France in 2040 will be mostly Muslim.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I bet not many people new that Jacques Chirac, France's (Al Francia's) president has a Muslim grandchild -

Al Francia.

Imagine that you are a cosseted member of the French elite. One child is doing the khâgne, aiming for rue d’Ulm. Another is now a politechnicien. You are very comfortable, working for the state. You and your spouse are journalists, or writers, or one of that vast tribe of people conducting “recherches” and life is comfortable, good, the way it should be. Yes, you do notice more and more Muslims about you as you walk, no longer in the banlieues, but in the center of Paris, or Toulouse, or Lyon. And you remember how uneasy you felt, four years ago, when you happened to be walking on the Cannebière in Marseille. You decided, then and there, that you would not return.

And you have friends who live in the south. And they tell you that the beurs – some call them maghrébins -- make life hell for everyone. They attack French children on the way to school. They vandalize cars. They threaten, and do more than threaten, anyone who is still foolish enough to walk out wearing a kippah or a cross. Whole areas of cities in the south, as in the north, and east, and west, have become off-limits to non-Muslims. In the schools, the teachers have lost authority. They cannot even cover the subjects of World War II, the Resistance, and the murders of the Jews as the state prescribes; they fear, with reason, the violent reaction of the Muslim students.

And as the schools become more and more dangerous for non-Muslim students and teachers, with more time and resources devoted to discipline rather than to learning, French parents and would-be parents are now silently factoring into their childbearing plans the present value of the future cost of what, they see, will now have to be added: private school tuition. And that means, of course, that those French people will plan on smaller families. And they will also be factoring in the growing cost, paid by them, those French taxpayers, for the whole expanding edifice of security, the guards in the schools, the guards at the train stations and métro stations and airports and at government buildings everywhere, the costs of keeping the gravestones from being vandalized, the costs of protecting the synagogues and the churches, the costs for all those tapped phones and agents in mosques, and subsidies to lawyers and judges to hear charges and try cases against Muslims, and the costs of monitoring da'wa in the prisons (more than 50% Muslim).

But the Muslims are indifferent to expenses incurred by the French state. France is part of the world; the world belongs to Allah, and to his Believers. That doctrine has remained immutable for 1400 years. Imam Bouziane, the one they keep trying to deport, had 16 children by two wives, all living on the French state: a representative Muslim man. Over time, the difference between average family size of Muslims and non-Muslims steadily increases. And, over time, the education system continues to disintegrate. Right now, perhaps, you cannot see it. Your children go to the best schools, followed by the best lycées. You vacation in Normandy, or Brittany, or the Ile de Ré. And you do not take the metro often enough, or walk in the right districts, or work in the right factories or offices, to understand what tens of millions of your fellow Frenchmen now have to endure. You, for the moment, are still immune, still willfully unaware. You have spent the last few decades learning about the Muslim world from Eric Rouleau, and his epigones (after they silenced Peroncel-Hugoz, the one journalist who reported the truth) in Le Monde. You are deeply-versed in the constantly reported-upon, endlessly dilated-upon, perfidy of the mighty empire of Israel. You know what we have all had dinned into us: that the Arab Muslims are reasonable people, with clearly-justified grievances, grievances so reasonable and so limited in scope, that justice demands they be satisfied. Everyone agrees on the “solution.” It is called a “two-state solution” and of course it is a “solution” for otherwise, of course, it would not have been called a “solution.”

And everything looks the way it always has looked: the linden trees, the river, the bridges, the réverbères, the étalage in the neighborhood boulangerie. Douce France, cher pays de mon enfance. At the end of the school day, chic mothers still congregate in little towns, or small cities, outside the school – this or that Ecole Jules Ferry -- waiting to pick up their children. Here come the littlest ones, from Maternelle, running up now -- just look at how small they are. And here are the CE1 group, with those huge cartables on their tiny backs. Run, run, run, to Mommy. Oop-la. And then the years of study, study, study marked by ever-larger cahiers -- "cahier" and "cartable" are the words that identify French DNA better than Piaf or gauloises, isn't that true? And now we will read the books, and study the subjects, set down so completely and precisely by the Ministry of Education. And now we are up to the final year, preparing for the Bac, with copies of blue-backed BALISES, guides to Les Châtiments and La Peau de Chagrin. And just look at the results listed in the newspaper: Claire-Alix has a mention très bien. Fantastic. Everything is fine, everything will always stay the same, whole countries cannot change. It’s not possible.

But it is changing, coming apart, quietly, slowly --let’s not look too closely, we mustn't pay too much attention -- the streets, the schools, the hospitals, the ability to speak the truth about things, about life as it is lived, la vita vissuta as they like to say in a neighboring country. Dominique de Villepin always knew there was nothing to worry about; he was born, after all, in Salé, next to Rabat, even spent a few years of his infancy there; of course he knows his Arabs, his Muslims. And surely Eric Rouleau, who for decades in Le Monde was the resident expert on the Middle East (he was so knowledgeable that he never had to so much as mention the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunna), surely he knew everything, didn't he? And those French translations of Edward Said that denounced with such passion the Islamophobia, and those vicious cliches with which the blind and rotting West has always caricatured the Arab Muslim world. Oh, we have been so terrible to the Arabs, we colonialists, we French, we Westerners. And then there is the never-ending outrage of Israel, that running colonial sore. Of course, they have every right, those Muslims, to come here to France. We went to their countries once, now they come to ours. And they have every right to hate us, don’t they?

So now we have decided not to understand, and to cut all ties of sympathy to, Israel -- and how did we ever have any sympathy for it in the first place, the way some of our parents did back in 1948 or 1956 or 1967? How could they not have seen what the "Palestinian people" had to endure? Hanan, Yasser, Said, Saeb, Aziz, Walid, Rashid, Mohammed -- you have won our hearts and minds. Take us, do with us what you will.

No one will mention what is happening or what kinds of things we must begin to think about doing to save ourselves. No one of any decency. And whatever Le Pen and Megret say, we must say the opposite (except, of course, when they show their hostility to "the Jews"). Do not say those things, do not think them. Free thought is all very well in theory, but really -- consider the consequences. Don't dare to think outside that box brimming with idées reçues. Défense de penser au dehors du box.

No, everything will be all right as you stroll down the Avenue Paule-Anne. Those Muslims will never be a match for us. Why, just look at those legionnaires marching à pas lent down the Champs-Elysées, think of that string of desert victories. Inside our heads, it is 1930 and over here is the Exposition coloniale. You remember, tu t’en souviens, that painting by le Douanier Rousseau, don't you, with the burnoosed Arab standing next to the black Senegalese? I have it right, don’t I? France will always be France. Nothing will ever change.

At a certain point, and despite everything that causes you not to see what is staring you in the face, you realize that something has gone irreparably wrong with your country, and you, and your children, are in danger of losing that country, down to every village and house, qui m’est une province et beaucoup davantage. And you do not know what to do, or how to explain this feeling to others, or in whom to confide your secret fears, or what can be done. It is so confusing, and so upsetting. You cannot vote for Le Pen. You cannot endorse "cowboy" Bush or those ridiculous Americans. You have no place to go.

And then you learn what Jacques Chirac -- who now has a Muslim grandchild himself -- and Dominique de Villepin, do not wish you to learn. For if you did, you might be very angry. You discover that 1 out of every 3 babies born in France today is a Muslim baby. And that means, in 20 years, one of every three 20-year-olds in France will be a Muslim twenty-year-old. And that means, twenty years after that, at present rates of reproduction, France will have a majority Muslim population. Where shall we hide the statues from Marly-le-roi? And the Venus de Milo? And what about all those paintings of animated life -- all those portraits in the Louvre, and the Grand Palais, and the Musée Guimet down there in linden-lined Aix, and everywhere else in art-filled artful France, mère des arts, des armes, et des loix -- that are absolutely forbidden according to the immutable strictures of the Qur'an. Should they be sent for safekeeping to those Americans across the seas? By then most of the Jews in France will have left, gone across the oceans for their own safekeeping, to Israel or to English-speaking Canada (they were worried about the Muslim population of Quebec, you see, which had been allowed to grow under the Province of Quebec's policy of encouraging francophone immigrants, preferring North Africans to potential immigrants from Italy, Greece, Spain), and above all, to America. What luck those Americans have had. No more bequests to France by the likes of the Rothschilds, or Nissim Camondo. No more Donations from another Pierre Lévy. Enjoy the Kufic calligraphy; some find it endlessly fascinating.

For the moment, you allow yourself to believe that something will come up. Most likely, all those Muslims will simply convert. I mean, they do that, don't they, quite easily I'm told. Of course, why didn't I think of it, that is exactly what will happen. The situation is always saved in time. Just like during the war. Nothing to worry about. Nothing.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
French Government censors birth announcements.

According to a newspaper from the Rhône-Alpes region:

"Following the #99-24 deliberation of the Commission Nationale d'Informatique et de Liberté (CNIL - National Commission of Computer-science and Freedom), which was recently confirmed by the Ministère de l'Intérieur (Interior Ministry), the list of newborns can not be published in newspapers anymore."

How can it be that the lists of births are under the CNIL authority? Only the names and last names of newborns are given...
...But this is precisely the problem: there are only Aishas, Muhammads, and Amadoos on that list!
So, we shall not know the proportion of Muslims and Africans among the newborns in France? Don't worry, I can give it to you, I have antennas in all the maternities of the Rhône-Alpes region. In the present day, 65% of births in France are from Muslims and Africans, mainly from polygamous families and from mutilated women.
We shall not evaluate how much time we have before being definitely subjected to sharia (Islamic law)? Or before our own French and Caucasian ethnos disappear from France? . . .


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
RE: France in 2040 will b

Considering Frace has banned headscarves and is implementing plans to actually DEPORT any muslim they see as unfit for French society, I highly doubt this'll happen.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
So is it really impossible to think that muslims can live in France without causing it to turn into some Taliban-style country?


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
RE: France in 2040 will b


Idiots, all of you are. The muslims in Québec have made a great contribution to Québec society and continue to do so.


Mar 24, 2002
I still say: I'd rather my European homeland remain European. They have their countries and nation-states, which are almost 100% their kind, why can't we? Europe is economically successful, and thats what lures these people to our countries in the first place... when it's all gone, do you think they will really have a connection to France, the UK and Germany? I highly doubt it. Most of these "French Youths" or immigrant enclaves inside of France do not even consider themselves remotely French or European. That includes the second and third generations (actually, even moreso).

Firsthand experience in Germany with muslim enclaves has not been good.

Blackleaf: I don't know why you are going after France about this.. I know also firsthand that ethnically British people are fleeing from British cities such as (especially) Manchester, London or even Birmingham.. these cities are, well, comparable to France's main cities.

(Edited for Clarity)


Mar 24, 2002
Also, read about Netherlands.. look at what Muslim corruption has done to their country. They're not only leaving their country en masse, but they're also in hiding!

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
I think a question many Canadians should ask themselves is what if it was a Canadian publisher who had published those would we feel about open immigration then?

I do agree with you Andem, that a large portion of foreign born population do not see themselves as "Europeans" or "Americans". When it is all gone I would not count on them sticking around. I do think that there is a difference when talking about immigration in Europe vs North America though. Seeing as how our relatively young history has been build on the backs of immigrants (given most were from Europe). I think people view immigration different here because we don't have the same history as most Europeans do.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
In my opinion, I would not think it to be "negative" if Canada were to become a Muslim nation, in terms of a majority of the population. As a Euro-Canadian (for lack of a better term — families descended from Britain and France), the population of Euro-Canadians is approximately equal to the population of Islamic-Canadians at my school, both populations of which being outnumbered by the Sikh population. I see no problems arising from this.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
I just have a hard time feeling sorry for europeans on this one. They spent centuries colonizing other lands, so now they don't like to see people come to their country because they'll change the culture? Well, then start breeding all you white Christian Europeans cause you need workers. I find it especially hard to take the French whining since there are so many jobs in their economy that they refuse to do. It seems like they think immigrants are fine if they do the dirty work, but they shouldn't be able to contribute to the culture of the country.


Council Member
Jan 26, 2006
RE: France in 2040 will b



Yeah that's the general consensus these days around the World. Religious idealism and total assbackwardness in arab nations has perpetuated this ideal. It's not our fault they can't exist normally in the 21st Century.

In my opinion, I would not think it to be "negative" if Canada were to become a Muslim nation, in terms of a majority of the population. As a Euro-Canadian (for lack of a better term — families descended from Britain and France), the population of Euro-Canadians is approximately equal to the population of Islamic-Canadians at my school, both populations of which being outnumbered by the Sikh population. I see no problems arising from this.

Yeah that's be real great Five. I'll see you at the mosque :roll:


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Just because a nation would become a majority of one population does not mean that the rest need to "conform," Mogz. Do you not believe my approximation of the populations here in the riding of Newton—North Delta? I can guarantee you that in my neighbourhood, Euro-Canadians are most certainly the visible minority.

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
Re: RE: France in 2040 will be mostly Muslim.

FiveParadox said:
In my opinion, I would not think it to be "negative" if Canada were to become a Muslim nation, in terms of a majority of the population. As a Euro-Canadian (for lack of a better term — families descended from Britain and France), the population of Euro-Canadians is approximately equal to the population of Islamic-Canadians at my school, both populations of which being outnumbered by the Sikh population. I see no problems arising from this.

Hopefully nothing stupid like this ever happens. When we are hit by a terrorist attack, or have people rioting in the streets threatening us because of cartoons, or muslim attitudes against homosexuals whereby we have them will be too late. Nothing wrong with mulism immigrants (properly screened) but I doubt our governments will allow Canada to become a muslim nation....not in my lifetime. I really cant understand the logic behind someone who would want to see Canada a muslim nation, other than he/she has no concept of the current situation in the world. I guess its common logic, if there is a certain high risk....the best scenario would be to surround ourself with that risk.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Hank C, I did not say that I wanted Canada to become a "Muslim nation" — rather, I said that I wouldn't have a problem with it — and please note that I mentioned in parentheses that I intended to imply "Muslim nation" in terms of population only, not in terms of policy or legislation.

Hank C

Electoral Member
Jan 4, 2006
Calgary, AB
Re: RE: France in 2040 will be mostly Muslim.

FiveParadox said:
Hank C, I did not say that I wanted Canada to become a "Muslim nation" — rather, I said that I wouldn't have a problem with it — and please note that I mentioned in parentheses that I intended to imply "Muslim nation" in terms of population only, not in terms of policy or legislation.

Let me get this straight, you don't think that if the majority of the population in Canada was muslim it would have an effect on govt policy or legislation...



Nominee Member
Feb 18, 2006
Rockglen, Saskatchewan
Populations move with time, the top religion of states change with time. Americas are primaraly of European christian decent but it wasn't like that 150 years ago nor will it France remain a Christian or Saskatchewan remain of European decent because of a return of the aboriginal population. Get used to it.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
It most certainly would have an effect; however, not as negatively as I think you would imply, Hank C. Heh, despite your attempts to prove otherwise, I am not a retard — I do think about these things. ;)

I have spoken to a number of Muslim friends and, while I cannot represent any older members of the Muslim population in saying this, I can say that a majority of the younger Muslim generation in Canada would not want to see Islamic policies instituted into law — in particular, Shari'a Law (which is vehemently unpopular among the young Muslim generation in Canada). I think that you would find, speaking to younger Muslims, that the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms represents more to them than does the Qur'an. The current generation is far more moderate, in my opinion.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
Re: RE: France in 2040 will b

Mogz said:
Yeah that's the general consensus these days around the World. Religious idealism and total assbackwardness in arab nations has perpetuated this ideal. It's not our fault they can't exist normally in the 21st Century.

Your the idiot that thinks all Muslims are like that.

This thread is filled with racism.

You know, we're kinda going back to how all us Europeans felt about the Jews before WW2. Only reason they arnt excluded from everything anymore is because of how they we're treated by the Nazi.

What all of you are doing is exactly the same thing.

Dispecable. Revolting. You should all be ashamed.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 19, 2004
Ottawa, ON
Re: RE: France in 2040 will b

Numure said:

Idiots, all of you are. The muslims in Québec have made a great contribution to Québec society and continue to do so.

There is a difference though: in Quebec, they can wear their headscarves quite freely and thus probably feel more willing to integrate into the society; in France's public institutions they can't, and that really rubs them the wrong way to say the least thus causing friction! Think of it as Yin and Yang; if you don't force them to assimilate, they'll be willing to at least integrate; if you froce them to assimilate, they won't even be willing to integrate.