JFK: The Smoking Gun by Colin McLaren
JFK The Smoking Gun - YouTube
This program is awesome, shows that George Hicky a secret service agent was responsible for the fatal shot to JFK's head, by accident.
- Discovery Channel.
...and we know how competent the Secret Service is.. :lol:
Mortal Error - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Secret Service agent George Hickey is seen brandishing a rifle as the limousine carrying a wounded President Kennedy, with agent Clint Hill on the back, speeds away from Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. One theory is that Hickey accidentally shot JFK.
JFK The Smoking Gun - YouTube
This program is awesome, shows that George Hicky a secret service agent was responsible for the fatal shot to JFK's head, by accident.
- Discovery Channel.
...and we know how competent the Secret Service is.. :lol:
Mortal Error - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Secret Service agent George Hickey is seen brandishing a rifle as the limousine carrying a wounded President Kennedy, with agent Clint Hill on the back, speeds away from Dealey Plaza in Dallas on Nov. 22, 1963. One theory is that Hickey accidentally shot JFK.