Why we must remember the bloody cost of Waterloo


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Some 55,000 soldiers were killed and wounded during the Battle of Waterloo, a carnage comparable to the first day of the Somme. A new book written by a surgeon ahead of this summer's 200th anniversary argues that that sacrifice must not be forgotten.

Why we must remember the bloody cost of Waterloo

Battle of Waterloo, 18th June 1815, 1898 (colour litho) by Sullivan, William Holmes Photo: Bridgeman Art Library

By Joe Shute
04 Mar 2015
The Telegraph

The legend of Lord Uxbridge’s leg is one told with relish by aficionados of Waterloo. At around 8pm on June 18, 1815, as the day was turning to blood red dusk, Wellington gave the signal for a general advance of the victorious Allied line. Lord Uxbridge, an outstanding cavalry commander, was riding forwards alongside the Duke just beyond La Haye Sainte farm, when he was struck on the right knee by a stray volley of grapeshot.

According to tradition, Uxbridge turned and exclaimed to the Duke, “By God, Sir! I’ve lost my leg” to which he supposedly replied, “By God Sir! So you have.”

Lord Uxbridge's right leg, shown here still attached to Lord Uxbridge, became a tourist attraction in the village of Waterloo after the battle. According to anecdote, he was close to the Duke of Wellington when his leg was hit, and exclaimed, "By God, sir, I've lost my leg!", to which Wellington replied "By God, sir, so you have!"

Apocryphal or not, the exchange has become immortalised in British Army legend. But it is part of a story which, in the run-up to the 200th anniversary commemorations of the Battle of Waterloo, has become largely ignored. The defeat of Napoleon at Waterloo came at a bloody cost which, in the pomp and celebration of victory, was swept to one side. It has remained so ever since.

In the one day of fighting there were around 55,000 either killed, wounded, or missing in action from both sides. The sheer density of the injured - around 2,291 people per mile of front compared with 234 over the same area on the first day of the Battle of the Somme in 1916 – meant many of the casualties were left simply to bleed to death on the battlefield.

Ahead of the anniversary, a medic and historian has witten a compelling account detailing the true scale of the bloodshed. Michael Crumplin, 72, a retired consultant surgeon from Wrexham for 25 years and now curator and archivist at the Royal College of Surgeons of England, says he felt he must redress history.

Mick Crumplin with a Waterloo surgeon's saw
Photo: Paul Cooper

“Be under no misunderstanding,” he says. “This was, relatively speaking, a ghastly episode in British history. But because it was two centuries ago, and most military historians will not address the terribleness of the war, a lot of people have forgotten. I find it offensive and that is something I wish to change. I don’t want to horrify people, just bring things into perspective. It was a very tricky time for us. The loss of life was dreadful.”

Crumplin, who is also trustee and treasurer of the Waterloo Association, says his book, “The Bloody Fields of Waterloo”, began life as a list of the doctors present at the battle. There were about 180 on the day and another 60 drafted in to treat the injured in the aftermath of the battle. But after researching the scale and nature of the injuries sustained he realised that the experience of Waterloo had a profound effect on the British Army and the way in which it manages war zone casualties which continues to this day.

Indeed, it was the lessons learnt by the Army Medical Department during the battle – and throughout the Peninsular War - that paved the way for the birth of the Royal Army Medical Corps in 1898 and its transformation from a primitive butchering operation into the state-of-the art service which, in recent years, has been put to the ultimate test in Afghanistan. Not least, it was the number of amputations that surgeons had to perform on or near the battlefield that provided a fledgling database of experience on which to draw in future conflicts .

Crumplin discovered that there were 2,000 amputations performed at Waterloo as a result of the battle. And it is for good reason that an ebony-handled surgical saw and blood-stained white leather glove were last month chosen as part of the Waterloo 200 collection of 200 objects that came to define the battle.

A blood stained saw and glove – used by a field surgeon to amputate the Earl of Uxbridge’s leg mid-battle. Uxbridge was one of the very last men to be injured as the battle neared its end and his amputated leg was preserved and became an attraction in the village of Waterloo afterwards

“Surgery was performed usually in the upright position because you had to move fast,” Crumplin says. “They would cut the flesh with large capital amputation knives and then divide the bone with a saw. That would only take a few minutes but then you had to make sure you had control of all the arteries which were to be tied off individually. Then you would dress the wound. In all it would take about 15 minutes.”

There was, of course, no anaesthesia available, only a small dose of cordial of spirits and water afterwards and, if one was lucky, some opium or laudanum. “Often the patient fainted from the foul sights he was witness to,” Crumplin says.

Most though, such as Lord Uxbridge, displayed remarkable forbearance. As the peer underwent his amputation by Wellington’s personal physician and surgeon, Dr John Hume, he uttered not a word, nor did his pulse rate increase. The only time he flinched was when the saw blade jammed. Lord Uxbridge survived and the Prince Regent created him the 1st Marquess of Anglesey. He went on to lead a distinguished public life, twice becoming Lord Lieutenant of Ireland and, in 1827, Master General of the Ordnance. He finally retired as a field marshal in March 1852.

The reason why so many willingly underwent the surgeon’s blade was simple. By the end of two decades of the bloody Peninsular War, the soldiers of the British Army were all too well-schooled in the devastating impact of gangrene on their wounds. “They would literally queue up to be operated upon quickly despite the pain,” Crumplin says.

The most common cause of wounds, about 62 per cent, was small arms fire while 18 per cent were the result of slashes from sabre swords. The remainder were caused by cannon fire. Around three-quarters of injuries affected the limbs.

History enthusiasts re-enacting Wellington's defeat of Napoleon at the battle of Waterloo Photo: REUTERS

Crumplin, who has examined 20 or so skeletons dug up on the battlefield, says most injuries were caused by spent balls – fired over 150 yards. “Being round, although they didn’t have the destructive power of modern bullets, they did carry items of clothing into the wound – cloth infested with bacteria – which was a huge problem.”

Following the battle, the wounded were taken to interim hospitals established in Brussels where the surgeons were working day and night. The gruesome scenes were captured by the watercolourist Sir Charles Bell, who visited Belgium two weeks after the battle, and produced 17 paintings of wounded men.

The dead, meanwhile, were hastily stripped and buried. Another series of paintings of the bloody scenes are currently on display at the British Museum as part of an exhibition entitled Bonaparte and the British: Prints and Propaganda in the Age of Napoleon.

The studies, painted on June 20 or 21, 1815, depict the bodies of naked soldiers still lying on the ground and are believed to be the work of Thomas Stoney, an Irish civilian travelling in Belgium at the time. A few notable victims were buried in Brussels or brought back for interment in Britain.

The Battle of Waterloo, 1815 Photo: Royal Collection Trust/Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II

As for Lord Uxbridge’s severed leg, the limb was buried in the garden of the house where he underwent his operation. For years, a plaque marking the spot remained a grisly tourist attraction before the leg was eventually exhumed and burned.

Remarkably, according to Crumplin, a study of 6,800 of the men wounded at Waterloo found that by 1816, 75 per cent had re-joined their regiments. A sign, perhaps, of immense courage when faced by the sheer brutality of war, or that even such carnage was preferable to a lifetime spent picking turnips in a field – the other option available at the time for the common man.

Crumplin suggests it may well have been the latter. For all the glory associated with the Napoleonic Wars, it was a time when life was hard, cheap and often cut short. Some 200 years on, the bodies still lying beneath the fields of Waterloo deserve remembrance.


The Bloody Fields Of Waterloo by Michael Crumplin (Ken Trotman Publishing £45) is available to order from Telegraph Books at £42.50 + £1.95 p&p. Call 0844 871 1515 or visit books.telegraph.co.uk

Reader Offer: Enjoy a spectacular commemoration of the 200th anniversary of the battle of Waterloo on a four night escorted tour. Costs from £799 per person, including return train travel, transfers and accommodation. Valid for departure on June 17, 2015. (Call 0333 005 9033)

Why we must remember the bloody cost of Waterloo - Telegraph

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Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Britain was losing the battle at the moment the Prussians arrived.

No, she wasn't. She was doing a damned good job of repelling wave after wave of attack from Boney's hordes and keeping them at bay before the Prussians turned up. It was Wellington who won Waterloo, not the Prussians (who were defeated by the French just a day or two before Waterloo in another battle).


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Britain was losing the battle at the moment the Prussians arrived. Then the tide of battle changed as the French were flanked. Sometimes coalitions are a good thing.

You are spot on BT.

The British and the Coalition were locked in place and unwilling to move until the Prussians saved their butts.

And the Prussians were beaten in a battle a few days earlier because the Briddish were unable to come to their aid at Ligny because they were getting their heads slapped around at Quatre Bras.

However the Prussians did bail the Briddish out at Waterloo.

Many historians give full credit to Blucher and the Prussians over Wellington. And quite a number considered the Brits as only support troops as the 7th Coalition provided more troops than the Brits.
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Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
No, she wasn't. She was doing a damned good job of repelling wave after wave of attack from Boney's hordes and keeping them at bay before the Prussians turned up. It was Wellington who won Waterloo, not the Prussians (who were defeated by the French just a day or two before Waterloo in another battle).

The British were breaking under the onslaught of the Old Guard. Then Blucher's Prussians appeared on the French flank.

You are right the Prussians were defeated by the French in a separate battle a few days before Waterloo. However, the French didn't destroy the Prussians. The Prussians lived to fight another day...when they came out of the woods on the French flank at Waterloo.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
You are spot on BT.

The British and the Coalition were locked in place and unwilling to move until the Prussians saved their butts.

Bollocks. The battle saw the British defeat the previously undefeated Imperial Guard.

And the Prussians were beaten in a battle a few days earlier because the Briddish were unable to come to their aid at Ligny because they were getting their heads slapped around at Quatre Bras.
The British won Quatre Bras.

However the Prussians did bail the Briddish out at Waterloo.
On 16th June 1815, Bonaparte had beaten the Prussians at Ligny, while at the same time Wellington had held a vital set of crossroads at Quatre Bras against an inept Marshal Ney.

At Waterloo, Bonaparte sent in a division of the Young Guard and, when they too began to be forced backwards, he sent in two battalions of his elite Old Guard. In a stunning attack, the Old Guard shattered 14 Prussian battalions and by 7pm the French lines were able to regroup.

This time the French were able to hold the British in square through the threat of cavalry attack. But this time the accompanying infantry and artillery tore great holes in the dense ranks with musket and cannon fire.

The British resolve, so indomitable in the years of war to date, began to weaken. Hours of absorbing huge casualties had left the army dangerously wounded and finally La Haye Sainte fell in the centre

Despite being like a boxer staggering and awaiting the knock-out blow, Wellington's troops held on only to be faced by a sight that had terrified many fresh armies - the advance of the French Imperial Guard.

In one final attempt to deal with Wellington, Bonaparte threw his undefeated veterans at the recalcitrant thin red line, which buckled under the strain.

The moment of victory was at hand when, upon Wellington's command, 1500 Guardsmen stood immediately in front of their French adversaries and stopped the advance with a withering point-blank series of volleys.

The disintegration of a once-proud army into a mass of panicking men took place almost within a blink of an eye and Bonaparte's dreams, and reputation, lay shattered.

I don't see much of a "Prussian rescue" here.

Many historians give full credit to Blucher and the Prussians over Wellington. And quite a number considered the Brits as only support troops as the 7th Coalition provided more troops than the Brits.
Nothing but a Hollywood revisionist take on the Battle of Waterloo.

The Prussians acted like the Americans did in WWI and WWII: turned up late after the British did most of the fighting and later claimed the glory.

Britain had already defeated Old Boney in Spain. It was Old Boney's last stand and, after trying badly to defeat the Russians, the Prussians arrived late with an army to Waterloo after having already taken a beating from the French days before.
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Senate Member
Jan 25, 2011
Santa Cruz, California
Britain had already defeated Old Boney in Spain. It was Old Boney's last stand and, after trying badly to defeat the Russians, the Prussians arrived late with an army to Waterloo after having already taken a beating from the French days before.

The Peninsular War was only one component of the series of conflicts called the Napoleonic Wars.

I can't believe I've received two reds in one thread. :eek:


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Peninsular War was only one component of the series of conflicts called the Napoleonic Wars.

Britain's defeat of the French in the Peninsular War played a major part in Boney's downfall.

The British invaded Spain in 1808 and drove out the Frogs in 1813. That eventually led to Waterloo, where the British kicked their arses. That spelt the end of Boney - who died in British exile on the British island of St Helena - and the Frogs.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The Prince of Orange was the true hero of the Allied line.

Lion Hill... Monument to the Prince of Orange!

I can't believe I've received two reds in one thread. :eek:

You got me by one!

BL hates getting taught true history

The Briddish line FINALLY started to move after the Prussians caved in the French right flank. The Prussians and Blucher were the victors that day along with the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Brunswick.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Prince of Orange was the true hero of the Allied line.

Lion Hill... Monument to the Prince of Orange!

That's the thing about some of the monuments at Waterloo. Some of them are in honour of people who deserve no monument, whilst Britain had to wait only until last year to get its first monument there.

William, Prince of Orange - "Slender Billy" - is one of those who deserve no monument at Waterloo, an inept commander who was only allowed to command the I Corps at Quatre Bras and Waterloo to please his father, King William I of the Netherlands.

Young and untried as a commander, Billy ordered troops to form line rather than square three times over the course of Quatre Bras and Waterloo, exposing them to cavalry fire and crippling losses. At Waterloo, when the prince insisted that Baron Ompteda follow the order to form line, Ompteda looked at Billy as though he'd received a death sentence and said simply that in that case he would try to save the lives of his nephews, aged 14 and 15. Both the nephews survived, but Ompteda and dozens of others did not.

Bernard Cornwell in Waterloo rightly depicts the Prince of Orange as an arrogant young royal whose bumbling arrogance cost numerous lives.

And yet, for some reason, he has a huge monument at Waterloo.

You got me by one!

BL hates getting taught true history
No. That's you.

The Briddish line FINALLY started to move after the Prussians caved in the French right flank. The Prussians and Blucher were the victors that day along with the Prince of Orange and the Duke of Brunswick.
The British defeated the Imperial Guard, who had never lost a battle previously, and it was that defeat of the Imperial Guard at the hands of the British - who had spent hours successfully holding out against the French when the Americans and many others would have caved in much earlier - which won the battle.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
I just got my second.

Blackleaf is getting very salty! The actual events of Waterloo is a tough pill to swallow for the briddish.

We all know the actual events of Waterloo. At least, I do. It's all there in the history books.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
The British defeated the Imperial Guard, who had never lost a battle previously, and it was that defeat of the Imperial Guard at the hands of the British - who had spent hours successfully holding out against the French when the Americans and many others would have caved in much earlier - which won the battle.

The Prussians arriving on the French right doomed Napoleon. The bulk of the troops on line with the brits were from other countries. The attack of the French Old Guard was a desperate move by Napoleon and made little difference to the battle as Blucher was smashing the French flank destroying the far superior French Young Guard.

We all know the actual events of Waterloo. At least, I do. It's all there in the history books.

Yes it is... Blucher saved the britards.

"Thanks Blucher.... you really saved us today!"


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
The Prussians arriving on the French right doomed Napoleon. The bulk of the troops on line with the brits were from other countries.

And they were led by Wellington - who actually didn't think much of the foreigners in his army and paid them little credit. It was Wellington's ingenious tactics that won the battle for the good guys.

There were plenty of foreigners in Napoleon's Grande Armee, too. In fact, almost half of the total Grande Armee were non-French.

The attack of the French Old Guard was a desperate move by Napoleon and made little difference to the battle as Blucher was smashing the French flank destroying the far superior French Young Guard.

Yes it is... Blucher saved the britards.

"Thanks Blucher.... you really saved us today!"
The Prussians did NOT win Waterloo.

The exact arrival of the Prussians into the field is a large question in Boneyonic history, and historians are of the opinion that Wellington's forces were at the point of bringing matters to a successful conclusion and that Blucher's arrival on the field at that moment was coincidental.

The Prussians arrived on the field with one corps. The remaining three corps were too spread out to have any bearing on proceedings.

The experts on the tactics used during the battle would argue that if it wasn't for Wellington's genius reverse slope defence Napoleon would have crushed him before the Prussians showed up - and they took take their time about that (they probably still hand in their minds the crushing defeat they suffered at the hands of the Frogs days before when they didn't have the British alongside them).

I would certainly not call diverting a few troops a Prussian victory. It was Wellington's massive counter-attack against all the odds when his troops had been on the ropes which crushed Napoleon once and for all. Waterloo was a British victory.


Hall of Fame Member
Feb 16, 2005
Bernard Cornwell in Waterloo rightly depicts the Prince of Orange as an arrogant young royal whose bumbling arrogance cost numerous lives.

Attention! Attention!

Bernard Cornwell's book Waterloo was a NOVEL. It is a fictional account of Richard Sharpe in the Sharpe Series of which I've read every one. Cornwell is my favorite author... nevertheless it is a Fictional Novel.

As to one who makes so many posts of his disdain for Hollywood Movies I find this rather humorous you bring up a completely fictional account of Waterloo to support your ridiculous assertions.

Who gives a **** about the Battle of New Orleans? The baddies lost that war. We won.

Got your azzes thumped at New Orleans fair and square. The elite soldiers of the brittards had nobody to help them that day. No Prussians were there on Jackson's flank to save the brits that day.