Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s house.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
Well since you guys have such a big problem with how I use the phone I pay for, I decided to submit a script for your review and approval. If approved, I will forward to my child for his use.

Scenario 1. Newspaper subscription phone call.

Bring Bring
A: Hello, this is Green Greta's house, may I help you?
N: this is the Toronto sun, would you be interested in a subscription?
A: You should be advised that your call may be monitored for quality assurance, and while I appreciate your need to plaster people’s private matters on the front page, I find I am not interested in your paper. But, thank you again for calling and you have a nice day.

Scenario 2. Policeman Ball Tickets

Bring Bring
A: Hello, this is Green Greta's house, may I help you?
P: Good day, this is the policemans ball calling. Would you be able to support us this year?
A: You should be advised that your call may be monitored for quality assurance. and no I’m afraid that all my donation money went to much more important causes this year. But, thank you for calling and you have a nice day.

Scenario 3. Solicitation for Votes by any party

Bring Bring
A: Hello, this is Green Greta's house, may I help you?
P: Hi there, this is the ---- party, can I count on you for your support this year?
A: You should be advised that your call may be monitored for quality assurance. I do not support your party as you have lied numerous times in the past. I do not support your party as you are unable to keep any promises you make. I will not vote for your party as I am not of voting age. But thank you very much for calling and you have a terrific day....


Mar 24, 2002
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta&#8

ooooo, I like it Greta... but it just doesn't have the spunk of your son's previous phone answering charm ;)


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
Re: RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s

GreenGreta said:
Ok, now I'm just being a bitch.

I don't think so, I thought these ones were funny (and, I'm one of the people who didn't think your son's response was funny, but I didn't think it was racist either). Maybe you can start a poll on these ones :lol:

I hate the Toronto Sun. I got a call from them once asking me about a subscription and I said no thank you and the girl asked me why. I asked her if she had ever read the paper because I don't know about her, but I often found the editorials to be ridiculously simplistic and the stories they focused on seemed silly. I still remember when the front page was "Killer crosswalk!" about a dangerous intersection in Scarborough. Was there nothing more interesting that day? I used to buy it sometimes though because the format makes it easier to read on the subway....

I had a policemen charity caller get somewhat rude with me when I declined to donate to their athletics association. He said something like "don't you want to support police?" as though I was this heartless bitch. He stuttered and hemmed and hawed when I told him my brother, my father, two of my uncles and my grandfather are cops or retired cops so I didn't appreciate his tone.


Senate Member
Jul 30, 2005
Re: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

Hi Green Greta

I thought it was great....your script I mean.... and you don't have to validate yourself or your son to anyone posting here.

You have a great wit and we love ya....there are always those in a crowd are going to point out the negative side of anything.

Sending a big box of chocolates.... (can you save the dark ones for me?) Have a good evening.

Tracy' We were tandem posting...!


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

It's the blood donation people that get me. I'm sorry you can't be mad at me because I'm using my blood right now. Yes, I need it, when I'm not using it, maybe you can have some.

No seriously, I will donate blood if there is a need. It's when they call on the like 55th day or whatever to get you back in. They want you walking around low on blood all the time? I don't get that, but I guess that's another thread.


House Member
Nov 10, 2005
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

Fortunately they screen people out who can't physically take donation. I tried to donate once since I work in a unit that uses A LOT of blood and our hospital was running low, but apparently I'm anemic so they don't want me...

Wednesday'sChild, that's wierd!


Apr 6, 2005
RE: Approved script when

Nothing wrong with those Greta! I use the recording the call line ever since I learned most call centres require the agent to drop the call at that point! Don't get too many calls anymore as you can imagine :)

although... how the hell can i get free carpet cleaning now? /ponder


Electoral Member
Nov 1, 2005
RE: Approved script when

Hahaha...too funny! Good to see you have a sense of humour about it. Even though i still disagree with what your son said, i will defend his right to say it anyways. Or some other babble. But thats too funny. Its exactly what I would say.

You know my new big pet peeve for phone solicitation? Is when an answering machine thing calls YOU and puts you on hold!! "This is Sears Canada with a VERY IMPORTANT message. Please hold and an operator will be with you shortly"!!! I was like, holy crap, you are calling me and putting me on hold to sell your crap???

I once waitied and when an operator came on, I said "please hold while i finish watching my program that you interupted. I will be with your shortly". She hung up. LOL.


Council Member
Jul 3, 2005
swirling in the abyss of nowhere la
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

What was the original script that your son quoted? I missed that.

BTW, I am the quality assurance person at my job...yep, I am Big Brother...we Sister watching over everything, it's kinda boring really listening to others talk all day. I have other manners to answer the phone...the peadiatric childrens cancer foundation was the best.....however, I only got mean when he started to push. I find answering the phone..."funny farm, chief loonie speaking," usually results in the phone being hung up on the other end.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

Oh, Manda, you miss all the fun (fun is a question). It's a thread called "I gotta tell you guys what my kid did today"

So funny, the day before the election and my thread had people freakin out. Yay me.


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

k, let me look aroond, I thought it was in Canadian politics and I only remember that because I was thinking "eww I'm back to posting about politics, I thought we were done that. Between the sweating and the shakes, I had to give it up for Lent"


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 5, 2005
Saint John, N.B.
RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

I've been known, when under stress, to pick up a ringing phone, yell "Go Away" into the receiver, and slam it back down.

How to piss off your wife in one easy lesson, especially if she is on the other end.


House Member
Dec 18, 2005
Re: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s hous

For some reason I always get the Toronto star calling me. I like the star and when they ask me if I read it. I say everyday. Then they tell me on what a big deal there offer is. Then I tell them I get it for free at work so there's no need. lol


Electoral Member
Jun 5, 2005
Lala Land
Re: RE: Approved script when answering the phone at Greta’s

Colpy said:
I've been known, when under stress, to pick up a ringing phone, yell "Go Away" into the receiver, and slam it back down.

How to piss off your wife in one easy lesson, especially if she is on the other end.

Man, remind me not to call Colpy's place. Hopefully they weren't calling with "an offer of a lifetime" you don't want to miss that :lol: