Does Iraq have something up there sleeve that is unforseen?


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
I think we might be under estimating them and what they can do...
During desert storm they tried making a nuclean missle, but they accidently made it to big and it wouldnt fly.

Maybe they finally figured out how to build one in the 11 years since the last war...I just hope they haven't. And if they have and Saddam is still alive...god help us.


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
Re: Does Iraq have something up there sleeve that is unforse

LuShes said:
I think we might be under estimating them and what they can do...
During desert storm they tried making a nuclean missle, but they accidently made it to big and it wouldnt fly.

Maybe they finally figured out how to build one in the 11 years since the last war...I just hope they haven't. And if they have and Saddam is still alive...god help us.

I know Im going to get flamed for this post, dont consider it anti-american or anything please.. but..

America deserves to get their asses kicked in this war, and yes, I truely do believe Iraq does have something up their sleeves. I really couldnt seeing them pushing the US and defying them this much if they didnt have something up their sleeves or some other strategic alliance in place beforehand with other countries that plan on defying the US.

The US have grown into a world super power and they do deserve to be knocked down a peg or two. World domination should be defended at any cost. There is no need for it, and it is clearly the American goal


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Re: Does Iraq have something up there sleeve that is unforse

LuShes said:
I think we might be under estimating them and what they can do...
During desert storm they tried making a nuclean missle, but they accidently made it to big and it wouldnt fly.

Maybe they finally figured out how to build one in the 11 years since the last war...I just hope they haven't. And if they have and Saddam is still alive...god help us.

Al Baridia the UN Chief Inspector for nuclear weapons declared Iraqs nuke program all but dead after the gulf war. They have no ability to enrich uranium or any other nuke fuel. America tried and got caught lying when they asserted that Iraq tried to purchase nuke fuel from africa. There is an investigation going on in america over who forged these documents.

The surprise they have in store so far is they are not giving up all that easy. Its also rumoured that Russia has supplied jamming equipment and worse still for the americans - anti-tank missles.
the Iraqi tanks and their anti-tank shells can not even pierce the M1A1 Abrhams tank. Its easy to see why they went to the number two weapons supplier for heavier weapons. America is rather steamed but russia seems unapologetic.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
I heard about Russia. I was surprised they were willing to help out Iraq like that. Helping Iraq is just going to carry on the war longer then need be!

I wouldn't blame the states for being a little chocked about this. I guess during a time like this, they will find out who there true allies are. Friend or Foe.

If Iraq doesn't have any Nukes. I'm sure someone else does that isnt happy with the states. ex: NK, Lybia, Iran. God knows who else has them!

I'm sure they will surprise the americans with something....


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
LuShes said:
I heard about Russia. I was surprised they were willing to help out Iraq like that. Helping Iraq is just going to carry on the war longer then need be!

I wouldn't blame the states for being a little chocked about this. I guess during a time like this, they will find out who there true allies are. Friend or Foe.

If Iraq doesn't have any Nukes. I'm sure someone else does that isnt happy with the states. ex: NK, Lybia, Iran. God knows who else has them!

I'm sure they will surprise the americans with something....

When it comes to the arms industries they will sell to anyone - and they do! It appears british troops in southern Iraq are finding british made military equipment in large numbers. Oops!


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Cache Creek, BC
Once Russia stepped in to aid the Iraqi's You just HAD to see the very very early beginnings of a VERY possible WWIII stirring.. it will happen my friends, and it will be a sad day in history for us all...


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
maybe they have "bush" up their sleeve........
I wouldnt put it past him to launch an attack on his own people and then he can say "see, I told you we should've attacked sooner" as justification for the war. Afterall, to bush and his cronies we are only "useless eaters".

And dont forget, back in 1999 the US gov placed an order with DOW Chemicals for 25 million bodybags.....we know they dont give a shit about their enemies so the bags can only be for one people..............


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Stretch said:
And dont forget, back in 1999 the US gov placed an order with DOW Chemicals for 25 million bodybags.....we know they dont give a shit about their enemies so the bags can only be for one people..............

Thats the first I have heard of that. I am going to do a google search. Where did you hear that?


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
I found it on several diff sites then was chatting to a guy from California about it and he said that he also saw it and called DOW up to varify it and whomever he talked to said it was one of several orders that the US gov placed with them
I'll see if I can find it again


New Member
Nov 17, 2002
Iraq, those bastards, gotta have somethign up with them. there always getting into trouble, kill em all.


Electoral Member
Mar 25, 2002
Kamloops, B.C.
Well I heard everyone belling aching about chemical warfare. They found those speical chemical suits and anti nervous gas drugs you give to yourself if exposed in some Iraq hospital.

Who knows what they will have thrown at the soldiers reach attack. I think more then pitchforks and brooms they will be fighitng with...


House Member
Feb 16, 2003
Actually, when I heard about those masks and that, I just asumed that they were to protect themselves against whatever the US of G might hit them with...depleted uranium for one, anthrax for another...dont put it past the US to use chem/bio weapons....they have done in the past...........the end justifies the means...and also...shrub is desperate!!!!


Electoral Member
Jul 25, 2002
Its standard military practice for every organized government army to be prepared for the worst. Iraq supplying their troops with bio-suits and gas masks is hardly a sign that they are going to use chem/bio weapons. We prepare our own troops for any eventuality why should they not do the same?


Electoral Member
Mar 24, 2002
Canadian Press

Tuesday, March 25, 2003

NEW YORK -- In months of allegation and investigation on the way to war, no firm evidence emerged that Iraq held weapons of mass destruction. Now it is up to the U.S. invasion force to find such weapons - if they exist.

Gen. Tommy Franks, the coalition commander, said Monday nothing conclusive has been uncovered thus far, but the U.S. military said it was investigating a chemical plant seized near the city of Najaf as a "site of interest." "It could be difficult to find . . . this stuff," Pentagon spokeswoman Victoria Clarke said a day earlier.

The U.S. and British accusations that Baghdad was hiding chemical, biological or nuclear weapons programs were the reason most commonly cited by Washington for attacking Iraq. The credibility of those claims was undercut, however, by disclosures of forgery and misrepresentation underlying some of them, and by the failure of U.S. intelligence reports to lead United Nations inspectors to any important finds.

If U.S. units now quickly report uncovering concealed arms programs, critics may question the authenticity of the reports or suggest that intelligence had been kept from the UN inspectors -- and ask why.

If few such weapons are found, the war's very premise will come under question.

"I think that we probably have received several . . . bits of information over the last three or four days about potential WMD (weapons of mass destruction) locations," Franks said Monday.

British troops have found what was described as "suspected" Scud missiles and warheads in a chemical factory at Damaniyah, south of Basra, according to a British press pool report. Experts have been called in to determine what is in the warheads.

Skepticism about U.S.-British claims could be heard in last week's resignation of House of Commons leader Robin Cook from the British cabinet to protest London's support of U.S. war plans.

"Iraq probably has no weapons of mass destruction in the commonly understood sense of the term, namely a credible device capable of being delivered against a strategic city target," said Cook, who had access to high-level British information.

In the U.S. Congress, meanwhile, the disclosure that another U.S. allegation in the nuclear area was based on a forged document led Senator Jay Rockefeller to ask the FBI to investigate whether a "larger deception campaign" on Iraq was underway.

For months, officials of the U.S. administration have asserted Iraq maintains stocks of such prohibited arms. In his television address two days before launching the invasion, President George W. Bush said U.S. troops would enter Iraq "to eliminate weapons of mass destruction."

A day earlier, Vice-President Dick Cheney claimed on a TV talk show that Iraqis have "reconstituted nuclear weapons" - an assertion no specialist has supported. Mohamed ElBaradei, head of the UN's International Atomic Energy Agency, told the Security Council on March 7: "We have, to date, found no evidence or plausible indication of the revival of a nuclear weapons program."

Those inspections have now halted. But the on-again, off-again UN disarmament effort accomplished much after Iraq's defeat in the 1991 Gulf War.

The bulk of Baghdad's old chemical and biological weapons was certified by UN inspectors to have been destroyed in the 1990s, and the teams that returned to Iraq last November were pressing the Iraqis for documents and witnesses to clear up discrepancies and certify destruction of the remainder.

Iraq's uranium-based nuclear program of the 1980s, which never produced a weapon, was dismantled by the IAEA in the early 1990s. ElBaradei's inspectors were in Iraq to guard against any resurrection of the nuclear work.

Gaps and discrepancies in the record - combined with known Iraqi efforts a decade ago to conceal weapons programs -- were the basis for U.S. allegations that, for example, the Iraqis today might retain as much as 500 tonnes of chemical agents or 25,000 liters of anthrax. The Iraqis claim to have destroyed it all.

On the nuclear side, meanwhile, a U.S. State Department report in December alleged that Iraq had secretly tried to import uranium from the African country of Niger, an assertion repeated in Bush's State of the Union address.

Earlier this month, however, ElBaradei reported that the basis for the allegation -- said to be a Niger government document - was a forgery.

Another element in the U.S. nuclear allegations also came under questioning. Last September, the Bush administration leaked information about Iraqi purchase orders for aluminum tubes, which they said appeared intended for gas centrifuges that enrich uranium for bombs.

In his Security Council report on March 7, ElBaradei said his experts had determined it "highly unlikely" the tubes were for nuclear weapons work. U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell persisted, saying two days later that new information "indicated the tubes were meant for centrifuges." But in an Associated Press interview on March 13, ElBaradei said: "We have this information and it doesn't change our assessment."

Across the Atlantic, meanwhile, the British government issued a dossier Feb. 3 on Iraq's "infrastructure of concealment," a paper praised by Powell in his own indictment of Iraq before the Security Council two days later. But the British dossier was subsequently determined to have been lifted in large part from published articles and a researcher's paper - not from fresh intelligence.

Powell's UN presentation was densely detailed, speculating on the meaning of satellite photos, audio intercepts and other, unattributed information. But his claims drew a rebuff from Hans Blix, chief UN weapons inspector. Among other things, Blix said that a satellite photo Powell contended showed movement of proscribed munitions "could just as easily have been a routine activity."

By the time of his next report, March 7, Blix was referring to such U.S. statements as "contentions" and "claims."

Two months after U.S. officials said they had begun providing "significant" intelligence to the inspectors, Blix told the council he was still awaiting "high-quality information." He said no evidence had emerged to support U.S. contentions Iraq was producing chemical or biological weapons underground or in mobile laboratories.

The inspectors, privately, disparaged the "leads" they were receiving from the U.S. government.

After more than 700 surprise inspections at hundreds of sites since November, the UN teams had compiled a short list of proscribed items found: fewer than 20 old, empty chemical warheads for battlefield rockets, and a dozen artillery shells filled with mustard gas - shells tagged by UN inspectors in the 1990s but somehow not destroyed by them.

Now, with the inspectors gone, it will fall to U.S. military forces to locate any secret weapons programs and to convince the world they're the real thing.


Electoral Member
Dec 4, 2002
Montreal, Quebec
Bah Bush doesn't know what he's talking about. And well the US is known for playing dirty tricks.

You know the US would do something really dubious to make themselves look good after all this.

Heck if they didn't find chemical weapons in Iraq, I'm pretty sure there will be an order to ya know place some and "discover" it in the end for proving a whole point for the war.

The US has more storylines than wrestling itself.


Mar 24, 2002
gnuman said:
Bah Bush doesn't know what he's talking about. And well the US is known for playing dirty tricks.

You know the US would do something really dubious to make themselves look good after all this.

Heck if they didn't find chemical weapons in Iraq, I'm pretty sure there will be an order to ya know place some and "discover" it in the end for proving a whole point for the war.

The US has more storylines than wrestling itself.

That's funny about your wrestling comment, lol. I also think they would plant evidence in their favour. It's not like the americans have ever done anything wrong. *sarcasm*