Stupid declaration


New Member
Jun 30, 2004
After the deafeat in a traditional libéral circonscription, the first conselor of forme MP Yolande Thibeault told to journalism....

- Allez-voir le nègre qu'on vient d'élire-

Wich could mean....go see the nigger we just elected.

We was talking about the elction of Maka Kotto.

And than, these same people say the souvereinist are racist. LOL


Mar 24, 2002
Actually, there are a lot of politicians in Quebec that are racist. Whether it be Liberal or Bloc/PQ, I found that when I lived in Quebec, people were generally very open about their "racist" feelings and views. For some reason, the rest of the country are scared to say anything racist, even if it's based on facts.


New Member
Jun 30, 2004

totally disagree.

Just to makes a good exemple....the Parizeau declaration have been the turnover of the 2003 campain.........

Basicly 10 years after! And this delcaration was everything except racism.

The politicly correct is so strong.

and never forget that 99% of the souvereignist speech is about the integration of the immigrant, about how they participate to the cultural evolution and blablabla.

Racism is stronger in Ontario and espicially in the west.


New Member
Jun 25, 2004
Fraser Valley, British Columbia
I believe that racism is alive and well in the Fraser Valley. It never fails to astonish and disappoint me when I hear individuals characterize other individuals in a negative way based on ethnicity. Broad sweeping strokes have never worked for me--even as a kid. I do recall my mother saying something disparagingly about the Japanese one time. Don't know why, but it stuck with me. But thankfully, it never turned into a habit. In fact, I can recall only the one incident. I was very fortunate not to have been subjected to being taught hatred. Because I think that song, You have to be carefully taught, is where it all begins.

But although I am not a racist, I do reserve the right to like or dislike an INDIVIDUAL based on all sorts of different criteria that we all use when choosing our friends and dismissing others--but never on the basis of race, colour, culture, or anything over which the individual we are judging has no control. And of course, I want the same due consideration for myself.

That is precisely why I could never hate the Palestinians, the Jews, the Germans, the Russians, the French, the English--well, you get what I mean. People are people worldwide. Some you like; others you don't--but to hate or shun someone because he/she belongs to a certain ethnic or racial group is not only racist it's just plain dumb and ignorant.


Hall of Fame Member
Jun 26, 2004
pumpkin pie bungalow
Well said bushanti, another goddess among us, you go girl :D Frankly I have learned about Quebec and french people in the nicest and kindness way from Bernard St-Laurent host of CBC's C'est la vie. He just keeps you coming back and wanting more. So much nicer than name calling and finger pointing. Like mama always said you catch more flies with honey than you do with vingear...Bernard is just pure honey. :)

Diamond Sun

Council Member
Jun 11, 2004
Within arms reach of the new baby..
Racism is alive and well as long as people continue to laugh at racist jokes.

I recently had a temp worker working for me who couldn't finish a conversation without some type of racial slur. I don't know that I've ever been that uncomfortable.

I just ignored the comments and changed the subjects, but it didn't stop. He obviously has his racial views so ingrained that he doesn't stop to think (or doesn't care) about how it affects those around him.

I didn't bring him back the next day.


Council Member
Apr 30, 2004
Montréal, Québec
Ahh good post Marc. She aint ever comming back into politics... And its just another win for the Bloc. Makka will be a great addition, with different views, different experiences, and a different culture. Might once and for all, show visable minorities, that the souvrainist cause, isnt whites only.