British soldiers kill Mahdi Army commander in Iraq raid


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
British troops kill Mahdi Army commander in raid

26th May 2007
Daily Mail

Heroes: some British soldiers on patrol in Iraq

A notorious Iraqi insurgent commander was killed in a raid by British troops in Basra yesterday as his spiritual leader emerged from hiding to rally his Mahdi Army forces.

Abu Qader, who led the Mahdi Army in Basra and was wanted for a string of attacks on allied troops, was shot as he emerged from the movement's office in the city.

Iraqi police initially said the 23-year-old leader was killed by 'British soldiers', but UK officials played down their involvement and insisted he was shot dead by Iraqi special forces.

Abu Qader's death came hours after the radical preacher Moqtadr al-Sadr emerged from four months of hiding.

Radical Shiite cleric Muqtada al-Sadr is seen in Iraq after a four-month exile in Iran

He has been sheltering in Iran during the security crackdown by U.S. forces in Baghdad but returned in a motorcade to the holy city of Najaf and preached a sermon to his followers.

Al Sadr, whose Mahdi Army militia is blamed for fanning the flames of violence in southern and central Iraq, led the crowd in anti-American and anti-Israeli chanting and demanded an end to the 'occupation' of Iraq by foreign forces.

Abu Qader was believed to be Al Sadr's commander in Basra. He spearheaded the Mahdi Army's recruitment and provided weaponry, according to British officials, as well as being involved in criminal racketeering and intimidation.

A UK military spokesman said the raid was planned and executed by Iraqi special forces troops, with the British acting as 'advisers'.

Abu Qader was said to have 'resisted arrest' as he left the office in the Hay al Antiza district of Basra and was shot dead.

Last night British forces were braced for a backlash from locals, although a Mahdi Army official insisted their response would consist of 'political resistance'.

He said Abu Qader and two of his aides had been ambushed as they left Friday prayers.

British troops have stepped up raids in Basra in recent weeks, hoping to achieve a rise in security so the area can be handed over to Iraqi forces in the coming months.

Moqtadr al-Sadr is apparently trying to reposition himself as a nationalist leader in Iraq, expanding his support beyond his fanatical Shia Muslim followers.

Yesterday, he presented a relatively moderate message, urging his fighters to avoid conflict with Iraq security forces. Instead, he said the militia should turn to peaceful protests.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
This I guess is supposed to be good news.
With the number of Mehdi army mambers in the regular Iraqi army working jointly with "coalition" forces, this move could result in some kind of serious troubles tho.
And IF this is a war I don't understand how someone fighting on the enemy side could be cast a a "bad guy" for fighting the enemy who has over-run their country.
All this macho chest-beating "we GOT 'em" style stuff is REALLY dumb at this point.
EVERY time a "corner is turned" stuff gets worse, which is usually characterized as the "insurgents are desperate cos they know they're gonna lose" but I don't see how them pretty much consistently achieving their objectives and driving coalition forces out of large areas is "losing" exactly.

When is this silliness going to stop, I have to wonder- does anyone believe storieslike this anymore, especially the way they're presented?