Canadian Immigration


House Member
May 18, 2010

Did you know?

1. Immigration increases the size of Canada’s population and economy but does not improve Canadians' standard of living.

2.* It is estimated that recent immigrants receive billions of dollars a year more in benefits than they pay in taxes.

3. Only 17% of immigrants admitted each year are fully assessed on the basis of their employment and language skills.

4. While the average age of Canadians is increasing and the proportion of seniors will almost double in the next few decades, immigration will do very little to offset this trend despite the widely held belief that it will do so.*

5.* There are more than 100,000 parents and grandparents of immigrants who have met requirements and are waiting to enter Canada. They will receive the benefits of our public health care system without having contributed to costs by paying income tax.

6. Most of the quarter of a million people who immigrate to Canada every year are not interviewed by a visa officer to determine if they are well-suited to integrate into Canadian society and its economy.

7. Far more Canadians want immigration levels lowered rather than increased. Despite this, and the lack of economic or demographic benefits to Canadians, we maintain the highest per capita intake in the world.

8. In terms of Canadians’ attitude towards a multicultural mosaic, a 2007 survey indicated that 18%* thought that it is reasonable to accommodate religious and cultural minorities while 53% thought immigrants should adapt fully to Canadian culture.

9. The number of visible minority neighbourhoods in Canada’s three largest cities increased from six in 1981 to 254 in 2001.

10. Canada’s acceptance rate for refugee claimants is three times the average of other countries, suggesting that two-thirds of those accepted would probably not be considered genuine refugees by other countries.

11. In 2003 Canada accepted 76% of refugee claims by Sri Lankans while Britain accepted 2% and Germany 4%. That year Canada accepted 1,749 refugee claims by Sri Lankans while all the other countries together accepted only 1,160.

12. Canada, uniquely among nations, allows nationals of many democratic countries with good human rights records to make refugee claims in Canada on the basis that they fear persecution in their homelands.

13.* As cities have increased in population, largely because of international immigration, urban expansion has devoured a large amount of Canada’s best,*Class 1, *agricultural land, consuming 7,400 kilometers between 1971 and 2001 and occupying 7%* of the total during this period.




Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Canada's standard of living will be raised when we the people decide to start producing
something again instead of merely working the stock markets like a giant gambling
machine. Immigration increases the number of buyers and sellers and generates the
money needed to have an economy. Unless we begin to produce goods here in this
country for sale at home and around the world our standard of living will decrease as
we increase the standards of others from buying imports.
We have become a consumer economy riddled with debt and self indulgence and the
whole mess is about to fall in on us. It is time we insisted that Canadian companies
provide Canadian jobs or lose their tax breaks in Canada.


House Member
May 18, 2010
Unless we begin to produce goods here in this country for sale at home and around the world our standard of living will decrease as
we increase the standards of others from buying imports.
It is time we insisted that Canadian companies provide Canadian jobs or lose their tax breaks in Canada.
We cannot produce anything unless we can do it cheaper than anybody else. This the only reason Canadians and others will purchase our product.
Unfortunately our costs are really quiet high and hence, items that require minimum skills cannot be produced in Canada because other countries with lower costs will out compete us.
What we have to do is to produce those things that other countries cannot produce. This means we have to have a high education and a lot of research to produce high tech products others cannot produce. We can also continue to produce our natural resources.

The low cost jobs can be exported to countries like India. This helps keep our costs down and it helps keeping Indians in India not Canada.

Companies in Canada only get tax breaks if it's in the interest to benifit Canada, they dont get tax brakes because they are nice guys (unless their in Quebec?? Hehe)..


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
January 30, 1937


The main plank in the National Socialist program is to abolish the liberalistic concept of the individual and the Marxist concept of humanity and to substitute therefore the folk community, rooted in the soil and bound together by the bond of its common blood. A very simple statement; but it involves a principle that has tremendous consequences.

This is probably the first time and this is the first country in which people are being taught to realize that, of all the tasks which we have to face, the noblest and most sacred for mankind is that each racial species must preserve the purity of the blood which God has given it.

And thus it happens that for the first time it is now possible for men to use their God-given faculties of perception and insight in the understanding of those problems which are of more momentous importance for the preservation of human existence than all the victories that may be won on the battlefield or the successes that may be obtained through economic efforts. The greatest revolution which National Socialism has brought about is that it has rent asunder the veil which hid from us the knowledge that all human failures and mistakes are due to the conditions of the time and therefore can be remedied, but that there is one error which cannot be remedied once men have made it, namely the failure to recognize the importance of conserving the blood and the race free from intermixture and thereby the racial aspect and character which are God's gift and God's handiwork. It is not for men to discuss the question of why Providence created different races, but rather to recognize the fact that it punishes those who disregard its work of creation.

Unspeakable suffering and misery have come upon mankind because they lost this instinct which was grounded in a profound intuition; and this loss was caused by a wrong and lopsided education of the intellect. Among our people there are millions and millions of persons living today for whom this law has become clear and intelligible. What individual seers and the still unspoiled natures of our forefathers saw by direct perception has now become a subject of scientific research in Germany. And I can prophesy here that, just as the knowledge that the earth moves around the sun led to a revolutionary alternation in the general world-picture, so the blood-and-race doctrine of the National Socialist Movement will bring about a revolutionary change in our knowledge and therewith a radical reconstruction of the picture which human history gives us of the past and will also change the course of that history in the future.

this will not lead to an estrangement between the nations; but, on the contrary, it will bring about for the first time a real understanding of one another. At the same time, however, it will prevent the Jewish people from intruding themselves among all the other nations as elements of internal disruption, under the mask of honest world-citizens, and thus gaining power over these nations.

We feel convinced that the consequences of this really revolutionizing vision of truth will bring about a radical transformation in German life. For the first time in our history, The German people have found the way to a higher unity than they ever had before; and that is due to the compelling attraction of this inner feeling. Innumerable prejudices have been broken down, many barriers have been overthrown as unreasonable, evil traditions have been wiped out and antiquated symbols shown to be meaningless. From that chaos of disunion which had been caused by tribal, dynastic, philosophical, religious and political strife, the German nation has arisen and has unfurled the banner of a reunion which symbolically announces, not a political triumph, but the triumph of the racial principle. For the past four-and-a-half years German legislation has upheld and enforced this idea. Just as on January 30th 1933, a state of affairs already in existence was legalized by the fact that I was entrusted with the chancellorship, whereby the party whose supremacy in Germany had then become unquestionable was not authorized to take over the government of the Reich and mould the future destiny of Germany; so this German legislation that has been in force for the past four years was only the legal sanction which gave jurisdiction and binding force to an idea that had already been clearly formulated and promulgated by the party.

When the German community, based on the racial blood-bond, became realized in the German State we all felt that this would remain one of the finest moments to be remembered during our lives. Like a blast of springtime it passed over Germany four years ago. The fighting forces of our movement who for many years had defended the banner of the Hooked Cross against the superior forces of the enemy, and had carried it steadily forward for a long fourteen years, now planted it firmly in the soil of the new Reich.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Is this the third thread on this topic in recent months? I think the topic has been done to death. Unless someone has a solution other than immigration to Canada's declining birthrate perhaps it is time to give it a rest especially since threads like this tend to turn into semi-racist rants.


House Member
Jan 18, 2005
Is this the third thread on this topic in recent months? I think the topic has been done to death. Unless someone has a solution other than immigration to Canada's declining birthrate perhaps it is time to give it a rest especially since threads like this tend to turn into semi-racist rants.

Immigration makes people a little ticked off because there was very little discussion raising immigration level to 300,000 in the late 1980s, all the elites it was a good thing to do. Does it have to go on forever? We always read, "By 2040, two thirds of Canadians will some sort of minority." it's very Marxian perhaps, a sort of historic inevitability. Could also be Asiatic fatalism too.

But not only are we getting unproductive immigrants, we have to bring over their parents too. Many of these older parents will not get jobs and will produce little, but they will consume resources like medical care. And coming from third world countries, they are going to have plenty of costly ailments. Don't we have budget deficits to worry about? This isn't helping.