Protecting the Kids in New Jersey...


Council Member
Jun 6, 2005
Oklahoma, USA
I agree. If it were up to me, Jessica's Law would be implemented in every state. I'd go even further and increase the jail time from 25 years to life in prison!,2933,174551,00.html


Protecting the Kids in New Jersey...

Friday, November 04, 2005
By Bill O'Reilly

Protecting the kids in New Jersey, that's the subject of this evening "Talking Points" memo.

The only way Jessica's Law will be passed in all 50 states is for the folks to vote out governors who will not support it. The state of New Jersey, for example, has a tremendous problem with abused children. The child protection agency's chaotic. And predators often receive light sentences there.

Item, Raymond Ritter was sentenced to probation for molesting an 11-year-old boy. You guessed it, while on probation, he was charged with a sexual assault against another child. Item, Milton Moore served seven years in a Jersey facility after being convicted of assaulting a 14-year- old girl. He got out and was promptly charged with assaulting a 13-year- old girl. Item, Glenn Brock served four years, four years in a Jersey facility for sexual assault on a 13-year old girl. He got out, promptly raped a 12-year-old girl.

I could list many more cases, but you get the idea. New Jersey needs Jessica's Law. Child predators are getting out of prison far too early.

Now next Tuesday, voters in Jersey will elect the governor. The choice is between Senator Jon Corzine, a Democrat, and Doug Forrester, a Republican. Now "The Factor" doesn't endorse political candidates. We feel you know your local people far better than we do.

But in this case, Forrester will push for Jessica's Law. Corzine will not. So if you live in New Jersey, and you care about the kids, in my opinion, you got to go with Forrester.

Corzine's a classic liberal, a man who believes there is gray in pretty much every issue. We believe there is no gray in adults sexually assaulting children. You do it one time, you go to jail for 25 years. That's Jessica's Law.

That's what is needed in New Jersey and every other state in the union. And that's "The Memo."

The Most Ridiculous Item of the Day

As you know, I often criticize the print press, with good reason. But once in awhile, a newspaper person does treat me fairly. In that vein, a big thank you to Newsday reporter Samuel Bruchey, who wrote an interesting piece about our pal Stuart Smalley. Now, I've posted the piece on, if you care to see it. I don't think you will find it ridiculous. I think you'll find it very interesting.


Time Out
Jan 9, 2003
RE: Protecting the Kids i

I am a firm believer that child molesters have a basically zero chance of rehabilitation and even if they are caught and it is a so called first time offence, chance are it was just the first time they were caught and other victims are out there.

I think all people convicted of molestation should get life, no parole. These people are worse than people who murder.