W.H. Correspondents Dinner: Bush Kills, Colbert Bombs.
by Allahpundit
April 30, 2006
Turns out comedy is best left to the amateurs.
Tough night for Colby, who must have regarded this gig as a chance to play the Super Bowl on his home field. Watch the clip and see for yourself whom the crowd ended up rooting for. Crooks & Liars called the performance “dynamite,” which is close to the truth only insofar as it’s a munitions metaphor. Read Captain Ed for details.
In Colbert’s defense, he might not have been playing for laughs. The dissident posture is very important to our friends on the left; if SC had kept things light and wasted his opportunity to speak “truth” to power, they’d have crucified him for it. As it is, the moonbats will be building statues of him tomorrow. To paraphrase another delusional comedian who wasn’t as funny as he thought he was, better to be Kos for a night than a schmuck for a lifetime.
Although, those two aren’t exactly mutually exclusive, are they?
The Link also has the Video.
President Bush's comedy skills killed as Colbert bombed not to say Colbert isn't funny because he is on his own show but this night he was like a Fish out of Water. What the hell was Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame doing there? Wow she must have gotten over of her fear of being seen in public since her so called CIA Cover was leaked, or was that fear already gone from the Vantiy Fair Photo Shoot?
Of course the Anti-Bushies will have nothing but negative comments about President Bush, then again what else is new?. :roll: