Parents fight sex offender's return to school


The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
Parents fight sex offender's return to school

A Nova Scotia community is in an uproar because an elementary school teacher and convicted sex offender could soon be back in the classroom.
Peter Speight was fired from his job at New Germany Elementary School in 2008 after pleading guilty to three indecent acts. He was given a conditional discharge, which means he has no criminal record.
The school board's decision to fire him was overturned by an arbitrator, and that decision was upheld by a Supreme Court justice.
Now Speight wants his job back. He's fighting the Department of Education to get his teaching certificate back.
But parents are outraged that a man who drove around looking for pretty women and then masturbated in front of them could be returning to school.
"I cannot have my child in that class. I cannot risk that with my child," said Diane Veinot.
Parents are facing Speight at a series of restorative justice meetings. The first one was Monday nigh in the school's gym.
Jane Morrell heard Speight's apology.
"He repeated the same times the same statement," she said. "[It] became less and less sincere and honest in my mind."
Veinot's son Cody was taught by Speight. Her younger son Colin would be one of Speight's students if he is reinstated.
"I have a nine-year-old son. I don't want to talk to him about a sexual offender being a teacher," Veinot said, adding she would rather move her son to another school than have that conversation.
Cathy Moore, councillor for District 7, worries that many parents will follow Veinot.
"The parents have spoken. They don't want this teacher in this school. I support them on that," Moore said.
Some people are upset that they aren't allowed inside the sessions, which are restorative justice, not public meetings.
"It's disgusting because as grandparents we have interest in our grandchildren and interest in the health of our grandchildren mentally, socially, every which way. We should all be allowed in there," said Barbara Veinot, whose two grandchildren attend the school.
An arbitrator ruled that Speight should regain his teaching certificate. The Department of Education filed a judicial review of that decision.
The restorative justice sessions with the community are required before Speight could be returned to the classroom.
If Speight wins his fight, he would get his teaching certificate back and reclaim his job, and receive about $150,000 in back pay for the last 2.5 years.

Parents fight sex offender's return to school - Yahoo! News Canada

It'll be interesting to see which way this ends up going. To me, on cursory review of the information in the article, I think it pretty much all hinges on this:

pleading guilty to three indecent acts. He was given a conditional discharge, which means he has no criminal record.
So it all comes down to how the plea agreement went in the courtroom? That's my take on it anyway. If he had a criminal conviction/record I think they can bar him from teaching. The only reason he doesn't is because of the plea deal that was worked out.

Irrespective of whether anyone poses a direct threat to children or not, I wouldn't want anyone guilty of a sex crime to be in the position of teaching children.


Nominee Member
Nov 20, 2012
How, if he pleaded guilty could he get his job back and the Supreme Court uphold that?
This is what is killing Canada and other western countries these days, it is all about the right of the individual and no longer about the rights of the community.
It will be the end of us all.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
How, if he pleaded guilty could he get his job back and the Supreme Court uphold that?
This is what is killing Canada and other western countries these days, it is all about the right of the individual and no longer about the rights of the community.
It will be the end of us all.

Could be a blessing in disguise, now the bastard has been identified and everyone knows where to find him. Otherwise he could disappear, God knows what he'd be up to.

Parents fight sex offender's return to school

A Nova Scotia community is in an uproar because an elementary school teacher and convicted sex offender could soon be back in the classroom.

I hear you SLM- the kind of sh*t no one should have to abide, BUT it's a fact of life, and we can have it where we know what's happening or he can be out of sight, causing more worry for more people. Kids are not made of glass, and this is just one more adversity they should know how to deal with.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
There is a Massachusetts State Rep that was busted doing the same EXACT thing. He resigned. Being that he was a liberal in our liberal state we were supposed to be compassionate and understand the issue that he is having.

Last week he got caught doing the same thing.

They CANNOT control themselves. If the urge is so strong to do it in the first place, they will do it again.

In case you're interested in this creep...

And what he did in early November...
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The Velvet Hammer
Mar 5, 2011
London, Ontario
How, if he pleaded guilty could he get his job back and the Supreme Court uphold that?

I'm guessing it was because his plea deal gave him a conditional discharge and therefore no criminal record. Often I think these 'plea deals' (and they do have their place, I recognize that) are very short sighted.


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 23, 2009
How, if he pleaded guilty could he get his job back and the Supreme Court uphold that?
This is what is killing Canada and other western countries these days, it is all about the right of the individual and no longer about the rights of the community.
It will be the end of us all.

That would be a NS Supreme Court- Not the SCoC.


Executive Branch Member
Mar 16, 2005
kelowna bc
Here is a classic case of what people don't understand. A lot of these cases are plea deals
to save money. The problem is if the plea is accepted there is usually no criminal record.
The guilty person sits back for a couple of years then shouts I have no criminal record so I
should get my job back and the law is on his side.
The problem is we don't think things through as a society. It is more expensive to have a trial.
If we had a trial and found him guilty he would have a criminal record and not be a danger to
our children potentially. But hey we saved a few dollars right?

The laws are there and we need to ensure they are enforced if done so properly we wouldn't
have all these problems coming back to haunt us.
Should he get back in the classroom, I say no but he likely will because he knew how to use the


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
I wonder what would happen if the majority of parents pulled their kids out of any class that he teaches in?


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
They'd get in trouble for their kids not attending school.

Would they? They can say that they're "homeschooling" them. I believe it would stick in a lot of craws if they got in more "trouble" than the skeezy teacher did.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Would they? They can say that they're "homeschooling" them. I believe it would stick in a lot of craws if they got in more "trouble" than the skeezy teacher did.
The time limit is short (something like two weeks) before you have to sign up for and buy the home schooling/correspondence materials.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
The time limit is short (something like two weeks) before you have to sign up for and buy the home schooling/correspondence materials.

Even if they can't go that route, I'd like to see them try and get them in a lot of trouble over this. If the parents truly feel uncomfortable having him teach, then why should they have to keep their children in an environment that they feel is unsafe. It would be opening Pandora's Box of sorts.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
I've been looking things up and found that peeing on the roadside is the same crime as being a wanker (both are indecent exposure). I also found that (in SK) you can't take you kid out of school longer than 5 days without continuing their education in some legitimate form based on the provincial curriculum.


Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
I've been looking things up and found that peeing on the roadside is the same crime as being a wanker (both are indecent exposure). I also found that (in SK) you can't take you kid out of school longer than 5 days without continuing their education in some legitimate form based on the provincial curriculum.

They might both be considered the same criminally, but I don't think the parents would be in such an uproar had he been caught peeing on the side of the road. I'm sure this won't be resolved for a while.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
They might both be considered the same criminally, but I don't think the parents would be in such an uproar had he been caught peeing on the side of the road. I'm sure this won't be resolved for a while.
The law is the law.

More reading says that even if home schooling you can't stop the education of your kid for more than 5 days. It's a summary conviction. can't even live further than 4km from the nearest school bus accessable road.

the distance to a school that the pupil is entitled to attend or to a school
bus route exceeds four kilometres, as measured by the nearest passable road
from the place of residence of the pupil to the school or school bus route, as the

case may be



Dark Overlord
May 29, 2007
The law is the law.

More reading says that even if home schooling you can't stop the education of your kid for more than 5 days. It's a summary conviction.

Well, the law didn't do too much for the parents in this case(at least in their eyes). If they don't feel comfortable with him teaching, I doubt they will just sit back and take it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see where it goes from here.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Well, the law didn't do too much for the parents in this case(at least in their eyes). If they don't feel comfortable with him teaching, I doubt they will just sit back and take it. I guess we'll just have to wait and see where it goes from here.
If he had of wanked in front of kids (which probably would have gotten him time and his license yanked anyway) then maybe they'd have legal excuse to remove their kids from school under 156 (ii)

A pupil may be exempted from attendance at a school, and no parent,
guardian or other person is liable to conviction for an offence pursuant to
section 156 where:
(a) the pupil is under a program of instruction elsewhere with the approval
of the board of education or the conseil scolaire;
(b) the pupil is in attendance at a registered independent school;
(c) the pupil is receiving instruction in a registered home-based education
(d) the pupil is unable to attend school by reason of:
(i) illness, supported by a certificate of a duly qualified medical
practitioner if required by the board of education or the conseil scolaire;
(ii) other unavoidable cause considered sufficient by the local attendance




Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
I've been looking things up and found that peeing on the roadside is the same crime as being a wanker (both are indecent exposure). I also found that (in SK) you can't take you kid out of school longer than 5 days without continuing their education in some legitimate form based on the provincial curriculum.

I doubt if that would fly if a guy obstructed view of his dink with his hand. (If your hand is big enough that is)