W.H. Correspondents Dinner: Bush Kills, Colbert Bombs.

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006

W.H. Correspondents Dinner: Bush Kills, Colbert Bombs.
by Allahpundit
April 30, 2006
Turns out comedy is best left to the amateurs.

Tough night for Colby, who must have regarded this gig as a chance to play the Super Bowl on his home field. Watch the clip and see for yourself whom the crowd ended up rooting for. Crooks & Liars called the performance “dynamite,” which is close to the truth only insofar as it’s a munitions metaphor. Read Captain Ed for details.

In Colbert’s defense, he might not have been playing for laughs. The dissident posture is very important to our friends on the left; if SC had kept things light and wasted his opportunity to speak “truth” to power, they’d have crucified him for it. As it is, the moonbats will be building statues of him tomorrow. To paraphrase another delusional comedian who wasn’t as funny as he thought he was, better to be Kos for a night than a schmuck for a lifetime.

Although, those two aren’t exactly mutually exclusive, are they?


The Link also has the Video.

President Bush's comedy skills killed as Colbert bombed not to say Colbert isn't funny because he is on his own show but this night he was like a Fish out of Water. What the hell was Joe Wilson and Valerie Plame doing there? Wow she must have gotten over of her fear of being seen in public since her so called CIA Cover was leaked, or was that fear already gone from the Vantiy Fair Photo Shoot?

Of course the Anti-Bushies will have nothing but negative comments about President Bush, then again what else is new?. :roll:


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
RE: W.H. Correspondents D

At least Stephen Colbert only had one bad night, and didn't run up the trade deficit as a result

And why is it that the phrase "president bushs comedy skills" sounds so...... artificial???


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
mabudon, Colbert only bombed from the the perspective of those too dense to see how ludicrous Bush's presidency has been:

If there was any doubt about Stephen Colbert's genius, it evaporated at the White House Correspondents dinner.

Jon Stewart, God bless him, serves up the clip that shows you the President is an idiot. He works in the noble tradition of satire, and he can do it for years and years so long as there are white men in brogues who are stupid and powerful.

Colbert, God love him, goes much further. His is a high-wire act that could go down in flames at any moment. For he doesn't satirize our idiot government and gutless media, he becomes the biggest idiot of all. He's the true believer, the guy totally on message, the loyalist who would give his all for the Commander-in-Chief.

And he never breaks the character. Which is amazing. We're rolling on the floor, wetting our pants, weeping with laughter, and he's still hammering home views that make Hannity and O'Reilly sound like moderates.
No wonder Bush left in a snit. He got shown up for what he is --- by someone who pretends to love him.

More here...

Johnny Utah

Council Member
Mar 11, 2006
pastafarian said:
mabudon, Colbert only bombed from the the perspective of those too dense to see how ludicrous Bush's presidency has been:

If there was any doubt about Stephen Colbert's genius, it evaporated at the White House Correspondents dinner.

Jon Stewart, God bless him, serves up the clip that shows you the President is an idiot. He works in the noble tradition of satire, and he can do it for years and years so long as there are white men in brogues who are stupid and powerful.

Colbert, God love him, goes much further. His is a high-wire act that could go down in flames at any moment. For he doesn't satirize our idiot government and gutless media, he becomes the biggest idiot of all. He's the true believer, the guy totally on message, the loyalist who would give his all for the Commander-in-Chief.

And he never breaks the character. Which is amazing. We're rolling on the floor, wetting our pants, weeping with laughter, and he's still hammering home views that make Hannity and O'Reilly sound like moderates.
No wonder Bush left in a snit. He got shown up for what he is --- by someone who pretends to love him.

More here...
Nice Try Crooks&Liars is a Liberal Moonbat Anti-Bush website, keep digging for your Anti-Bush material. :lol: :lol:


Electoral Member
Oct 25, 2005
in the belly of the mouse
keep digging for your Anti-Bush material.

Digging for anti-Bush material is like digging for air :lol:

More about Colbert and why the cowardly MSM (including, shamefully, the CBC) are trying to pretend that Colbert doesn't have more balls than all of them combined:
The story could just as well have been Bush and Laura's discomfort and the crowd's semi-hostile reaction to Colbert's razor-sharp barbs. In fact, I would guess that from the perspective of newsworthiness and public interest, Bush-the-playful-president is far less compelling than a comedy sketch gone awry, a pissed-off prez, and a shell-shocked audience.Why do they want to act like Colbert's appearance didn't exist, or if it did, was just an ordinary, run of the mill White House Correspondents Dinner act? It wasn't...but the MSM clearly wants you to believe that it is.

Meanwhile, the reviews from the different sides of the blogosphere are predictable. Those on the left are championing Colbert; those on the Right say he fell flat. Of course, those on the Right are ignoring the fact that Colbert wasn't necessarily playing to the audience in the room - he was playing to his audience.

The audience in the room is used to hearing light-hearted insider jokes that make them feel like they know things others don't (of course they do). They want to feel like they are getting something edgy only without any actual edge. They got something edgy, satirical and hilarious...but weren't prepared.

I hate to break it to those on the Right ... but Colbert's performance was a success. Who wants to bet that more peopel tune into the Colbert Report on Monday night? I mean, over 22,000 people have already watched it on YouTube. The general public has spoken and, despite the wants of the mainstream media and those on the Right... they like what they saw.

From Here.


Metal King
Mar 15, 2006
Golden Horseshoe, Ontario
RE: W.H. Correspondents D

Okay, sorry it took me so long but I had to DL the grainy version and it took a LONG time..

Well, I think Pastafar-I said it best already, Colbert wasn't exactly going fo laughs...
The TENSION in that room was totally remarkable, I would have to say that a lot of attendees were afraid of even acknowledging there was a guy with a mic saying this stuff right in front of the POTUS... I was even a bit surprised at a couple of the things he said in the bit...

The mock press-conference also had some golden bits in it... I liked when he grabbed the security phone in the parking garage "Hell, why DID we invade Iraq??"

But it wasn't a perfectly polished bit, either, it was sorta palpable that Colbert didn't intend to even get through the whole bit and was DAMN nervous about even doing the routine(I think he may have pulled a couple of punches on the fly from some of the gaps) - I,too,figured he would maybe be able to get a couple of minutes at most, given the content of his piece...

Either way, it's really funny that the MSM is pushing how he just wasn't funny as if it's a bad thing, the stuff he was drawing attention to isn't funny anyways, but the irony brought about by the POTUS' apparent disdain for hearing the truth or something like it was priceless- even Clinton took criticism better and I've heard he was the worst president EVER ;)

And this whole post is based on my own observations, not referenced to anything but my own point of view and the actual piece in question, just so the labels don't have to keep flying around


Electoral Member
Apr 12, 2006
North Lauderdale, FL
I watched the clip twice today and have read about a dozen web sites commenting about it. They must have all been left leaning Bush haters though because the concensus was that it was an astounding, brilliant performance.

Of course he was met by silence from the crowd in attendance. He was slamming them almost as much as Bush for their lack of putting the tough questions to Bush and holding him accountable.

To do what he did with Bush about 15 ft away was astounding, and to quote one poster I saw, "took testacles the size of Alpha Centauri."

He is now a hero to many of those who detest what this lying, dishonest, embarrassment of a president is doing to the US and the world.