Proof of PSI Recepters - Mainstream Science Resists


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
They are saying we have over 17 Senses more, rather then just the 5 main science wants us to believe we have. Are they afraid we will discover their LIES?


Synopsis of a paper presented on 21 March 1994 at the United Nations .......


1. Receptors in the nose sensing systems that "smell" emotions, and that can identify motives, sexual receptivity, antagonism, benevolence, etc. (All these are formats of what are commonly referred to as psychic vibe-sensing.)

2. Receptors in the ear sensing systems that detect and identify differences in pressure and electromagnetic frequencies (formats of ESP.)

3. Skin receptors that detect balance and imbalance regarding what is external to the bio-body, even external at some astonishing distances (formats of remote-sensing, a mixed form of ESP and clairvoyance.)

4. Skin receptors that detect motion outside of the body, even when the body is asleep (a format of subliminal ESP.)

5. Directional finding and locating receptors in the endocrine and neuropeptide systems (formats of dowsing, intermixed with formats of cognitive ESP or intuition.)

6. Whole-body receptors, including hair, that identify fluidic motions of horizontal, vertical, diagonal, even if not visually perceived (as, for example, in the "psychic" portion of the martial art of Akhido.)

7. Skin receptors that "recognize" the temperament of other biological organisms (a format of psi "reading".)

8. Subliminal sensory systems which locate and identify pitch of sound, a sense of heat across great distances, a sense of frequencies and waves, either mechanical or energetic (all being formats of ESP and vibe-sensing, sometimes also referred to as "shaman perceiving.")

9. Receptors that identify positive and negative charged particles at the atomic level. (The term utilized for this in psychical research is "micro-psi" but which is rare. However, it has been convincingly demonstrated, especially in the case of C. W. Leadbeater who published Occult Chemistry (1908). Thirty years before the invention of the electron-microscope he correctly described sub-atomic particles, many undiscovered at the time, but discovered since. Micro-psi faculties are mentioned as one of the ancient Sidhis of ancient India (see, for example, Yoga Sutras of Patanjali).)

10. Microsystem transducing of various forms of mechanical, chemical, and electromagnetic energy into meaningful nerve impulses (all commonly thought of as FORMS OF ESP.)

11. Receptors that sense gravitational changes (a form of PSYCHIC DOWSING.)

12. Neurological senses for interpreting modulated electronic information by converting it into analog signals for mental storage, interpretation, and cognition (one of the bio-mind bases for TELEPATHY.)

13. Bio-electronic receptors for sensing radiation, including X-rays, cosmic rays, infrared radiation, and ultraviolet light, all of these receptors being found in the retina of the eye (part of the basis for various forms of CLAIRVOYANCE.)

14. Receptors that respond to exterior electrical fields and systems (producing forms of CLAIRVOYANCE and AURA "READING.")

Today, the following highly specialized sensing systems are referred to in the new sciences as HUMAN SEMAPHORE CAPACITIES.

15. Skin receptors for sensing perceptions of bonding or antagonism (thought of as forms of INTUITION.)

16. Senses for non-verbal "language" communicating (thought as a form of TELEPATHY or VIBE-SENSING.)

17. Combined sensing systems (neural networks) for making meaning out of at least 130 identified nonverbal physical gestures and twenty basic kinds of nonverbal messages (thought of as INTUITIONAL CHARACTER ASSESSMENT or a particular form of CLAIRVOYANCE.)

18. Receptors that trigger alarm and apprehension before their sources are directly perceived (a particularly valuable type of PSYCHIC FORESIGHT, FORESEEING, INTUITION.)

19. Sensing systems for registering and identifying nonverbal emotional waves (a form of INTUITION and/or TELEPATHY or CLAIRVOYANCE.)

The following are now known to be associated with the PINEAL GLAND if it is healthy and in good working order.

20. Senses and memory-stores cycles of light and darkness, anticipating them with accuracy as the daily motions of the sun and moon change (a kind of PSYCHIC FORECASTING or FUTURE SEEING.)

21. Senses and responds to solar and lunar rhythms, solar disruptions (flares, sunspots) and moon-caused tidal changes (water or geophysical ones), and can sense "coming" earthquakes and storms (a form of PREDICTIVE ESP especially noted in sailors, farmers, but also in cows, dogs, cats, and snakes.)

22. If the pineal gland is fully functional, it acts as a nonvisual photo-receptor (the psychic equivalent being "X-RAY VISION.")



Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
I read somewhere that fluoride was introduced into our water systems because it is known to destroy the pineal gland and thus out extrasensory perception.
pineal gland awareness + awakening third eye - YouTube

Could be, but I think that it was added to make fluoride look good in the public eye. Studies are popping up that it have made no difference in the cavity rate. When it was being added at first the topic of cavities became a greater concern to the public so they started brushing more giving the illusion that the fluoride was working. Prior to the camplain on tooth decay fluoride was getting to be known as one of the worse pollutants produced by industry. A by product of the aluminum industry - which could not be stopped - they had to make fluoride look good in the public eye. Most cities are doing away with the fluoride program these days.


Council Member
Jan 19, 2012
Van Isle
So, in areas where there is no fluoride you can't sneak up on a person, or plan an attack? All types of Cougars would hate that.


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
So, in areas where there is no fluoride you can't sneak up on a person, or plan an attack? All types of Cougars would hate that.
The four legged ones likely do. But, two legged cougars love the idea - seem to get turned on by the smell of fear.
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rigid member
May 31, 2007
Could be true, but I can't say for sure... bullsh*t sensors are peaking!

Dexter Sinister

Unspecified Specialist
Oct 1, 2004
Regina, SK
The United Nations wouldn't seem to be the appropriate forum to present a paper like that, and the OP hardly constitutes proof anyway. The excerpt provides no link to the document or to any other evidence, it's just a list of unsubstantiated claims. Believers claim in the past lives thread that this stuff is beyond the reach of science and accuse the scientifically and skeptically inclined of being narrow minded and missing the true reality, and here they're claiming there's scientific evidence for it. You can't have that one both ways, folks. Produce the evidence and stop claiming this is beyond the reach of science, or admit there isn't any real evidence and you're just inventing self-serving interpretations of events that have more prosaic explanations. Or whatever third option you can come up with. I'll forebear trying to predict what I think that one will be.

edited to add: But I will predict it'll be one I've heard before.
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Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
The United Nations wouldn't seem to be the appropriate forum to present a paper like that, and the OP hardly constitutes proof anyway. Your excerpt provides no link to the document or to any other evidence, it's just a list of unsubstantiated claims. Believers claim in the past lives thread that this stuff is beyond the reach of science and accuse the scientifically and skeptically inclined of being narrow minded and missing the true reality, and here you're claiming there's scientific evidence for it. You can't have that one both ways. Produce the evidence and stop claiming this is beyond the reach of science, or admit you haven't any real evidence and are just inventing self-serving interpretations of events that have more prosaic explanations.

Your a good handler for the societal rational Dex - The schools must just love you. But the happy reality of it is, that The World is changing for the better, and people are getting sick of the lies science has thrown at us for the last 100 years. Sure there is a good amount of true discoveries out there, but how much BS have you people taught society, just for the sake of money. It is to the point that no one can even blame the current establishment in a lot of cases, because they were taught the lies as truth. The real Bullsh!tters died half a century ago.



Jan 6, 2007
I can present a paper to the UN telling them I **** wouldn't make it fact. This 'paper' was presented in 1994....I really think if it had scientific worth, we'd have heard about it.

Now, don't get me wrong....I believe there's more to our sensory systems than we know, but, it doesn't look like the proof was in this pudding

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Strange. I don't see any link for this supposed paper, nor is there any scientific support for the assertions being made so I can only agree with 55mercury. There is enough manure in these claims to fertilize most of Canada.


Electoral Member
Feb 7, 2009
Strange. I don't see any link for this supposed paper, nor is there any scientific support for the assertions being made so I can only agree with 55mercury. There is enough manure in these claims to fertilize most of Canada.

Here is a link to the paper. The guy who wrote it worked for the CIA for twenty years in the Remote Viewing Experiments.

You will likely enjoy the paper on 'Awareness vs The Conspiracy to Surpress' also.

Bar Sinister

Executive Branch Member
Jan 17, 2010
Here is a link to the paper. The guy who wrote it worked for the CIA for twenty years in the Remote Viewing Experiments.

You will likely enjoy the paper on 'Awareness vs The Conspiracy to Surpress' also.

I hope that you realize that in spite of the expenditure of millions of dollars the CIA failed to find any evidence of ESP. In fact the ESP experiments by the CIA are regarded as one of the biggest and most useless boondoggles in espionage history.

Here is another source that evaluates the experiments. Remote viewing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Certainly if remote viewing and other sorts of ESP worked only part of the time the US would not have been caught napping on so many occasions. I suspect that without even trying hard you can probably come up with a number of scenarios in which ESP would have been useful.


L Gilbert

Nov 30, 2006
50 acres in Kootenays BC
They are saying we have over 17 Senses more, rather then just the 5 main science wants us to believe we have. Are they afraid we will discover their LIES?


Synopsis of a paper presented on 21 March 1994 at the United Nations .......


1. Receptors in the nose sensing systems that "smell" emotions, and that can identify motives, sexual receptivity, antagonism, benevolence, etc. (All these are formats of what are commonly referred to as psychic vibe-sensing.)
........... etc. for cocoa puffs