The Purpose Of Schooling


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Felicity Huffman begins community service after prison release
WENN - World Entertainment News Network
November 4, 2019
November 4, 2019 10:51 AM EST
Felicity Huffman has begun her community service for her role in the college admissions scandal, after the star’s 14-day prison sentence was cut short last week.
The Desperate Housewives actress spent just 11 days behind bars, after pleading guilty to paying $15,000 to doctor her daughter’s university entrance exams. She will remain on probation for a year.
As well as paying a $30,000 fine, Felicity has been ordered by the courts to undertake 250 hours of community service, which she began in Los Angeles on Sunday.
The star was at The Teen Project – a treatment centre to rehabilitate young women at risk of sex trafficking and homelessness – carrying a large plastic tub holding cake tins, as she entered and exited the rehab facility on her own.
The 56-year-old actress appeared in a subdued mood, and was dressed down, wearing a black roll neck sweater, blue jeans and black pumps.
Story continues below
Felicity was one of 30 parents, including Fuller House star Lori Loughlin, who were charged with cheating the system. The Fuller House star has pleaded not guilty and has yet to be sentenced.
Felicity Huffman gets letters of support from William H. Macy, Eva Longoria
'PRISON TIME, NO': Alec Baldwin says Felicity Huffman should be fined for Examgate
Actress Felicity Huffman released early from U.S. college scandal sentence

A lot of people -meaning civil service union HOGS seem to think.........................................

the purpose of schooling is to ENRICH HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


In the latest news - Ontari-owe elementary teacher HOGS will begin a work to rule campaign to punish Ford govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So what does this mean for ordinary Cdns?????????????????

BASICALLY It means WATCH OUT FOR HIGH SPEED TRAFFIC ESCAPING the HOG parking lot at days end - even faster than before!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means that HOGS will be getting STINGY with tips for Ontari-owe wait staff - because IF YOU PEOPLE wanted good tips- you should NOT have pissed off the LIE-beral overlords and elected Doug Ford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It means that HOGS will Shuffle off to Buffalo - and do their Christmas shopping there -to ensure that Ford does NOT GET any HOG Sales tax!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not IRONIC that our teacher HOGS cry about how “Cuts Hurt Kids”!!

And yet teacher HOGS HAVE NOTHING TO SAY about how govt debt and massive taxes HURT ENTIRE FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The number one thing that all married people fight over is money - thus taxing ordinary people into the ground just to feed INSATIABLE HOG GREED - and BUY VOTES FOR LIE-berals IS BAD FOR FAMILIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To bad those HOGS who claim they are “doing for the kids” - are really DOING IT TOO THE KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And its no wonder that our kids are showing so many signs of stress and mental strain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE KNOW - because we have the long term PROOF - that kids whose parents divorce are statistically MORE LIKELY to get divorced in their turn!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE KNOW that kids raised by a single parent will struggle throughout life!!!!!!!

The kid raised by a single parent does LESS WELL in school!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kid of a single parent is more likely to abuse drugs or alcohol!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kid of a single parent is LESS LIKELY to get post secondary education - and with over 75 percent of jobs in Canada REQUIRING post secondary education - it means the child of a single parent is set for FISCAL FAILURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It gets even WORSE as LIE-berals pursue their policy of rounding up illegals as if they were nothing more than stray cats - with those illegals now grabbing up the entry level jobs that used to go to ill educated ! Cdn KIDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With the added bonus that LIE-berals are now BORROWING MONEY - that we CANNOT AFFORD to pay back - so they can support their colonies of illegals and BUY VOTES AT ANY PRICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it not IRONIC that our teacher HOGS are DEMANDING pay raises that MATCH THE RATE OF INFLATION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet it IS HOG PAY RAISES that are driving inflation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does your water bill go up???????????

To cover the HOG pay raise for that union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does your electricity bill go up????????????????

To cover the pay raises for that union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does the cost of medical care and the health levey keep going up???????????

To cover the HOG pay raise for the medical union!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does your student debt and tuition cost go up????????????????

To cover the colleg and university teacher HOG pay raises!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why does your income tax bill keep going up??????????????????

To cover the growing cost of shameless LIE-beral VOTE BUYING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Our bankrupt economy keeps producing ever more drug addicts and un-educated and unemployable types - who have GIVEN UP trying to become useful citizens - and LIE-berals have identified the drugged and the desperate as a GROWTH INDUSTRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So LIE-berals view people who have failed in life to be AN OPPORTUNITY to grab votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

People who are desperate will sell their votes cheaper than people who have strong resilient independent lives and such peiople generally DO NOT like LIE-berals!!!!

Thus LIE-berals HAVE NO REAL INCENTIVE to fix any social problems -because effective action will ERODE their voter support base!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This is why - for instance - why LIE-berals TALK A LOT about helping natives -but DO NOT actually take any effective action!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

YOU BEING HELPLESS and HOPELESS is GOOD FOR LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Before anybody rushes to condemn Doug Ford, or Scheer or Kenney - we really need to consider what the TRUE MOTIVES of the anti Conservative movement really are!! The truth is that Conservatives are HATED simply because they are eroding the very special gravy train benefits the protestors have been enjoying for many years - at the painful expense of the general public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

There you go, putz, all for you. I figured you must be running low on them by now.

OH very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The burned out Ember figured out how to make her computer..........................

do a TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017

POOR FOOLISH CLIFFY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HERE IS A SIMPLE WAY to purify water on native reserves!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


to admit the TRUTH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

File this one under AMAZING! The CBC has reported the following - and I have added some comments of my own in brackets):

First Nations teen solves remote community's drinking water problems.
A 19-year-old from North Spirit Lake First Nation is the key to solving a boil water advisory in place in his community for nearly as long as he has been alive.
Jody Porter/CBC tells us that Quentin Rae, 19, tests water samples at the North Spirit Lake First Nation in his new role as water plant operator. Quentin Rae, 19, is the water plant operator in North Spirit Lake First Nation.

The remote First Nation, about 800 kilometers northwest of Thunder Bay, Ont., has been under a boil water advisory for 14 years.

Now, a unique program spearheaded by the Northern Chiefs Council (Keewatinook Okimakanak), is allowing people like Quentin Rae to take the initiative and the responsibility for providing clean water in their own communities.

"I have to take care of the plant, make sure chlorine gets in the water to clean the bacteria," said Rae with a smile during his first week on the job at the end of April.
Quentin Rae, 19, files the water monitoring reports at the North Spirit Lake First Nation water plant. "I just graduated last year and they gave me the job."

The high school diploma is the prerequisite for the training provided by Northern Chiefs Council that will provide Rae with his operator certificate. Once the water plant in North Spirit Lake has a certified operator, the boil water advisory can be lifted.

But the program goes beyond the training.
'Think about a 19-year-old like Quentin having the safety of every member of this community on him,' says public works manager Barry Strachan. We can't let him do that alone, we need to support him ' says public works manager Barry Strachan. You think about a 19-year-old like Quentin having the safety of every member of this community on him — we can't let him do that alone, we need to support him."

The support comes in the form of a high-tech monitoring system installed in five remote First Nations in 2015. It provides Strachan up-to-the-second updates on water quality, sent to his office in Dryden, Ont. He can then help the local technicians work through the problem over the phone.

"We want the community to own and fix the problems," Strachan said.

"The best way to build the confidence in their own ability to run these systems is to let them do it and support them while they are."

Strachan admits First Nations need sound infrastructure in place first, before the monitoring and training system will work. The program has already resulted in removing boil water advisories in three other northern Ontario First Nations.

Meanwhile, community leaders in North Spirit Lake are pleased to be able to offer new opportunities to the young people.

"That young fella, he just graduated from Grade 12 and we gave him an opportunity and he jumped at it," said deputy chief Donald Campbell.

"I think he's very excited and he'll be a good asset for our community as he grows and learns."

Rae expects to complete his training for his certificate in June.

"It feels all right," he said. "I'm happy."

But Rae laughs when asked whether he sees the opportunity as a "job for life."

"I don't know," he says. "It's my first job ever."

(I have to say it’s a remarkable CBC report-just imagine-a young fellow from a reserve actually graduated from high school and then took advantage of the FREE training offered by govt and now he has the skills needed to help his community! AND HE has a steady job out of it too!!!! Who would have imagined such a happy outcome simply from going to school and gaining a skill?)

(Life on the average First Nation Reserve is so aweful that govt cannot find qualified white people to go to such places and operate the water treatment plants. And of course only 25 percent of natives actually graduate from high school and very few of them go on to post secondary education so the number of qualified natives is disturbingly low, especially when drugs and alcohol take their toll on `worker` attitude!)

(Add in endemic corruption on many reserves where money intended to keep water plants running is often syphoned off for stupid reasons like sending native hockey teams to tournaments in places like California or for sending native groups on Caribbean cruises; then add INSANE salaries for band councils-in one New Brunswick case a band chief was being paid Five Hundred Thousand dollars per year to over see a band of less than 500 people and it quickly becomes obvious why there is no money for clean water on so many reserves!)

(And sadly, even when there IS clean water, it is often not used. On the same day that CBC reported the good news about Quentin Rae, CBC ALSO ran a report out of the very troubled Kashchewan reserve- it seems a number of kids have been air lifted out to hospitals in the south to treat horrible skin rashes. I am not a doctor but the last time I saw a rash like that shown on the face of the girl in the news report, that rash was on the body of a NEGLECTED boy who I KNEW had not been supplied with clean clothes or a hot bath in months!)

(I have to ask if anything really works on the average native reserve. Especially since govt has AGAIN airlifted 300 people out of Kashechewan due to the YEARLY flooding! And govt may have to do as it did last year and airlift as many as 1200 people out due to the flooding-which occurs EVERY YEAR! WHY build a town in a place guaranteed to FLOOD EVERY YEAR?)

(What IS the cost to fly 500 or a 1000 people plus their clothing and pets out and back every year? A 1000 Km trip to some place like Thunder Bay? And then put them up in hotels? Why not fly them out and LEAVE THEM OUT-some place high and dry? Or should we assume this is a native revenge thing-making a MESS that white people get to pay for? No wonder CBC thinks its newsworthy when a young guy like Quentin Rae shows responsibility and common sense! Its so utterly out of character for so many Reserve inhabitants and the loonie LIE-beral loving leftists egging them on!)

(The worst of it is the reserve houses flood so often BECAUSE govt let the natives build the houses-and they took a little short cut that NO WHITE MAN would be allowed! When white men build in such a place-so close to sea level-they START by bulldozing up a nice HIGH pad of sand and gravel and build the house on top of that-out of reach of yearly flood waters. Native house builders did not bother with such an elementary step and the houses now flood every spring due to their elevation-which happens to be an average of 6ft above Hudson Bay sea level-according to an old Toronto (Red) Star report; so every spring one little ice jam in the river floods huge chunks of reserve land and houses! Oh well, its only white mans money that is paying for all this.....and it makes for nice photo ops for Our Brainless Boy who enjoys taking `selfies` with the victimized natives.)

(It was Jean Chretien as Dept if Indian Affairs minister under LIE-beral leader Pierre Trudope who first encouraged a bunch of drugged, drunken, emotionally depressed, chronically un-employed sots living on remote reserves that they were `first nations`.....and given the array of problems endemic to a typical reserve one ought to say `First Nation` with a sneer. LIE-berals are responsible for this mess-encouraging natives that we can and will pay them whatever they want whenever they desire it. But isn’t it nice that some natives (like Quentin Rae) understand reality and scorn the siren song of `free` money from LIE-berals! AND take responsibility for their lives!)

(It is entirely obvious that natives on reserves need some sort of help but what they DON’T need is grossly misplaced sympathy from air head social workers; nor do they need any encouragement to continue down their current corrupt and drunken and too often suicidal path!)


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
OH very good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The burned out Ember figured out how to make her computer..........................
do a TRICK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lol How very observant of you. Ordinarily you could be smacked upside the head with a bat and still not notice it was made of aluminum or wood.


Standing Member
Nov 19, 2008
Nakusp, BC
Conservatives and Republicans both cut education spending...

obviously, the right loves stupid people. Trump said so himself.

Dixie Cup

Senate Member
Sep 16, 2006
(IN recent news - LIE-berals HAVE DISCUSSED hitting us with new wealth taxes - meaning we would PAY MORE to govt when we sold our house!! Yes- the single biggest investment that most of us will ever own is in LIE-beral tax gunsights -but they DENY THIS - claiming not to have even discussed it in spite of public records to the contrary!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

It has come into fruition - when you sell your house you MUST claim it on your tax return and even though there isn't a tax consequence, there is if you fail to report - a penalty of $25/day plus you may have to pay (50%) tax on any gain you made because you didn't report it on your tax return. I believe, that if the Liberals stay in power they may look at taxing us on the gain in any event because they need the money and there's only 1 taxpayer!! I sincerely hope not but I wouldn't be surprised.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
lol How very observant of you. Ordinarily you could be smacked upside the head with a bat and still not notice it was made of aluminum or wood.

Oh very droll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The burned out Ember THINKS there is no difference between a WOOD BAT.........................

and an ALUMINUM BAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As a typical HOG - we KNOW that Ember would SCREAM BLUE MURDER....................


BETWEEN Aluminum and Wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Just the USUAL HOG entitlement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Want TO BET IT WAS SOME CHINESE GOVT HOG................................

who came up with the idea of making the family PAY FOR the bullet that executed the criminal relative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
You're projecting again. :D

BOUGHT ANY BATS RECENTLY???????????????????????

Or are you assuming the Bats in your Belfry are good enough??????????????????

Here is an article illustrating just how seriously LIE-berals take their self declared “Climate Emergency”!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

After decades in limbo, 2020 could be a critical year for the Pickering Airport

By Nick Boisvert, CBC News

Published January 3, 2019.

There's hope in Durham Region that 2020 could bring some long-awaited answers about the proposed airport in Pickering, an update that is poised to renew the simmering battle over the fate of the land.

(Yes- in the midst of the alleged climate emergency - LIE-berals are still trying to build a huge new airport so that people can more easily access air planes - the absolutely MOST POLLUTING WAY to move either goods or people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The federal government is believed to be sitting on an updated report by the consulting firm KPMG about the feasibility or need for an additional airport to serve the Greater Toronto Area (GTA).

(Yes- LIE-berals excel at asking loaded questions that lead to conclusions THEY WANT - while IGNORING awkward TRUTHFUL REALITIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

And while local politicians are expecting findings that could finally jump start construction of the airport, others in the community are digging in their heels and calling on Ottawa to protect the land and kill the airport once and for all.

(Local political clowns are ignoring the general public in the push to get a new airport built SIMPLY AS A TAX CASH COW to replace General Motors!! LIE-berals are planning to MILK DRY the new airport with a series of taxes and fees that will make the Montreal Mirabel airport white elephant look like a great bargain by comparison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Local LIE-berals talk about the new jobs an airport would bring in - without mentioning how many jobs will REALLY BE CREATED if we hit the debt wall and LIE-berals are forced to scale back spending to HOGS!! ANY financial plan for the new airport is dependent on THE FISCAL STATUS QUO - with LIE-berals DELIBERATELY IGNORING the growing deficits in civil service union HOG pension plans!! LIE-berals are also ignoring the simmering public discontent with the ENDLESS HOG WAGE DEMANDS - with the public currently showing political preference for FRUGAL Conservative minded govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Things ARE SO BAD in HOG pension land that one of the reasons for the Ontari-owe Wynne-bag LIE-beral defeat and political disgrace was her inability to shovel GRAVY into HOG pension plans fast enough to stave off the eventual bankruptcy of those plans- and it IS HOGS WHO MOST OFTEN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals KNOW they cannot honour the hundreds of billions of dollars worth of pension promises they have made - and they are simply trying to kick the problem down the road for another govt to resolve!! The economic consequences of letting the HOG pensions fall inot bankruptcy will be DIRE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals KNOW that there ought to be some sort of HONEST reconciliation between obligations and remaining cash - of the same sort that resulted in TWO devaluations of the General Motors pension plan!! Better to reduce payments so the plan can survive and continue paying something out than to simply let it DIE!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals KNOW this -but are powerless to take sensible action as they are in a fight for party survival and are desperate to retain those purchased HOG votes!!!!!!!)
"The threat of an airport on these lands has to be lifted and the lands have to be protected in perpetuity," said Mary Delaney, chair of the volunteer group Land over Landings.

She says the proposed airport would be environmentally disastrous and believes the land should instead be preserved for agriculture and farming.

(Certainly an airport is a MAJOR strain on a community!! First there is the NOISE with decades of statistics to PROVE that people living under an airport flight path suffer more insomnia, and MORE MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES than people in quieter neighbourhoods!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Secondly there is the GREATLY INCREASED POLLUTION LEVELS to consider as planes circle over head waiting to land - and of course planes are running their engines AT MAXIMUM POWER during take off so we can expect a GREAT DECREASE in air quality down wind of the airport!!!!)

"The overwhelming push, and it's aggressive, has been from our local municipal and regional government," Delaney added.

(Yes- short sighted LOCAL HOGS who see only new tax gravy - and who are DELIBERATELY BLIND to long term issues!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The federal government acquired 18,600 acres of land in Pickering under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau in 1972 for the construction of a future airport. However, the project has remained in limbo since and much of the land has been leased for farming.

(Trudeau judgement is so good that the LIE-beral Mirabel airport has set a Cdn record for waste and bad planning!! Now Durham Region political hacks want a Pickering airport to rival Mirabel for WASTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

But now, some politicians in Durham Region are renewing their push to have the airport built as soon as possible.

They see the airport as a needed project that could relieve congestion at Toronto's Pearson International Airport and replace the shuttered General Motors assembly plant as Durham's economic engine.

(Ah yes- TAXES ARE NEEDED to replace GM and who cares WHO PAYS?? Just so long as there is more gravy coming in to shovel out to HOGS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

A new airport, Durham Region Chair John Henry said, could support around 150,000 direct and indirect jobs.

(And how many of these jobs exist ONLY in a LIE-beral DREAM WORLD??????)

"We have a tremendous opportunity here to do something that really has never been done before," he told CBC Toronto. "It's time that we get on with this and the government finally makes a decision."

(Jackass John Henry should have a look at the telephone logs for the Oshawa municipal airport that are FULL OF RAGING complaints from locals regarding noise after 10pm!! Henry should understand that sleepy voters will CURSE HIM every time a big jet plane wakes them - especially as the desired airport economic blessings ARE UNLIKELY TO APPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Durham Region has asked Ottawa to release the findings and commit to the airport, though the federal government has not committed to do either.

(No wonder - federal LIE-berls are committed to their climate emergency stance and do not wish to spend a pile of money to built an airport so that HOGS may more easily expand their already SWINE SIZED carbon foot print!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The previous Conservative government signalled a plan to develop the airport in 2013, but the Liberal government has not made any similar commitments.

Building airports in a 'climate crisis'

A collection of local groups has been resisting the airport development since the land was first sold 48 years ago.

(The number of new houses now built in the area will GUARANTEE that any local referendum held WILL VOTE TO KILL a new airport!! Who would spend nearly a MILLION DOLLARS on a brand new house and then shrug off an idiot proposal to build a NOISY airport NEXT DOOR????????????????????????)

(Our local politicians are IN SERIOUS FINANCIAL TROUBLE!! Local union HOGS are accustomed to regular pay raises - fueled largely by regular tax increases from General Motors- but that Gravy Boat is EMPTY!! Local Politicians now face the UGLY JOB of telling squealing HOGS “No more pay raises for you”!! With resulting DIRE CONSEQUENCES for the re-election hopes of political hacks like Jackass John Henry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 25, 2008
Vancouver Island
Oh very droll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The burned out Ember THINKS there is no difference between a WOOD BAT.........................
and an ALUMINUM BAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As a typical HOG - we KNOW that Ember would SCREAM BLUE MURDER....................
BETWEEN Aluminum and Wood!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Just the USUAL HOG entitlement!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Want TO BET IT WAS SOME CHINESE GOVT HOG................................
who came up with the idea of making the family PAY FOR the bullet that executed the criminal relative!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
When you are being hit upside the head with a bat normally the last thing on your mind is the price of the object that is about to ruin your day.


Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
BOUGHT ANY BATS RECENTLY???????????????????????
Or are you assuming the Bats in your Belfry are good enough??????????????????
And yet another projection.
I'm not the lunatic that gibbers away in nearly endless posts in some rant or other. Or the lunatic that seems to think dozens of exclamation points or question marks makes any more of a point than one. lmao You are a pretty decent comedy routine all by yourself. Maybe you should try it on stage sometime.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
When you are being hit upside the head with a bat normally the last thing on your mind is the price of the object that is about to ruin your day.


MORE TAX SLOB DRIVEL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It ADDS INSULT TO INJURY TO BE MADE TO PAY GRATUITOUS EXPENSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But what would any govt HOG KNOW ABOUT THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an older article reminding us of the sort of filthy LIE-beral messes that Doug Ford is trying to clean up!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Bad asphalt costing taxpayers millions: Auditor General

By Shawn Jeffords, Political Bureau Chief

First posted: Wednesday, November 30, 2016 01:00 PM EST

It’s one hot mess.

Ontario’s Auditor General says sub-standard asphalt has led to early pavement cracking on provincial highways, costing taxpayers millions. In her annual report, released Wednesday, Bonnie Lysyk says some contractors hired by the Ministry of Transportation have been using the bad asphalt and are still being paid bonuses for quality even after it fails.

“Premature cracks in pavement have significantly increased the (MTO’s) highway-repair costs,” Lysyk said. “The Ministry of Transportation needs to be more proactive to ensure the right material is used so that work is done properly the first time.”

(This is the new normal for all LIE-beral policy- paper over the cracks till after the election - at which time the problem will be dumped on others - if LIE-berals lose - otherwise LIE-berals can SPIN the mess with Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

In a sample of five highway jobs, the Ministry paid $23 million in repairs after only one to three years. That’s on top of $143 million to do the paving jobs initially. All of the work should have lasted 15 years.

The audit found that the MTO began to identify “significant problems” with cracking pavement in 2000, years before it was expected. By 2007, the Ministry had developed tests to measure the quality of asphalt but failed to implement them at the request of the asphalt industry.

The Ministry also paid bonuses to contractors after it became aware that they may have tampered with their asphalt samples, substituting good samples for the actual asphalt.

(The number and range of contrct issues being uncovered in recent years should be hugely disturbing to ordinary tax payers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(There was the snowplow event in Brampton some years back in which the city switched plow maintenance contractors and maintenance costs IMMEDIATELY SURGED - while at the same time vehicle maintenance logs and request for repair reports DISAPPEARED!! OPP were called in to investigate!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or we could discuss the Wynne-bag LIE-beral contracts to replace bridge over passes along highway 401- with ALL the CRITICAL steel box girders REJECTED for having INFERIOR WELDING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or we could discuss the Wynne-bag LIE-beral snow plowing contracts which reduced road clearing costs by REDUCING plowing and salting efforts- resulting in more car crashes and higher insurance costs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals were then STUNG by evidence that many of their plow operators LACKED suitable equipment to meet even reduced road clearing standards - and LIE-berals solved that problem by using our TAX MONEY to buy equipment for private contractors!! And LIE-berals wonder why the cynical public assumes that LIE-beral pals will always win!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or we could discuss that bridge Wynne-bag LIE-berals contracted for in the Nipissing area- built by a Spanish contractor with No experience of building in a Frost Zone- the bridge buckled after 6 months use!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Or most amazing of all - is the pedestrian bridge built in Pickering - over highway 401 - to allow pedestrians easy access to the local Go Train Station- and that bridge was built UPSIDE DOWN - by contractor who had NEVER built a bridge before and who later publicly defended himself by claiming that “it was impossible to build the bridge as designed”!! And yet the guy BID ON THE IMPOSSIBLE CONTRACT - meaning he put a price on it somehow - while remaining OBLIVIOUS of the LEGAL CONSEQUENCES of signing that contract!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Such scandalous arrogance is not limited to Ontari-owe- some years back an Edmonton civil service union HOG came up with a plan to recycle the sand put on icy roads in winter -he quit city hall and then arranged a company to collect sand from roads in spring time - as needs to be done anyway - and strain the sand through sieves to clean it of garbage and enable it to be reused!!! He figured the city could save $2.5 million dollars per year using his sand cleaning services - so his former HOG COLLEAGUES jumped at the idea- with no bidding process - and then made subsequent alterations to the contract - and eventually hard questions were asked regarding WHERE the projected savings went!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Investigators subsequently made recommendations that when HOGS quit working for the city - there ought to be a LONGER PERIOD when they cannot do biz with the city - and that there should be greater political oversight to ensure that current HOGS DO NOT get to cosy with former HOGS doing city biz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In other news- BOTH retired Ontari-owe Hydro workers and retired teachers have cosy deals arranged at tax payerf expense!! The Hydor workers retire - or are declared redundant - and get their solid gold pension -and then they GET RE-HIRED as “advisors and consultants” - AT PREMIUM RATES- PLUS their paid pensions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(In the case of retired teachers - already collecting their solid gold pensions - they are GIVEN PREFERENCE for temporary teaching jobs- ahead of yung people trying to pay their student loans!! Yes - every time some full time teacher decides to take a PAID “sick day” - a retired HOG gets to come in and be PAID to babysit - at the usual FINE HOG PAY RATES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(And any kid will tell you NOTHING GETS DONE in a class with a temporary teacher!! Putting in a highly paid substitute teacher is simply the HOG WAY of avoiding telling parents “we don’t feel like teaching your kids ANYTHING today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE need to ask if LIE-berals are completely incompetent???????????)

(Or should the blame be put on incompetent govt purchasing agents????????????)

(Or should we blame CORRUPT ELEMENTS in the civil service who thought to take some juicy bribes and then retire before the sh+t hit the fan????????????)

(Or should we assume that SHAMELESS LIE-beral buying of HOG VOTES at any price is so out of control that they don’t care how our tax money is wasted - just so long as LIE-berals and HOGS and all their pals BENEFIT??????????????)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
hehe The goofy, feckless blunder couldn't even tell I wasn't talking about the price anyway.

Poor burned out Ember!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Her TEMPER IS FLARING like an oil well fire!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lets see how she likes this post::::::::

There is a HUGE SNARLING ILL TEMPERED BITCH at the heart of LIE-beral virtue signalling about allegedly racist Cdns and Wuhan Virus!!

LIE-beral imbeciles such as Our idiot Boy Justin and an assortment of arrogant school board trustees and Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory all want to sneer at Cdns and call us racist for being worried about Wuhan Virus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its all right for these arrogant BOOBS to be complacent about the Virus - after all - THEY ARE ALL ON SALARY!! If they go into two weeks quarantine - it is merely a MINOR INCONVENIENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

But it IS NOT MINOR for millions of Cdn wage slaves - WHO WORK and are PAID BY THE HOUR!! NO hours - because you are in quarantine - adds up to NO PAY AS WELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we have all seen the newspaper reports telling us how very many Cdns are ONE PAYCHEQUE AWAY from fiscal disaster!! Two weeks quarantine means TWO WEEKS LOST PAY FOR MANY OF US - and serius money troubles as well !!!!!!!!!!!!

Even worse - if you actually contract the disease and end up spending 4-6 WEEKS IN HOSPITAL - THAT IS AN EVEN MORE SERIOUS FISCAL BLOW!! For a lot of wage slaves- 5 weeks LOST PAY means SERIOUS ARREARS on your apartment rent!! May mean that the car that you NEED to get to work may be repossessed!!!!

And what happens AFTER you get out of hospital?? Are there antibiotics that they will prescribe for you to take at home - and WHO PAYS FOR THAT??????????

And will there be need to take time off work to go BACK to hospital to have some check ups - just to make sure you are TRULY CLEAR of disease???????????

Or consider that your older child brings the disease home from an exposure at school - because Cdn school trustees have said it is racist to expect people who have been to Wuhan to “self quarantine” and we know how easy it is for kids to pass on a germ - so the disease gets passed to your newborn baby and or to your aged parents - and WE ALL KNOW that the very young and the very old are ESPECIALLY VULNERABLE and more LIKELY TO DIE because of it!!!!!!!!!

And there you are - trying to do your days work and hold things together financially - and of course YOU DESPERATELY NEED to go comfort your sick family members in hospital - even if its only to wave through a thick glass window!! Think of being a parent looking at an infant quarantined in a cage - and the baby DOES NOT UNDERSTAND why it is suddenly ALONE!!! At least older kids can be spoken to and reassured to some degree - but consider the FEAR of a sick 6 year old alone late at night in the quarantine area - with that frightening infection - and far from parents and from home - simply because our overlords thought it was racist to suggest that people should be quarantined!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We know it costs a fortune to park at our hospitals!! WE know it is expensive to take a taxi!! And we KNOW that a parent with a typical Cdn job schedule and responsibilities DOES NOT HAVE THE TIME to piddle about on public transit -thus working AND making time to visit a sick family member is COSTLY IN both TIME AND CASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

For our virtue signalling LIE-beral leaders - Wuhan Virus IS NOT A BIG DEAL!!
But for ordinary Cdns it is FRIGHTENING!!

LIE-berals and their idiot allies demonstrate yet again their CONTEMPT for the general public!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was not two weeks ago that our LIE-beral overlords were sneering at RACISTS who wanted people who had visited Hubei Province or its capitol city Wuhan - to “SELF QUARANTINE”!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

AND YET LAST NIGHT (Friday February 7, 2020) ON MAIN STREAM TORONTO NEWS - our health minister was advocating THAT ANYBODY IN ALL OF CANADA - and not just those in B.C. where this self quarantine stuff started - WHO HAD BEEN TO HUBEI PROVINCE OR TO WUHAN in the last month SHOULD “SELF QUARANTINE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

OH DEAR!!!!!!!!!!!

THE ALLEGED RACISTS WERE RIGHT about that self quarantine deal!!!!!!!!!

But DO NOT look for any apology from our always virtue signalling LIE-beral overlords!!

AS I have said of Socialists before - they are prepared to let you DIE IN A DITCH just so long as they get their way!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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