Washington has drafted a new constitution for Syria?


Nominee Member
Jul 30, 2012
Since January, a group of forty Syrian exiles met secretly place the Church of St. Louis in Berlin, on the premises of the Stiftung Wissenschaft und Politik. If this foundation is funded by the German employers, the meetings are by the U.S. Departments of State and Defense. They are chaired by Steven Heydemann, a dual US-Israeli national, who has long worked for the CIA , before becoming a researcher at the U.S. Institute of Peace. This organization, which provides the formal meetings is - contrary to what its title might suggest - a screen of the Pentagon . Not surprisingly, the Swiss Ministry of Foreign Affairs is associated with this project.

The program is entitled "The Day After Tomorrow. Support a democratic transition in Syria ". In the Orwellian vocabulary of Washington, "democratic transition" means passing the elected president and acclaimed by the people of Syria Bashar al-Assad in a chairman chosen by the Western powers, and the phrase "Day After" means the period following the overthrow of the Syrian regime by those same Western powers.

While the Syrians approved by referendum a new constitution , the task force wrote in another. It also defined what would be the political future of the Syrian government. The final document was presented by U.S. Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, the President of the Syrian National Council, Abdel Bayset Sayda at the third conference of the Friends of Syria in Paris, July 6. Mr. Sayda agreed to implement the "road map".

[1] According to a classic pattern, this activity was covered by the Ford Foundation, the U.S. Information Agency and Freedom House.

[2] The U.S. Institute of Peace was created in conjunction with the National Endowment for Democracy, which is the counterpart. On Congress documents, its budget is in the Pentagon, while that of the NED is attached to the State Department.

[3] "The Day After: Supporting a democratic transition in Syria"

L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
Like the Syrians can't come up with their own Constitution that's a guide for how they would like their nation rather than how the USA thinks their nation should be?
Incredible arrogance. If I were Syrian, I'd tell the USA to get stuffed.


Nominee Member
Jul 30, 2012
Not just the USA but the West Country in general.
Is a good occasion (after NATO point of wiew )to drive a tyrant and to deprive the Russians of their historical ally in the region.
That is why the Russians and Chinese are also determined to help the president Bachar El Assad , they are afraid that the revolution gives ideas to their peoples.
And we French have historical interests in Syria and Lebanon since the Crusades and Colonial Empire between the two World Wars.