Libya - Post-Gaddafi thread


Time Out
Oct 23, 2011
BBC News - 'Cleansed' Libyan town spills its terrible secrets

The town is empty of humans, apart from a small number of Misratan militiamen preventing the return of the town's residents.

Umm Bubakr can't trace one of her sons. "They bombed and shot at us and we had to run away. I ran away with my kids. I've lost a boy and I don't know whether he is alive or dead. And now we are here, with no future. We are scared, we need a solution to our problem and we want to go home."

Umm Saber says militiamen claim her nephew has confessed to raping a woman from Misrata, but she swears that he does not know the meaning of the word.

"There is no evidence that rapes occurred. They drove us out because they want our land and homes," she adds.