Day of Prayer


House Member
Dec 1, 2005
Independent Palestine
So this Day of Pray thingy in America, seems to be hijacked by Monkey boy Bush and his neo-con christian supporters. With the speech Bush said about acknowledging this day which is suppose to be open to everyone appears close minded, and based on Christianity, which is why God was left out of the Constitution when America became a country. So when America becomes a real Christian 'hellhole' I don't think it will approve its foreign image.


New Member
May 4, 2006
I am new here, and I may be jumping in - but let me tell you something, America is a wonderful country and the escallade in problems is visible more and more the more people try to exclude GOD from the United States, which is what the US was founded on in the first place. Anyone who does not appreciate the US should take advantage of one of our many freedoms AND GET THE HECK OUT!!!


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
ABEallen, you present an interesting argument; however, I disagree. I don't think that the rights and freedoms enjoyed by the United States of America are rooted in God, nor do I think that an escalation in problems can be attributed to "Godlessness", or anything of the sort. When you say "[a]nyone who does not appreciate the [United States]", are you referring to the country, or to God?


New Member
May 4, 2006
hmmm, I am referring to the people, those Americans, and others, who have lost site of what America was truly founded upon, back when your word meant something and a handshake sealed the deal - honor, respect for your neighbor, respect for authority - u see where I am with this


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
Re: RE: Day of Prayer

ABEallen said:
I am new here, and I may be jumping in - but let me tell you something, America is a wonderful country and the escallade in problems is visible more and more the more people try to exclude GOD from the United States, which is what the US was founded on in the first place. Anyone who does not appreciate the US should take advantage of one of our many freedoms AND GET THE HECK OUT!!!

Oh good. A religious zealot who can't spell or use the rules of grammar telling me to get out of the country.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
Jersay said:
So this Day of Pray thingy in America, seems to be hijacked by Monkey boy Bush and his neo-con christian supporters. With the speech Bush said about acknowledging this day which is suppose to be open to everyone appears close minded, and based on Christianity, which is why God was left out of the Constitution when America became a country. So when America becomes a real Christian 'hellhole' I don't think it will approve its foreign image.

I'd advise you to read the US Constitution again.

God most certainly IS included.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
I think not said:
He most certainly is not Colpy. are correct ITN. I was being dumb-ass, thinking of the Declaration of Independence. Apologies.

However, I get on my high horse about this because what is NOT in the US Constitution is anything that mandates separation of church and state...........aside from the words "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion", which refers, of course, to an official state religion like the Church of England, led and financed from inside the state's institutions.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Colpy, let me just first say I enjoy reading your posts tremendously. I find you to have clarity in politics and thought. You have the ability to condemn that which you admire when you see fit to do so. You and a few others are what keeps me on Canadian Content.

In reference to God in the Declaration of Independence (God is implied 4 times, but the word God I believe is what you are referring to):

When in the Course of human events it becomes necessary for one people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with another and to assume among the powers of the earth, the separate and equal station to which the Laws of Nature and of Nature's God entitle them, a decent respect to the opinions of mankind requires that they should declare the causes which impel them to the separation.

The religious references in the Declaration are unmistakably deistic: it's clear that the references are not to the revealed God of Christianity.

In terms of the separation of church and state, be cautious when you try to interpret the US Constitution, it must be accompanied by texts that discover the intent of the founding fathers (as is normally the case with any Constitution)

Thomas Jefferson referring to the Establishment Clause of the First Amendment; "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof . . . .", wrote a letter to the Danbury Baptists assuring them no religion will dominate in government, and he used the famous phrase previously uttered by the theologian Roger Williams, a wall of separation;

Believing with you that religion is a matter which lies solely between man and his God, that he owes account to none other for his faith or his worship, that the legislative powers of government reach actions only, and not opinions, I contemplate with sovereign reverence that act of the whole American people which declared that their legislature should “make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof,” thus building a wall of separation between church and State. Adhering to this expression of the supreme will of the nation in behalf of the rights of conscience, I shall see with sincere satisfaction the progress of those sentiments which tend to restore to man all his natural rights, convinced he has no natural right in opposition to his social duties.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Canada does mention "God" in its Constitution Act, 1982 ("WHEREAS Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God..."), the Senate of Canada discussed the suggestion of removing the phrase, and opted not to make any such recommendation, because the phrase was found to refer to a "higher power", or sort of "providence", rather than the Christian God, and that therefore, the phrase was in keeping with the premise of a secular nation.


Council Member
Mar 10, 2006
I don't think religion should be involved in the government and that Canada should become a secular country. We should also ban religous parties, such as the Christian Heritage Party.

I think not

Hall of Fame Member
Apr 12, 2005
The Evil Empire
Five, I would have to disagree with you on your interpretation of “WHEREAS Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God...". We have discussed this multiple times.

When your head of state is Defender of the Faith (we all know which faith that is) and your government funds Christian schools with public money, and your Constitution of 1867 explicitly details funding of these schools, you have no separation of church and state. You are, in my opinion, caught between your traditions and secularism.

The right in Canada has a base to work off of, the right in the US is basing everything on myth, they have no leg to stand on.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.

Thanks much for the compliments, and right back at ya. :)

Thanks as well for the quotes from Jefferson.........I was unfamiliar with it.



Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
That is true, I think not.

However, in modern times, the role of Her Majesty the Queen as the Defender of the Faith has no effect in Canada. It is used as a part of her title in documentation, exclusively, as per the Royal Titles Act, I believe (I may have the short title of the Act incorrect).


Electoral Member
Jan 11, 2006
Calgary, Alberta
Re: RE: Day of Prayer

thecdn said:
ABEallen said:
I am new here, and I may be jumping in - but let me tell you something, America is a wonderful country and the escallade in problems is visible more and more the more people try to exclude GOD from the United States, which is what the US was founded on in the first place. Anyone who does not appreciate the US should take advantage of one of our many freedoms AND GET THE HECK OUT!!!

Oh good. A religious zealot who can't spell or use the rules of grammar telling me to get out of the country.

"If you don't agree with the particular view I am peddling than you can take your freedom hating ass and get out of my country!"


The religious right can be annoying at times.
