Impeachment !! Bush jr.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Impeachment March on State of the Union Jan 31

December 27, 2005

We The People remind Congress that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution, from both enemies foreign and domestic. 1. Call or Fax Congress and let them know, impeachment or else. 2. Organize State of the Union MOSH II protest, gather in DC to put the pressure on Congress the week before the SOTU. 3. Jan 31st, surround the capitol building, project truth videos to the riot cops, remind them that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution.

Bush attempting to become Dictator of America

Dictator: a ruler who is unconstrained by law

Bush is asking Congress to officially announce that he is indeed above the law- in effect crowning him America's first dictator.

Spying on Americans without a warrant is expressly forbidden in the Constitution. Bush admitted to authorizing this unconstitutional act more than 30 times. This means Bush broke the law. There is no grey area here, Bush broke the law- period.

What's worse is that Bush knows he was breaking the law, and then continued to lie about it at his press conference Dec 19th when he claimed that he had this authority under the Constitution- an outright lie to America on National TV.

During a series of campaign speeches in 2004, Bush talked about wiretaps and claimed that a court order was always used in cases of domestic spying. We know now that this was untrue- Bush deliberately lied to his supporters on the campaign trail.

To all Bush Supporters: he looked in your face and lied to you.

But more importantly, this video proof of Bush on the campaign trail proves that he knew it was against the law to spy on Americans without a warrant... and he did it anyway as he lied to his followers.

Bush also lied when he said they were only monitoring international phone calls. A leak to NY Times reporter exposed that in fact, the NSA had "tapped into the main arteries" of America's telecommunications system. Supposedly looking for patterns of terrorist activity, they were monitoring all phone and email traffic in America.

Maybe they didn't authorize rogue agents to use this tool to identify dissenters... but they opened the door for such abuse to take place. That is a High Crime worthy of Impeachment.

NOWHERE in the Constitution does it mention Censure in regards to a President. Nowhere. Censure is for Congress to shame one of it's own, Impeachment is to be used in the case of a renegade President. Bush swore an oath to uphold and defend the Constitution. He broke that oath in a very serious manner and he must be impeached, or the rule of law is dead.

Censure is also BUllSHit for this reason- the repubs will sign on, then claim that's good enough, any calls for impeachment will be brushed aside as, "we already censured him." Censure is not good enough.

At this point, there is no need for an investigation. ZERO. All the evidence is in public. The President admitted to an impeachable offense on national tv.

If Congress does not hold Bush accountable, then they are telling the world that Bush is above the law- that he is dictator.

Plan of Action

We The People remind Congress that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution, from both enemies foreign and domestic. If they side with their buddy Bush, then they too are traitors and will be tried alongside Bush, Cheney & the Neocons when we finally arrest them.

1. Call or Fax Congress and let them know, impeachment or else.
2. Organize State of the Union MOSH II protest, gather in DC to put the pressure on Congress the week before the SOTU.
3. Jan 31st, surround the capitol building, project truth videos to the riot cops, remind them that they too took an oath to defend the Constitution.

one more thing... just say no to candlelight vigils- it's time to be loud and rockin' - check out these two samples from the upcoming Public Enemy reunion with special guest Paris.

( figured I would bite the bullet and start the thread for more articles are coming out with the "I " word now.

Hoping the new year brings about some massive positive , change in the USG with some new people /faces taking the forefront. And sure hope they are better than what we have seen for the last 5 yrs. )

the idea is to impeach the entire inner they are all criminals.


Governor General
Dec 20, 2005
Vancouver, BC
It's too bad that a President of the United States cannot be removed on the sole grounds of disapproval. If such were possible, or at least conventional, he would've been gone a long time ago.

Note Edited to correct a content-changing typo.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

a bit on the I-peachment thing...

excerpt from article:

“im-peach . . . 2. to call in question”
--Oxford American DictionaryRules matter. Only Congress has authority to impeach a sitting president in the political sense; but the private citizen has the ability to impeach a president by calling into question the president’s words and deeds

DOES the private citizen have the ability to impeach the president as described above???? IF so.........why the silence?? ( would guess that it is pure unadulterated FEAR of doing so.)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Martin Garbus: Impeachment is Now Real Martin Garbus
Wed Dec 28, 1:14 PM ET

An hour after the New York Times described Bush’s illegal surveillance program, I wrote on the Huffington Post that Bush had committed a crime, a “High Crime,” and should be impeached.

Was there then enough evidence to justify the beginning of an attempt to impeach the President?


Did the President have a good defense that he relied on Gonzalez, Ashcroft and the best lawyers in the country (in the Solicitor General’s and Department of Justice’s offices)?


Would any significant number of Americans of Congressmen then support such a process?


Given all that, would the turmoil and consequential turmoil have justified the start of that brutal process?


But that has all changed.

Because we shall soon see the consequences of those warrantless searches, the consequences of the government’s five years of secrecy, and even the citizens of the “Red States” will be outraged. Firstly, the warrantless taps will infect hundreds of “terrorist” and criminal cases throughout the country. Not only future cases, but past and present cases, even if there were convictions or plea bargains after the survellance started.

The defendants in “terrorist” and other infected criminal cases, the Court must find, must get access to everything, or very close to everything to make sure they were never improperly surveilled.

The Bush Administration, in these cases will refuse, as did the Nixon administration, to divulge information on national security grounds. Many alleged critical cases must then be dismissed. It will include Organized Crime and drug cases.

The entire criminal process will be brought to a standstill. Cases that should take six months to a year, will take three times as long, as motions go up and down the appellate ladder – as federal judges trial disagree with each other. Appellate Courts will disagree on issues so novel and so important that the Supreme Court will look at them.

Secondly, there will be an endless amounts of civil suits, that we can see will result in substantial damage awards. Commentators claimed there cannot be suits because no one has standing to challenge the surveillance. They are wrong. They do not remember the history of the Palmer Raids in the 1920’s, the surveillance in the Sixties and Seventies. The future will show both the enormous information the new technology has gathered but also the dishonest minimization of the extent of the surveillance.

That minimization is standard operating procedure for governments, whether they be run by Democrats or Republicans.

Thirdly, and most importantly, it is safe to preduct there will be coverups. This administration is not known for its candor.

The coverup starts by trying to get away with the vauge and meaningless defenses. Both Nixon and Clinton tried that.

When that doesn’t work, the coverup will be based on a foundation of small lies. Both Nixon and Clinton tried that.

We do not yet know what the FISA judges already fear – that they have been not just ignored by the executive but misused. The public shall also learn about the FISA judges’ misuse of the FISA courts and their warrants. The courts were created to permit eavesdropping and electronic surveillance, not physical break-ins.

But the facts will show that the Bush administration, with the knowledge, and at times, the consent of, the FISA judges, conducted illegal physical break-ins - break-ins that to this day, the involved person, is unaware of.

Were the results of these “terrorist” break-ins then given to criminal authorities to start unrelated prosecutions? Of course.

The American public will also learn what this Administration has thus far successfully hidden. When Bush came into office, he signed an Exeutive Order making all of his, and his father’s, papers privileged. The order, extending 12 years out, also says if the President is incapacitated, then a third person can execute the privilege. This means anybody – a wife, a family lawyer, a child. The order also says the Vice President’s papers are privileged. It is an extraordinary Executive Order – this has never been anything like this. No one ever suggested a Vice President has executive privilege. If we do not find out what they are hiding, we will see witholding on a scale never before seen. He will no longer be able to use 9/11 and the war on terror as an excuse. It will confirm the fact that illegality and secrecy existed long before 9/11, that it started as soon as Bush-Cheney-Rumsfield got into office. It will show deliberate attempts to avoid any judicial or legislative oversight of the illegal use of executive privilege.

Impeachment procedures will come not because of wrongdoing but because of the discovery of lies.

Both Nixon and Cliton faced impeachments because they lied.

It was inconceivable before the Nixon and Clinton impeachment procedures began that there could be, or would be a country or Senate that would be responsive to it.

In the Nixon case, it spiraled from a petty break-in – in Clinton’s case from a petty sexual act.

But what Bush has done, and will do, to protect himself is not petty. It goes to the heart of the government. He already has a history of misleading the public on the searches conducted thus far. As he and his colleagues seek to minimize the vast amount of data collection, the lies will necessarily expand to cover the wrongdoing. Bush can be brought down.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Impeachment !! Bush jr.

the caracal kid said:
the fear of reprisal would be a very viable reason why JWB has not been arrested for warcrimes while visiting foreign countries.

exactly how I see it too. Plus it is wiser that the US deal with him .......and I am starting to think they might. Notice too that even CNN is getting a lot more "verbal" in its description of the bush regime and antics.

He has been abusing the laws for far too long now.....and lying about everything. .... Interesting how he is admitting to certain issues now. Reminds me of an emboldened criminal who has gotten away with many illegal actions graduates to having to "boast " about it.. It builds on itself.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2005
Minnesota: Gopher State
Faith based fascism - the embodiment of Bushism:

Christ Inc.
Faith-Based Fascism
by Leilla Matsui and Stella La Chance
June 10, 2005

When a triumphal George W. Bush declared his intention to cash in on his “political capital” in the days after the election, he was merely reaffirming his commitment to hand over the reins of power to a higher authority than even Dick Cheney. The religious right, with its enormous political stake in the “End Times” outcome of America's latest Imperial misadventures in Iraq and Afghanistan, have seized upon Bush's continued pledge to transform the “Homeland” into a locked down religious theme park with the organizational zeal they had previously reserved for bilking gullible parishioners out of their social security checks.

Like Halliburton, Christ Inc. has become the latest recipient of taxpayer largesse, having won the contract to keep the media out of the news business, and to ensure that power speaks to truth, as opposed to the other way around. Purging the “news” of news is just the latest attempt by religious Brownshirts to stamp their poisonous insignia on every major institution that they don't control lock, stock and barrel.

In recent months the escalating violence in Iraq and mounting evidence of US-run torture chambers has been dutifully ignored by the Christian News Network, a.k.a. “The Missing White Girl Network” who never miss an opportunity, these days, to provide their theo-con masters with a platform to discredit the administration's naysayers and whistleblowers. Instead, news consumers get trumped up coverage of sensational celebrity trials, “heartwarming” tales of rescue and survival (always thanks to Jesus) and “special reports” revolving around the heroic law enforcement figures as they “secure our borders,” track down “terrorists”, and sniff out the latest Caucasian corpse du jour. The message has become implicitly clear: resistance is useless against an increasingly paranoid and authoritarian state apparatus that has its finger on the trigger, ready to blow away even unruly toddlers.

The endless parade of Christian pundits and security analysts on CNN these days is more than an attempt by the beleaguered cable giant to do one better than rival news corps in “outfoxing” the competition. Not content with FOX's spectacular success as the profit-driven propaganda arm of the US government, the religious right has set out to erase the distinction between the pulpit and the news desk across the media spectrum (never a wide one in the first place) -- a feat they have managed to pull off with the cooperation of the nervous corporate elites.

Just as the American definition of the term “liberal” to mean “far left” is laughingly at odds with its intended targets, i.e. House Democrats, Hollywood celebrities, and anyone who reads the news on air outside of FOX or any of its affiliates, the word “mainstream” is perhaps as much a misnomer when describing America's radically reconfigured media at the hands of bat wielding swastikas like Bill Frist and “Doctor” James Dobson.

The New York Times’ recent pledge to “improve” its coverage of topics relating to rural and Heartland American “values” is just another example of dunce-capped elites publicly denouncing themselves in a desperate, last ditch attempt to make nice-nice with the revolutionary zealots ransacking their offices. Similarly, the sacrificial offering of petty plagiarist Jayson Blair wasn't enough to please the “sore winners” of the right, who won't settle for anything less than unfettered control of the medium right down to the wire. Dan Rather's roasting of chickenhawk George Bush's National Guard service merely stoked the theo-con appetite for complete destruction at the personal and political level, and gave them what amounted to a green light to flatten, by any means necessary, every pocket of potential resistance in their path.

Obviously, the suppression of media-based dissent entails the purging if not complete destruction of PBS, and along with it, any remaining standard of integrity remaining in the television and radio broadcast industry. After being forced into resignation by a Bush administration ally who chairs the Corporation for Public Broadcasting, the indomitable Bill Moyers remarked:

We're seeing unfold a contemporary example of the age-old ambition of power and ideology to squelch and punish journalists who tell the stories that make princes and priests uncomfortable...One reason I'm in hot water is because my colleagues and I at NOW didn't play by the conventional rules of Beltway journalism. Those rules divide the world into Democrats and Republicans, liberals and conservatives, and allow journalists to pretend they have done their job if, instead of reporting the truth behind the news, they merely give each side an opportunity to spin the news.

Moyers was immediately declared “insane” by drug-addled propagandist Rush Limbaugh to his millions of self-described “dittohead” fans. There is no reason to believe that the last remaining example of independent investigative reporting on free television -- PBS’ Frontline -- will survive the remainder of Bushtail's term.

With every revelation of corruption and ineptitude at the leadership level, the lavishly funded, state-of-the-art neo-con spin machine goes into warp drive to ensure that anti-war voices are filtered through the rightwing of the Democratic Party, or more recently, stamped out altogether. As a result, the so-called “opposition” has adopted the neo-con rallying cry of “staying the course,” as if prolonging and escalating the war would somehow end it sooner rather than later, a strategy recently tested in Vietnam. Talk about a “victory strategy” for the masterminds behind the new and improved “Orwellian” media.

You would think that the Times’ support for the invasion of Iraq with fabricated “evidence” of Saddam Hussein's imaginary weapons program would have forced the regime to come up with more creative ways to impugn its potential critics than branding them “biased”. Then again, nothing mobilizes the disgruntled many to the cause of defending the wealthy few against the threat of taxes and secularism better than the lame “liberal media” canard. Or to paraphrase Joseph Goebbels, the Nazi Minister of propaganda, “The bigger and steamier your three-coiled whopper is, the likelier it will be swallowed wholesale by the common scum on the ground.”

Fascists have always relied on the willingness of so-called moderates on either side of the political aisle to make alliances with them against their common enemies of the Left. Hillary Clinton's recent decision to team up with her former tormentor, Newt Gingrich, on healthcare is another example of the Faustian bargains centrist elites are willing to make with thuggish extremists, hoping to score political points for appearing conciliatory. Similarly, John Kerry's doomed campaign strategy of offering voters a watered down version of White House theology by mildly condemning gay rights and abortion, didn't take into account that the anti-gay, misogynistic, market-worshipping Zionists of the religious right only put forth a pretend ideology based on “values” and “economics”. Upon closer inspection, this so-called agenda reveals only emptiness at its core, bereft of any ideas beyond a promise to use force when necessary against those who refuse to “get with the pogrom.”

The success of the Christian Right in dismantling all existing institutions and re-shaping them to their exact specifications depends on the ability of its leaders to provoke an exalted state of outraged-tinged euphoria within its rank and file members -- the “Hannitized” hordes who feel a raw emotional need to feel part of an enterprise engaged in exercising supreme power over a despised enemy. This can only be achieved by the full cooperation of the media, who fear their own irrelevance in a highly volatile political atmosphere even more than those who create these conditions in the first place.

After Hitler was elected German Chancellor in 1933, the novelist Thomas Mann noted in his diary that he was witnessing a revolution “without underlying ideas, against ideas, against everything nobler, better, decent, against freedom, truth and justice.”

Today's Hannitized hordes are every bit as eager as Hitler's little helpers to sell out their own political and economic interests for the privilege of basking in the reflected glory of those who talk loudest while carrying the biggest stick. Like all factory farmed meat machines, they yield to the voices that carry the most authority. If anything, they don't seem overly alarmed by the absence of “news” in the media, particularly in regard to Iraq, perhaps reassured by inanities like the Jacko trial or Pope-o-Rama. Their “mobilizing passions” are not stirred by any fully articulated philosophy beyond a heightened suspicion that their entitlements are being encroached upon by some demonized minority -- a point that Democrats and their cohorts in the corporate media have yet to grasp as they seek ways to accommodate them by purging their own institutional bases of “offending” doctrine. So far, they have only succeeded in emboldening the cross-bearing Brownshirts to violently upgrade their methods of rooting out dissent.

The “logic” of destroying a village in order to “save” it can be applied to the media at the executive and ownership level. Better to help engineer the takeover of your organization by bible wielding Brownshirts than to risk making enemies with these coup plotters, drunk on their recent successes in subverting every other major institution across the political and cultural landscape. Having looted and pillaged America's crumbling fourth estate, the information highway robbers may have pulled off their biggest heist yet.

Leilla Matsui is a freelance writer living in Tokyo, Japan, and mistress of the on-line journal, Rage Against the Washing Machine. E-mail her at: Stella La Chance is a disgruntled housewife living in suburban Ohio, who takes an amateurish interest in immature child psychology. She attends night school.


It is the Bush thought police who control the media thereby programming people into accepting him as some form of god. :twisted: That is why he has not been impeached.


Apr 3, 2005
Winchester Virginia
Impeachment in America is an all-encompassing
thing that shuts down both the White House AND
Congress. Hardly anything else gets done.

But also IMPEACHMENT has proven to be incredibly
educational as partisans advance their arguments.

But America is not at that point yet.

Much more investigation and exposure of
the incompetence and corruption (often this is
another form of idiocy and incompetence)
that usually occurs under secrecy
must be exposed first.

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
Oh, I'm sure the secret investigations will be in full swing by the time the '06 mid-terms roll around, Jimmy. The Democrats will be pushing hard for it and the Republicans will have to do something to distance themselves from Bush.

After the mid-terms the Democrats will be much more powerful and the investigations will begin to go public.

This is too big and too obvious to be ignored and Bush is losing control of the press. His numbers were just starting to come back up he's going to get nailed again.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
This is too big and too obvious to be ignored and Bush is losing control of the press.

indeed. Not that he should have been "controlling" it so much to begin with. It is interesting to see the talking heads even on CNN saying things that they would have stayed away from completely just a few months ago.

this will help to move things forward. Once the true power of the press is released again.......things can happen fast.

(I actually heard someone really go after bush last evening on CNN , and make excellent points. She lived to tell about it too.;-)

this would not have happened a wee while ago.

sick of sanitized news ..(but that is just me)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
in America is an all-encompassing
thing that shuts down both the White House AND
Congress. Hardly anything else gets done.

this is actually a very good thing. The dust can settle and more truths can come out. Some inactivity would be a nice change for a bit too. :wink: Give everyone a chance to catch their breath so to speak and begin to see things for what they really are.

......and reflect on it some too. ( quietly)

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Impeachment !! Bush

Summer said:
Posting here just to get this to come up on my recent threads tomorrow... lots to read through.

yeah .........we have been busy. :wink: :)

nice to be able to give a thread a "bump".. :)


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
I'll give this a bump...

Rev. Blair and Breezy... the two of the biggest tards ever to use CanCon!

Gopher misses these days... so funny.