Capitalism will save this world


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
Never heard of that one but we have billed for nucence calls such as fire alarms going off three times in a day. Or the guy that called in a structure fire because he didn't like his neighbors legal yard fire.

Just heard here from the local volunteer dept. that after upgrades to the hall, equipment, and truck the call out service fee of $1700 was raised to $3200.


Hall of Fame Member
Mar 18, 2013
Washington DC
Schumer requesting a $750 Billion bail out package to help all infected, Romney wants to send $1000 to every adult to help get them through this as well.
Yep, Romney.

Remember "Corporations are people too?" Real capitalist.

And your Dear Leader just requested a trillion. The Art of the Deal. In this case, desperately trying to buy votes.


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Trudeau about to announce a $25 billion bailout package.

So I guess that would mean the Americans would need about ten times more - or $250 billion or so.

Except they are talking trillions.

Because Canada is a socialist and America is capitalist.


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Trudeau about to announce a $25 billion bailout package.
So I guess that would mean the Americans would need about ten times more - or $250 billion or so.
Except they are talking trillions.
Because Canada is a socialist and America is capitalist.
As usual with socialists - too little too late. TrudOWE and his flunkies will eat up the bulk of that in administration.
Are leftys still so touchyfeeley now that Coronavirus is around?


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Regardless of how bad things get the most important thing is that social misfits get to make ridiculous rants on the internet

Oddly comforting


Trolling Hypocrites
May 27, 2007
Northern Ontario,
Not the same guy although you'd sure think so.
Especially in advertising his ignore list


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
As usual with socialists - too little too late. TrudOWE and his flunkies will eat up the bulk of that in administration.
Are leftys still so touchyfeeley now that Coronavirus is around?

Did you read this article? The author agrees with you

Jesse Kline: Reading between the lines of the COVID-19 aid package

We all knew it was coming: there was no way our federal and provincial governments could shut down large swathes of the economy — asking people to stay at home and closing businesses, schools and daycare centres — without putting together a mindbogglingly large aid package to help individuals and companies weather the economic storm these measures have wrought.
On Wednesday, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced a headline-grabbing $82-billion aid package — a significant increase from the $1 billion he pledged last week, to say the least. And this is only the “first phase” of the government’s plan, according to Finance Minister Bill Morneau.
But that staggering $82-billion figure doesn’t tell the whole story: the bulk of it, $55 billion, is the price tag the government puts on extending the tax deadline until June 1 and allowing businesses and individuals to defer paying their taxes until Aug. 31.

Yet even this number is misleading because the government is deferring, not lowering, taxes and will therefore recoup most of the money at a later date. Yes, the government will forgo any interest it could have earned on that money, while paying interest on the debt it will have to take on to offset the temporary loss. The deficit will go up by $55 billion or so in this budget year or the next, but there will be a corresponding drop the year after that.
So what we are really left with is a $27.4-billion aid package, which is relatively small by comparison, but still nothing to scoff at.
This includes up to $10 billion to provide short-term payments to workers and parents who are unable to work and do not qualify for employment insurance (EI); up to $5 billion to provide longer-term support for people who are facing unemployment and don’t qualify for EI; $5.5 billion to provide a larger GST tax credit to individuals and families in low- and modest-income brackets; $1.9 billion to increase the Canada Child Benefit by $300 per kid; and $3.8 billion to help prevent layoffs by providing some small businesses with a temporary wage subsidy.

Is all this really necessary? Much of this aid will not reach Canadians until April or May, raising serious questions about what people who are out of work, and out of savings, are supposed to do in the meantime. It is also a fairly large sum of money, even if it’s substantially less than the $82-billion figure the government is selling us. But, seeing as we all seem to be socialists now, why the heck not? While we’re at it, why not throw a few hundred million dollars to some pet Liberal causes to appease the base?
Oh, right. That’s exactly what they did. The Liberals’ plan also includes such measures as $305 million for a new “distinctions-based” (whatever that means) Indigenous Community Support Fund, $157.5 million to support homeless people and $50 million for women and children fleeing violence.

I certainly don’t want to play down the needs of these constituencies. Many First Nations reserves have been experiencing sanitation issues and financial difficulties for years. Homeless people who are living on the streets or packed into overcrowded shelters are at increased risk of catching, and spreading, coronavirus. And with everyone facing the prospect of being cooped up in their houses for months on end, we could very easily see a significant increase in domestic violence.
But at the same time, using this as an opportunity to, say, improve water quality on reserves or provide more money to people living in communities that had little to no economic opportunities before the outbreak and were already heavily dependent on government largesse is not going to do anything to blunt the impact of the current crisis. And why specifically give money to homeless and women’s shelters, instead of offering broader supports to a range of charities and religious institutions that are facing the prospect of declining revenues and a huge increase in community needs?
It’s hard to shake the feeling that the Liberals were trying to pad this aid package with funding designed to appease their ideological base, rather than respond to a national crisis. And while some of these items may be worthy, we need to ensure that government spending is targeted toward helping us all get through the inevitable depression that will be caused by this unprecedented shutdown of the entire country.
And make no mistake about it: a reckoning is coming. John Maynard Keynes said governments should save during good times and spend during bad. We spent during good times and now we’re in for some really, really bad times.

But what the heck, we’re all socialists now.
National Post


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
How is capitalism supposed to save us all without timely and adequate bail outs?