHDAD -- At least 800 civilians have been killed during the U.S. military siege of Fallujah, a Red Cross official estimates.

Speaking on condition of anonymity for fear of U.S. military reprisal, a high-ranking official with the Red Cross in Baghdad told IPS that ”at least 800 civilians” have been killed in Fallujah so far.

His estimate is based on reports from Red Crescent aid workers stationed around the embattled city, from residents within the city and from refugees, he said.

”Several of our Red Cross workers have just returned from Fallujah since the Americans won't let them into the city,” he said. ”And they said the people they are tending to in the refugee camps set up in the desert outside the city are telling horrible stories of suffering and death inside Fallujah.”

The official said that both Red Cross and Iraqi Red Crescent relief teams had asked the U.S. military in Fallujah to take in medical supplies to people trapped in the city, but their repeated requests had been turned down.

A convoy of relief supplies from both relief organisations continues to wait on the outskirts of the city for military permission to enter. They have appealed to the United Nations to intervene on their behalf.

”The Americans close their ears, and that is it,” the Red Cross official said. ”They won't even let us take supplies into Fallujah General Hospital.”

The official estimated that at least 50,000 residents remain trapped within the city. They were too poor to leave, lacked friends or family outside the city and therefore had nowhere to go, or they simply had not had enough time to escape before the siege began, he said.

These events were shown on Arabic news much the same way as 9/11. The 1 billion + Muslims don't need a Qu'ran to be angry with the west.


Time Out
Mar 16, 2007
Red Deer AB
I kind of like the 2nd comment, don't know what Church he popped out of but 'not killing' was somewhat down the list.
Apparently Muslims can now take credit for the USS Cole, I wonder who Israel managed to get them to take the heat for that one.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I kind of like the 2nd comment, don't know what Church he popped out of but 'not killing' was somewhat down the list.
Apparently Muslims can now take credit for the USS Cole, I wonder who Israel managed to get them to take the heat for that one.

Ah....I guess you should google "USS Cole".

What do the Israelis have to do with it?

Who the Hell did you think did it.....radical Baptists?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I like the film because it does an excellent job of putting the lie to the myth that Islam is "a religion of peace".

hat BUNK!

One can argue that Christian violence is contrary to the New Testament..............and indeed, early Christianity was essentually pacifist in nature.

Meanwhile Mohammed conquered the Arabian Peninsula, murdering all pagans that would not convert........

No such argument possible with the Koran.

The barbarians are INSIDE the gates of Europe............


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
For those of us without high-speed....only dial-up...

Could someone be so kind as to provide a precis of the content provided..?


Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
These events were shown on Arabic news much the same way as 9/11. The 1 billion + Muslims don't need a Qu'ran to be angry with the west.

....and these events were inspired by and justified by using passages from the Torah and Bible? These attacks were aimed at killing Muslims specifically BECAUSE THEY ARE Muslims?


Hall of Fame Member
Aug 30, 2005
I think MHz might be thinking about the USS Liberty that was bombed by Israel.

Just the Facts

House Member
Oct 15, 2004
SW Ontario
I kind of like the 2nd comment, don't know what Church he popped out of but 'not killing' was somewhat down the list.

Yeah. I'm no theologian but I never got the impression they were ranked in any order of priority. :smile:

Apparently Muslims can now take credit for the USS Cole, I wonder who Israel managed to get them to take the heat for that one.

Sorry I'm missing something there. Was there ever any question? Did they not brag about it?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
For those of us without high-speed....only dial-up...

Could someone be so kind as to provide a precis of the content provided..?


The film simply shows quotes from the Koran than encourage the massacre of non-Muslims, and especially Jews.....interspersed with film and newspaper clippings of 9-11, the Spanish train bombing, the London transit bombings, various beheadings, the rantings of radical Muslim clerics in Europe and the ME, some speaking of Islam conquering the world as an inevitability, "man-on-the-street" chats with Muslims praising honour killings, articles on female circumcision, some on the murder of van Gogh, the President of commentary, just the Koran and news items, until the very end, in which the film maker provides an illustration of the growing number of Muslims in the Netherlands......(less than 1000 in 1960, almost a million today) and Europe (54 million today), and pleads for an end to accomadation and appeasement, and calls for a defense of freedom and western civilization.

Makes sense to me.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006

Will arms solve the problem?

I'd opt for education and reasoned discourse...even dialogue if its possible.

I'm tired of war Colpy.


House Member
Jun 9, 2006
Hey Bear!

I haven't been able to see the material provided but from Colpy's precis it would strike me as distrubing as well. But then I was distrubed with burning kindergardens and bombed busses in Ireland.....

Whle we perhaps ought to feel disturbed by these kinds of images, is the real purpose in presenting them a denunciation of war and violence or is it a means of focussing hatred and fear?