A Lie of Historic Proportions


House Member
May 25, 2004
Activism / From After Downing Street Dot Org
Posted by downing on Jun 05, 2005 - 10:11 PM

Iraq has been the tragic Lie of Historic Proportions of Washington, DC since before the first Gulf war.

For years, Saddam was one of our government’s propped up and militarily supported puppets. Many people have seen the famous footage of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam. I suppose the two are smiling so big for the cameras because they are kindred spirits. After all of the hand-shaking and weapon brokering, when did Saddam become such a bad guy to Bush, Cheney, Halliburton and Co.? (Insert your favorite reason here).

During the Clinton regime the US-UN led sanctions against Iraq and the weekly bombing raids killed tens of thousands of people in Iraq. Many of them were children, but since one of her children didn’t have to be sacrificed to the homicidal war machine, Madeline Albright, thinks the slaughter during the “halcyon” Clinton years was “worth it.” More lies.


Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

lies, upon lies, buried in more lies.

.....and becoming what Americans used to fear./hate.

the fact that bush/cheney inc. either get "offended" or dismiss many of the allegations/reports, alone suggests that America has lost it. By trying /wanting to control too much,. it is gradually losing control.

and yet , the most disturbing thing is (as pointed out in the article) many are just too self absorbed to see the larger picture.or simply don't wish to. ( illusions must be maintained in an egotistical society)

All they seem to care about is the "POWER" of the US and the US "military might". .......and being the aggressor. The lying emperor wannabe.........is losing the "empire" and does not even know it.

What is it like to be an American now??? not to be trusted. Not to be believed. Have no credibility. but plenty of puff and arrogance?? There is a reason that 9-11 occurred, and it has little to do with any of the garbage that has come out of the bush regime as such. It is much deeper than that, more malignant . And thanks to the "idiot" emperor wannabe......the anger at the US has been intensified.

One is hard pressed to comprehend the mentality that would support bush on "religious" reasons......when he breaks every rule of conduct that "religion" advocates. (unless bush is not only creating a bush gov't, but a bush "religion" too.

quite curious.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
It feels pretty good to be an American. I have not lost faith.

So by your comments Ocean Breeze, you must be one of those people who say that Americans deserved what happened on 9/11.

No credibility, no this, no that... other nations still have their hands out don't they?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
"No credibility, no this, no that... other nations still have their hands out don't they?"

hmmm. Well, desperate people go to loan sharks don't they??? ;-)

GL Schmitt

Electoral Member
Mar 12, 2005
moghrabi said:
. . . For years, Saddam was one of our government’s propped up and militarily supported puppets. Many people have seen the famous footage of Donald Rumsfeld shaking hands with Saddam. . .
In all probability Saddam still would be safe to bully the citizens of Iraq had he not taken one fatal step . . . not towards WMD, but towards turning Petrodollars into Petroeuros. What many feel was the real reason for the need to invade Iraq.

Looking around, it seems that may only have worked as a stopgape.

Petroeuros and The War on Terror

By Grady Hawkins

President George W. Bush and his close cabal of neo-con advisors have long been explaining their ‘real reasons’ for fighting the global War on terror. And these reasons are of noble intent, to make it easier for an American population with a limited attention span to accept and swallow. The first reason was of course, the infamous and equally ubiquitous ‘Weapons of Mass Destruction’. No phrase in the history of American literature, language and journalism has been more abused than this has. Adolph Hitler observed that all one had to do was repeat a concept, idea, or just plain lie long enough and loud enough and it will become the truth. WMD’s are now an inseparable part of our daily life and language, and they have become for many Americans, the accepted truth.

Most Americans are certain that the next terrorist attack (not if, but when) will be another military style type attack more lethal than September 11th.

Terrorist of every sex, color and creed need, want, have, want to have, want to buy, want to make, want to rent, Russian, Chinese, Pakistani, North Korean, European, Iranian nuclear, biological, and chemical Weapons of Mass Destruction to deliver a lethal gas, virus or mushroom cloud within forty-five minutes to the Homeland via frogman, airman, submarine, or drone. Every talking head on the right is predicting your being blown to bits or attacked by some 21st century version of the Andromeda Strain every chance they get. All designed to frighten and stampede the general population into accepting whatever nonsense the administration is spewing forth this week or the next.

But does it all have to be so complicated? What would happen if all of those freedom hating terrorists just passed the buck, literally?

As always, here at Alt Press, it’s a matter of following the money. In the case of this article, the money we will be following happens to be the Euro. More specifically, we will look at how a little ol’ oil producing country in the Mideast named Iraq, is considering starting their own oil market. They’re also considering trading their “Texas tea” in Euros as opposed to the once almighty American buck. This move, if it happens, could have some not-so-nice consequences, folks.

Saddam’s Worst Sin

The image is now permanently burned into every American’s mind. Saddam had WMD’s or wanted them, Saddam was a threat to the region, he gassed his own people, He was an evil dictator who had to go, he had ties to terrorists, and he masterminded the attacks on 9-11.

But Saddam Hussein did something far worse than any of these things. In the fall of 2000, he converted from the U.S. dollar to the Euro for Iraq’s oil exports. If you wanted his oil, you had to pay in Euros, not greenbacks. For this, he paid dearly. Few Americans know that shortly after the Fall of Baghdad, Iraq quietly converted back to the dollar. A June 5th, 2003, article in the Financial Times, confirmed that Iraqi oil sales were, indeed, returning to the international markets in dollars, not Euros.

The Iranian Bourse

Tehran now appears poised to commit this ultimate sin. And the conversion to the Euro is not the worst sin of all. The Iranians want to set-up their own oil trading market or “bourse” (the word bourse comes from the French stock exchange in Paris; the Federation Internationale des Bourses de Valeurs) and compete directly with the United States. They would then be competing with the well-established New York Mercantile exchange (NYMEX) and the London based International Petroleum Exchange (IPE). It should be understood that though based in the United Kingdom, the IPE is an American concern. In 2001, it was bought out by a group including Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley. These two financial giants could lose millions if the Iranian bourse comes on line.

The IPE has not, thus far, made any public comment on this situation.

The Iranian bourse was expected to be up and running on March 21st of this year, but reports now indicate that it will be postponed for at least six months.

Iran’s largest single trading partner is the European Union, so it does make sense for them to want to make the switch to the Euro.

The idea of a Mideast rival Persian Gulf blend contract is not a new one. Dubai recently tried to develop an oil trading market, but it failed. Iran should fare much better as it exports 2.7 million barrels of oil per day.

Israel is still Iran’s number one enemy, and a close second is Israel’s biggest sponsor, the United States. Iranian paranoia might be behind the move to the Euro. All Tehran would have to do to hit the American dollar hard would be to ask the world, would you want to buy oil at $57.00 a barrel in U.S. dollars or buy them at 40 or 50 Euros?

Russia to Follow?

The March 18th issue of the Asia Times featured a rather long article in which it is alleged that Russian President Valdimir Putin is considering the move to the petroeuro. Like Iran, Russia’s largest trading partner is also the European Union. The year 2005 will be significant For the Russians. Moscow will become the world’s number one petroleum exporter, finally outpacing Saudi Arabia. Inasmuch as Europe is Russia’s number one trading partner, switching to the Euro may seem long overdue. But the ex-KGB Putin may also be relishing a chance to hit back at the United States. He is consolidating power back to Moscow, and desperately wants to become a major player on the world stage. His conversion to the Euro would hurt the dollar even more. And there is absolutely nothing the United States can do about it. President Bush’s soul mate in the war on terror is about to give back the ring. Fighting the ‘war on terror’ is good, but giving the Americans a bloody nose and making some money at the same time may be better.

Venezuela as Well??

Hugo Chavez recently purchased 100,000 AK-47’s and 50 brand new Mig-29 fighter aircraft. Members of the Chavez government have told Washington directly that if anything at all should happen to Chavez, Caracas will stop selling its oil to the United States. Given the notorious reputation of our Central Intelligence Agency in Central and South America, this could be a disaster. Chavez could trip over one of his kid’s roller skates, fall down his stairs and everyone will assume that Langley was behind it. Chavez’s paranoia might be justified. The US can’t invade Venezuela, but it can attempt a coup and replace him with someone a little more friendly to US interests.

Another little known fact is that the government Venezuela has a controlling interest in Houston-based oil giant Citgo. In yet another move aimed at consolidating his power, Chavez recently deposed Citgo President Luis Marin, in favor of an outspoken supporter of his, the little known, Felix Rodríguez. The move has many people in Houston a bit on edge over the oil giant’s future in that city.

Houston? We’ve Got A Problem According to a recent article in the Houston Chronicle: “Rodríguez has yet to appear in Houston, where local leaders are eagerly seeking any clues about Citgo’s new leader.The big speculation is about a possible sale of all or part of Citgo, which is now at the center of Venezuela’s political whirlwind. Rodríguez was not available for comment, despite repeated interview requests.”

It appears that Chavez is contemplating making the change to the Euro as well. So it looks a bit shaky for Houston and perhaps even the United States, as a whole.

It would seem that the rest of the world has found a way to fight back against US imperialism, without firing a shot. If the major oil producers convert to the Euro, collapse of the dollar could soon follow. The deficits that the administration discounts (deficits don’t matter!!) could now be the greatest enemy ever seen. Red China and Japan hold billions in US treasury bonds. If the dollar begins to fall as a result of conversion, they could begin to unload their dollars, and the rest of the world to follow. After the financial dust clears, the dollar would be looking up at the Canadian dollar.

Congresswoman Louise Slaughter, during an appearance on The News Room radio show, shared her concern over the ballooning deficit with China: “The truth is that, I stay awake nights thinking, what would we do if China decided it wanted to pull out? Because they could just do it unilaterally. It’s still a communist country. They can make quick decisions, and we don’t worry nearly enough about their military buildup and the fact that we’re going to be competing with both China and India for what oil supplies there are and that they are carrying all this debt for us.”

Meanwhile Back in The Middle East

The possibility of an Iranian conversion to the Euro only increases tensions in the region even more than believed possible. Israeli media had recently revealed the Tel Aviv’s intention to buy two additional Dolphin class submarines from the German government, to add to the three already in service. These subs are armed with nuclear tipped harpoon cruise missiles, and can hit targets from a distance of up to 1,200 kilometers. That would include Tehran if launched submerged from the Persian Gulf. We at Alt have learned that the Israeli Navy is using forward operating bases in the Dahlak archipelago at the mouth of the Red Sea near Asmara, Eritira. We also know that the Iranians have taken the small island of Abu Musa in the mouth of the Strait of Hormuz. The sea lane here is a narrow S- curve just 35 miles wide. The Iranians have deployed dozens of the highly lethal Sunburn cruise missile on this island. Any attack or hostile violation of Iranian airspace could see the Iranians shooting a volley of ship- to- ship- missiles and thus closing the straights until they see fit to open them. And driving up the price of oil even higher.

We have all been predicting an attack of some kind for some time, but no one considered a financial assault instead of a military one.

The first casualty would be the dollar, according to an article in The Atlanta Journal Constitution, some experts fear that the dollar could possibly suffer as much as a 40% drop in value.

The second would be the American way of life.

On the bright side, the drama over the lack of toilet at the Rath Building would probably not garner national headlines anymore. If the petroeuro crisis does indeed, come to pass, Buffalo would no longer be the laughing stock that it is, the whole damn country would be.

Sorry. Would only have posted a link, but AltNet links can't get passed their homepage, it seems. :?

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

US is in the ME to stay.(in one form or another).

above is not the only source for this.......in case some want to bash /ignore/dismiss the source.

the question remains: how will this affect things in Iraq?? A long protracted "war"?? Or will the US bomb the crap out of Iraq until they have no choice but to submit.??

(did someone say something about "freedom" & "democracy"???)

unless freedom is defined .....being "free" as long as they do what the US wants.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

this has surfaced on a few news sites.

.........and no one is talking about any of this all that much.

maybe what this needs is a "sexy" attention grabber headline for many to take notice. :roll:

as was obvious to many from the onset......it is more (clearly) apparent that this is the brainchild of the Bush administration......and most likely a select few at the core.

this is not an Iraq invasion./war. It is a BUSH war, invasion. :twisted:

He and the Bushisciples could care less about the Iraqis as a people. :twisted:


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Ocean Breeze said:

this has surfaced on a few news sites.

.........and no one is talking about any of this all that much.

maybe what this needs is a "sexy" attention grabber headline for many to take notice. :roll:

You know why?

No one cares about it. The war is what 2-3 years old, this crap isn't going to change a thing about what happens today or tomorrow.

Now what happens with the SC of the UN and the Oil for Food Program is news cause he tried to block the war.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
No one cares about it.

Indeed. And this speaks volumes for the population as a whole, don't it???

Selective issues are pronounced because they "favor" the bush administration.

No wonder rational /reasonable people suffer from vertigo when they try to comprehend the US news.. One has to place things in the bush context .....and all becomes clear.


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Ocean Breeze said:
No one cares about it.

Indeed. And this speaks volumes for the population as a whole, don't it???

Selective issues are pronounced because they "favor" the bush administration.

No wonder rational /reasonable people suffer from vertigo when they try to comprehend the US news.. One has to place things in the bush context .....and all becomes clear.

Or maybe they think he's doing a good job, did that ever cross your mind ?

Reverend Blair

Council Member
Apr 3, 2004
RE: A Lie of Historic Pro

People do care though, Lib. Having a brutal and dirty little war criminal in charge of the United States, a man too frigging stupid to understand that if he won't laws neither will anybody else, endangers the whole world. People care about that.

Your attempts to minimize the importance of the crimes that George Bush has committed shows a certain desperation.

The attempts by the Bush regime to destroy the UN because of Oil for Food are laughable. The US was fully aware of the corruption from the very start...they had complete oversight of every transaction and chose to do nothing. UN officials even informed the US government of some the problems in the program.

The program, even with the inherent corruption, was successful enough that Bush asked for it to be extended by a year. Bush was fine with the entire program until Annan said that the war was illegal. Bush then launched a witch hunt.

That witch hunt is, as Mr. Galloway put it, the mother of all smoke screens.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005

Hi rev: good post. and yes, MANY people DO CARE. Those that don't , or claim that they don't....represent quite a number IN THE US though.

an aside : but didn't you just LOVE Galloway???

Hot damn , he was good. Notice how the issue of "Galloway" subsided after he left??? :roll:


New Member
Jun 16, 2005
Re: RE: A Lie of Historic Pro

Reverend Blair said:
People do care though, Lib. Having a brutal and dirty little war criminal in charge of the United States, a man too frigging stupid to understand that if he won't laws neither will anybody else, endangers the whole world. People care about that.

Your attempts to minimize the importance of the crimes that George Bush has committed shows a certain desperation.

The attempts by the Bush regime to destroy the UN because of Oil for Food are laughable. The US was fully aware of the corruption from the very start...they had complete oversight of every transaction and chose to do nothing. UN officials even informed the US government of some the problems in the program.

The program, even with the inherent corruption, was successful enough that Bush asked for it to be extended by a year. Bush was fine with the entire program until Annan said that the war was illegal. Bush then launched a witch hunt.

That witch hunt is, as Mr. Galloway put it, the mother of all smoke screens.

Funny with what I heard today the SC will be giving his resignation soon and with the nomination of Bolton the USA will have full control of the UN. With the amount of money the states donate they really should control the pathetic body it has become.

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Or maybe they think he's doing a good job, did that ever cross your mind ?


absolutely.-that's a no brainer. There is no accounting for bad taste. :roll:

Ocean Breeze

Hall of Fame Member
Jun 5, 2005
Funny with what I heard today the SC will be giving his resignation soon and with the nomination of Bolton the USA will have full control of the UN. With the amount of money the states donate they really should control the pathetic body it has become.

could be. This is exactly what the bush regime wants. More power, and more CONTROL. ......and Bolton is the man for the job alright. :twisted:

the UN would no longer be the "united nations"......but an appendage of the US.-hypothetically speaking.

but it seems like you are getting way ahead of yourself....lib.