Don't Write Off The Enquirer Bush Drunk Story Too Easily


Electoral Member
Jul 8, 2005
Wayne Madsen | September 23 2005

Much is being made of a recent National Enquirer report regarding George W. Bush's hitting the bottle. It should be noted that the Enquirer has historically hired legitimate journalist stringers who use pen names to mask their true identities, particularly on political stories.

The Bush boozing story is not a new one. The editor has heard of and written about Bush's drinking bouts since 2001. The "choking pretzel" incident had nothing to do with a pretzel but was a carefully contrived story used to cover up a Bush drinking spree that resulted in his passing out on a coffee table in the White House second floor residence and injuring his face. Ditto the numerous cases of Bush falling off a bike somewhere to explain further wounds on his face. Back in college, we used to call that getting "s**t-faced drunk." Apparently, Mr. Bush still thinks he's in college.

Frat boy George: Still getting "s**t-faced"

The White House press corps has been whispering about Bush's drinking over the past few years. None dare write or speak about it lest their credentials are lifted and further access cut off by the most vindictive White House in American history.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
the "story " confirms (as much as any can)....what I suspected for some time . Never bought into the pretzel / bike spill stories at all. each time he appeared with bruises (like he had been in a brawl)...... the first thought I had ...... "he fell off the wagon."

Wouldn't dismiss this story at all. Probably has more "truth " to it than any of the "official" stories .....that 'they' come up with.

the problem might be : the timing of its release. and who will pick it up......and run with it. Things are very messy at the moment and this would certainly fuel things even more. Bush and co. is way over extended funds and abilities. Suspect that bush wanted this job so bad because he saw how he /and his buddies could make some serious money ......during their tenure in office. Start a few wars......(war/profit) etc.

reality is .......bush cannot handle the job he wanted so bad. He is totally out of his depth and league. But sadly many of his supporters are just as blind as he is.