Dictatorship Rules United States


House Member
May 25, 2004
Sometime in early July, I expect Chief Justice William Rehnquist to resign from the Supreme Court because of his failing health. President Bush will then have the opportunity to select a new Chief Justice and a new Associate Justice. Other Justices will likely leave before he finishes his second term.

This news is not welcome. Bush has already shown a tendency to choose extremist judges for federal court. In fact, one of his appointees, Janice Rogers Brown, once said that the New Deal was “the triumph of our socialist revolution” (Source: http://www.blackcommentator.com/61/61_cover_rogers.html ). But what is worse is that the Republicans have persuaded Democrats to agree not to filibuster court appointees unless there are “extreme circumstances.” The Republicans still reserve the right to end the filibuster if they think the Democrats have abused the agreement.

We can’t trust President Bush to choose competent justices and judges. That is because he has abused power several times to get into office and in holding it.

Bush cheated to win the 2000 presidential election over Al Gore. He conspired with his brother, Jeb, the governor of Florida and Katherine Harris, the Secretary of State, to remove the names of thousands of likely Democratic voters from the voting rolls ( http://www.gregpalast.com/detail.cfm?artid=30&row=2 ). These voters were turned away at the polls, making the difference in the election results.

The mid-term election of 2002 also arouses suspicion. Polls showed a close race for control of the United States Senate. Shortly before the election, Bush demanded a vote on the authorization to use force in Iraq. He got that vote to go to war, which he called a “vote for peace.” Many Senators were afraid to vote against the President before Election Day.

Nonetheless, polls showed Democrats leading in enough Senate races to retain their lead in the Senate. Mysteriously, on Election Day, several Republicans who were expected to lose pulled off victories ( www.politicalstrategy.org/archives/000869.php ). Miraculously, the GOP got back control of the Senate and retained control in the House of Representatives.

Between the 2002 and 2004 elections, Bush continued to abuse power. He started a war against Iraq on false pretenses, telling the public (and the world) that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction and thus presented an imminent threat to the United States. A recent memo revealed that Bush fit the facts to support his conclusion that war was necessary, a crime ( www.politicalgateway.com/news/read.html?id=3712 ). Having set the “bait,” Bush proceeded to change his mind several times about why he used force against Iraq.

With hundreds of U.S. and thousands of Iraqi lives now gone, Bush still will not admit he was mistaken. He calls himself a “wartime president” with two wars to his credit.

Also, Bush shifted money allocated by Congress for the war in Afghanistan to the war in Iraq (Source: Plan of Attack, Bob Woodward, Simon and Schuster, 137). This action violates the Constitutional provision that the president execute the laws passed by Congress and may well have been an impeachable offense.

In late 2003, Bush pushed a Medicare drug benefit bill through Congress. When the House vote looked to go against him, Republicans extended the time period by which members could vote. This unethical tactic assisted in the bill’s passage.

The election of 2004 brought new allegations of Bush misconduct. Similar to 2002, exit polls showed Bush’s opponent, Senator John Kerry leading in several key states on Election Night (Source: http://baltimorechronicle.com/112204MargieBurns.shtml ). Yet mysteriously, buoyed perhaps by electronic voting machines with no paper trail and friends like Kenneth Blackwell as Secretary of State of swing-state Ohio, Bush was declared the winner of just enough states to win the Electoral College.

So we have a president who rigs elections and breaks laws to get what he wants. If that isn’t enough, he is going to make his own imprint on the Supreme Court with extremists who will back up his policies, like the Patriot Act, which intrudes upon our civil liberties.

I would suggest impeachment but the Republicans control the House and the charges would never get out of the Judiciary Committee. I would also suggest we plan to vote the Democrats back into control of the House and the Senate in 2006. But that assumes the vote won’t be rigged.

We are the victims of a conspiracy brought about by our government. If this were happening in any other nation, we would call it a dictatorship or a “banana republic.” The least we can do is to tell ourselves the truth. Only then can we seek the freedom we deserve.

Dean Hartwell is a political scientist and the author of Truth Matters: How the Voters Can Take Back Their Nation. He also founded the website, Hartwell Perspective: Truth Matters in Politics. See his website at www.deanhartwell.com.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
He calls himself a “wartime president” with two wars to his credit.

There seems to be a strategy behind calling himself a "war time" president.----- a self defined role of his choosing. In a time of war.......new rules apply. Rules that are more rigid, where "patriotisim" is exaggerated, but emphasized. So it would follow that maintaining his postion as "war time " prez......is an advantage to him as he can introduce measures that ordinarily would not be acceptable. It is all about control and more control.......which morphs gradually into a form of "dictatorship"

but then bush did say......."this job would be a whole lot easier if it were a dictatorship"..... which suggests his leanings immediately.

Of course the relgious right have so much influence now too.......so maybe it is more of a theocracy.

Or something new altogether. :?:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
mog: absolutely. The difference seems to be in the "language". Give things a more palatable label ( which the bush administration is very good at ).....and people can be blinded to the basic facts.

of course the fear factor , the dynamics of using fear is a large componant of this too:


all bush has to do is keep mentioning "terrorism" "terrorists", "security", "WAR" and being in a "war time".....albeit of his own creation......and the fear is there .......as this language penetrates the collective consciousness. Just as any controlling leader in history......be it dictator or some flavor of.......he has realized the power of instilling fear .......and maintaining fear. What is interesting is that he then tells people to go about their business as usual. implication being that he is the"father protector"........so the underlying message is that only he can protect the nation and its people.

every time people attend any major event the security is pronounced which in turn maintains the awareness of "must be careful, must be afraid"...."something might happen"
It does not take long for a certain parnoia to set in.......and people start seeing "terrorists " in every corner and shadow.

then of course along come those that say something stupid like "with us or with the terrorists".........( sheesh)--- which only confirms that they have been conditioned (ie brainwashed ) by the bush bilble of simple phrases. :roll:

then of course, when things get too quiet and people start to think for themselves again and question the realism of his words and actions........he runs a "terror alert". Just to bring them back into the "heel" position....


House Member
May 25, 2004
I totally agree with you. The American populace is brain-washed big time. They think terrorists are in every corner of their cities. They are in restaurants, movie theaters and so on. It is all in their imagination as they are brain-washed to believe his fear factor.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Re: RE: Dictatorship Rules United States

moghrabi said:
BTW - Do you like my Avatar? Reminds you of a fear factor?

pretty good. Kinda captures the essence don't it??? :lol: ( these must be the kind of images Americans take to bed with them at night as they lay their guns on the night stand. ) :wink:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Bush's fear tactics could easily backfire at him.......and the population itself.

People become immune after a while.......and then get more casual......and soon they laugh at the warnings, knowing that they are politically motivated......

so should anything serious happen.......they will be caught short again. The point is that they are so confused as to what is real and what isn't anymore.

this is the underlying stupidity of how the bush administration is doing things. (IMHO)

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
BTW - Do you like my Avatar? Reminds you of a fear factor?

I like the way the eyes seem to follow me around the room.

Bush's fear tactics could easily backfire at him.......and the population itself.

People become immune after a while.......and then get more casual......and soon they laugh at the warnings, knowing that they are politically motivated......

so should anything serious happen.......they will be caught short again. The point is that they are so confused as to what is real and what isn't anymore.

That's assuming there is another attack of course...at least from the outside.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
That's assuming there is another attack of course...at least from the outside.

hmm. Well, the last "attack" was not from the "outside". It was from within.......but most likely "controlled" from the outside. (and planned for some time. )

The tentacles of this kind of malignancy are unpredictable. Don't think there would be an attack from the outside......unless the US disses some well equipped nation off to the point of getting some serious revenge. OR a nation that has been verbally abused /threatened by the US decides on a "pre-emptive " invasion.

But......seems most nations know that the risk would be too high, and the outcome too disastrous .

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
hmm. Well, the last "attack" was not from the "outside". It was from within.......but most likely "controlled" from the outside. (and planned for some time. )

I was thinking more along the lines of the anthrax...which seems to have come from a US lab and was, oddly enough, directed mostly at Democrats. Not an outside thing.

There was also Timmy McVeigh and Teddy Kaczinsky. Insiders all the way.

If there really was a threat from radical Islamists, why haven't they blown up a shopping mall at X-mas?

Think about it...it's supposed to be (according to what the Bushites tell us) a religious war. They are targeting not just Christianity, but greed and excess (or commerce and freedom if you want to use the official words). A mall during x-mas shopping pretty much epitomizes all of those things.

Now, how hard would it be for these imaginary terrorists to blow up a shopping mall during the X-mas rush? There is no way to have adequate security. Everybody is carrying bags etc. A lot of boxes are wrapped up. In the northern states, everybody is wearing bulky winter clothing.

So why haven't they done it?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Rev: good questions ..all of them.

but it is very challenging to anticipate how "they" (whoever they are) think / and plan.

Maybe terrorizing a mall is too "obvious." Gotta admit ,the Anthrax situation was rather creative.....if scary.

One theory might be : The extremism that exists in the US provides an environment for the nut cases to act out. Many of these do so with a "religious" fervor.


New Member
May 25, 2005
This is not a true dictatorship in the absolute sense of the word, but it may as well be. Bush was voted into power twice, and I think one reason the margin was so narrow in last years' election was because though many people didn't want Bush, Kerry didn't seem all that great of an option, either.

Still, Bush was voted in with enough of a majority to have essentially absolute power over the USA. I am not aware of any policy he has sought to put in place that has been turned down. The only thing standing in his way are the existing Judges in federal courts, and if they pass away or retire, then certainly the Republicans will have their way in court as well, as far as issues such as abortion and same-sex marriage are concerned.

It has never been a secret that the Republicans and Religious Right share the same bed and have the same eventual goal of turning the USA into a theocracy where the rules in the Bible are the rules of the legal system. Depending on your standpoint, this is either a good thing, or carries the potential to make hte USA a very scary place.

I also agree with those that are comparing Bushs' rise to power with that of Hitler. Hitler was voted into power by a democracy. He was chosen in, and got the majority vote. Upon reaching leadership, he changed the system of government to one of a dictatorship so that his power was absolute. He changed everything. The main difference, however, between Hilter and Bush is that Hitler was a leftist, and Bush is on the right.

Still, the efforts for absolute control to gain the power to fulfill personal agendas remains the same. Bush seeks to roll over various undeveloped nations with his military to establish control. First Afghanistan, then Iraq.. I've heard mixings of Iran and North Korea, but I haven't been paying attention to Bush's next plan of action.

When interpreting how truthful someone is, you must always take into account not only what their mouths say, but what their actions say. Bush has said that he wants peace and to take down any nation that has weapons of mass destruction.. except his own, of course. He does not want any other country to be a potential military threat to his own. However, Iraq was obviously about oil, not arms. It has been proven there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. North Korea openly has proclaimed they have nuclear warheads that can span to the USA at any time. They've openly advertised this since before the USA entered Iraq. They were calling the US's bluff. They were successful.

Still now, years later, the US has not gone after North Korea. If Bush really wants peace and to eliminate potential terrorist countries, why ignore countries which have the weaponry to do terrible things, and aren't shy about it?

There is a hidden agenda to Bush's actions. He says things to appease the public, but clearly there is something else on his mind. I do not know what it is, and care not to speculate. I have not been paying close enough attention to care. We have issues in Canada that are taking more of my attention at this time. Still, I do not like Bush being in power and I only hope he does not undo the one thing that would prevent him from being in power again: the legislation that declares that no president can rule for more than 2 terms.


House Member
May 25, 2004
Re: RE: Dictatorship Rules United States

Azalie said:
I also agree with those that are comparing Bushs' rise to power with that of Hitler. Hitler was voted into power by a democracy. He was chosen in, and got the majority vote. Upon reaching leadership, he changed the system of government to one of a dictatorship so that his power was absolute. He changed everything. The main difference, however, between Hilter and Bush is that Hitler was a leftist, and Bush is on the right.

Same Pile of Shit. One is pile on the left, the other is on the right. But it is still shit. Sorry for my French.

Still, the efforts for absolute control to gain the power to fulfill personal agendas remains the same. Bush seeks to roll over various undeveloped nations with his military to establish control. First Afghanistan, then Iraq.. I've heard mixings of Iran and North Korea, but I haven't been paying attention to Bush's next plan of action.

I bet you Syria is next.

When interpreting how truthful someone is, you must always take into account not only what their mouths say, but what their actions say. Bush has said that he wants peace and to take down any nation that has weapons of mass destruction.. except his own, of course. He does not want any other country to be a potential military threat to his own. However, Iraq was obviously about oil, not arms. It has been proven there are no weapons of mass destruction in Iraq. North Korea openly has proclaimed they have nuclear warheads that can span to the USA at any time. They've openly advertised this since before the USA entered Iraq. They were calling the US's bluff. They were successful.

Except for Israel of course.

Still now, years later, the US has not gone after North Korea. If Bush really wants peace and to eliminate potential terrorist countries, why ignore countries which have the weaponry to do terrible things, and aren't shy about it?

They know better not to mess with them. They are not a peace of Cake. A bully only goes after the weak ones.

There is a hidden agenda to Bush's actions. He says things to appease the public, but clearly there is something else on his mind. I do not know what it is, and care not to speculate. I have not been paying close enough attention to care. We have issues in Canada that are taking more of my attention at this time. Still, I do not like Bush being in power and I only hope he does not undo the one thing that would prevent him from being in power again: the legislation that declares that no president can rule for more than 2 terms.

He might do that. Not sure, but his brother might extend his dictatorship.