Terrorist Barbarians Inside The Gates Of Civilization

Terrorist Barbarians Inside The Gates Of Civilization

A deadly Trojan horse has been placed in the midst of the metropolises of Western civilization and, like Troy, is threatening its destruction. Throughout Europe, North America, Asia, and Australia, the belly of this deadly horse is already bursting open delivering and unleashing a horde of fanatic barbarians on the cities of the civilized world, whose holy agenda decrees the wiping out of Western institutions and their open, tolerant and free societies, and the genocide of their peoples by the fire of Allah's hell...

READ full article-- http://power-politics1.blogspot.com


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
RE: Terrorist Barbarians

You must be referring to ultra fascist right winger Michael Savage who called for the extermination of 100,000,000 Muslims.