"Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigation"


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

Author of Anti-Trump Dossier Worked for Russians, State Dept., FBI, and Clinton! | Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch

Yeah, there and with all the trumphaters is the russian collusion.
Boi didn't that whole stink pile just slide off the cliffy or what?

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

Author of Anti-Trump Dossier Worked for Russians, State Dept., FBI, and Clinton! | Tom Fitton
Judicial Watch
You forgot George Soros, Robert Redford and the Wizard of Oz.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

Author of Anti-Trump Dossier Worked for Russians, State Dept., FBI, and Clinton! | Tom Fitton

Judicial Watch

Yeah, there and with all the trumphaters is the russian collusion.
Boi didn't that whole stink pile just slide off the cliffy or what?


Watch as LIE-berals simply IGNORE such a huge pile OF MANURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are SO ENTITLED........................................

they really believe they can make any problem disappear....................................

simply by pretending they didnt hear about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REMEMBER - LIE-berals are convinced...........................

that Socialism NEVER FAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any problem associated with Socialism.........................

is ALWAYS the result of a BETRAYAL by others..................

who ARE NOT dedicated Socialists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was for this reason that former NDP premier Bob Rae........

could DOUBLE the Ontari-owe debt in 4 years.....................

and make such a financial mess..........................

trying to make us rich with BORROWED MONEY................

that he was forced to send civil servants HOME for forced unpaid days off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And after being defeated in the next election............................

Rae was INSANE ENOUGH TO BLAME BANKERS .....................................................

for not loaning him as much money as he needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we have Our idiot Boy Justin implementing an even bigger and more costly Rae Days plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat


Watch as LIE-berals simply IGNORE such a huge pile OF MANURE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals are SO ENTITLED........................................

they really believe they can make any problem disappear....................................

simply by pretending they didnt hear about it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

REMEMBER - LIE-berals are convinced...........................

that Socialism NEVER FAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Any problem associated with Socialism.........................

is ALWAYS the result of a BETRAYAL by others..................

who ARE NOT dedicated Socialists!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It was for this reason that former NDP premier Bob Rae........

could DOUBLE the Ontari-owe debt in 4 years.....................

and make such a financial mess..........................

trying to make us rich with BORROWED MONEY................

that he was forced to send civil servants HOME for forced unpaid days off!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And after being defeated in the next election............................

Rae was INSANE ENOUGH TO BLAME BANKERS .....................................................

for not loaning him as much money as he needed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And now we have Our idiot Boy Justin implementing an even bigger and more costly Rae Days plan!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You're not Doug Ford, that's for sure. You post too many polysyllabic rants.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

You're not Doug Ford, that's for sure. You post too many polysyllabic rants.


Admit it Comrade Curious............................................

you are AFRAID of a heavily socialist govt.....................................

that will decide your cozy little Oakville estate ......................................

IS TO GOOD FOR YOU............................................................

and will TAX YOU OUT OF IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Consider this article about May and her Greenies::::::::::

Here is an article proving that Green Party members are no more honest or moral than their idiot LIE-beral cousins!! With some comments of my own in brackets):

Elizabeth May Photo shopping tells a lot about the whole green movement

By: Lorne Gunter

Published: September 24, 2019, Updated: September 24, 2019 11:18 PM EDT

Filed Under: Toronto SUN

This version of the photo that was posted to the Green Party website shows Elizabeth May holding a reusable cup with a metal straw that were Photoshopped in.

So Elizabeth May got caught Photoshopping a reusable coffee mug with metal straw into her hands in a Green party promotional photo.

All right, May probably didn’t do the image-doctoring herself. She likely didn’t even approve the fakery. Blame the Green party spin “machine.” Think the election equivalent of a push lawn mower.

Still, the hoax is significant not so much for what it says about May’s or her party’s honesty as for how it exposes the hollowness of the entire green movement and its obsession with meaningless virtue-signalling gestures -such as banning single-use plastics.

(The reality of banning single use plastics is that people use such items for reasons they consider valid!! In my own case - I had a little wood working hobby that turned into a part time job for profit- and I routinely collected single use shopping bags to sweep up and hold sawdust and wood chips.)

(When LIE-beral Ontari-owe tried banning such shopping bags- I was forced to start buying suitable bags for handling my garbage- the ban DID NOT reduce my use of plastics- it simply altered the cost!! There is strong reason to believe there would be similar public reaction to the ban of plastic straws and shopping bags!! The reality is that need and convenience trump LIE-beral virtue signalling -as May herself has PROVED with her photo shop!!!!!!!!!)

The controversy also shows how fixated people (including we in the media) have become with the unimportant. What should be being discussed during this campaign is May’s environmental platform, which is far more outlandish than her phony propaganda tactics.

(But the straw issue is a quick news bite illustrating hypocrisy and is thus valid news!! Other Greenie issues such as killing the Cdn oil patch on what amounts to Greenie and LIE-beral political whims - results in more time consuming and slow moving reportage!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(For instance- if LIE-berals - or their idiot cousins of NDP or Greenies- do manage to kill the Cdn oil patch- what happens then to the suddenly stranded Alberta govt debt -AFTER the province is prevented from selling its single most valuable product??????????????????)

(And what happens to ALL of the over $15 billion dollars in election promises made by LIE-berals - if we are suddenly FORCED to assume that Alberta debt?? LIE-berals have already pushed us perilously close to the debt wall - it will require only a little more LIE-beral waste to push us into the danger zone at which point not only will our borrowing be CURTAILED- we will also face punishing new fees and penalties until we get our debts under control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(On March 31, 2019, the Alberta debt load stood at $62.7 billion dollars!! If Alberta is forced into bankruptcy by the whim of fossil fuel haters - the rest of Canada WILL BE FORCED - by international bankers and creditors - to PICK UP responsibility for that debt - and that will CRIPPLE AND KILL ALL GOVT PROMISES for many years to come!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

If there is a minority Liberal government after the Oct. 21 election, the Greens could hold the balance of power. That means May’s completely daft plan to phase out Canada’s oil industry -plus probably most mining and logging, too - while at the same time somehow magically causing no economic dislocation for oil workers, miners and loggers, could become official federal policy.

(Both Greenies and NDPers chime in with “Me TOO” whenever LIE-berrals start discussing environmental policy - except that the LIE-beral “cousins” always want to go further and more crazy than loonie tunes LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Both Greenies and Ndpers hold an unwavering desire to intervene - or outright INTERFERE with our lives and our economy!! The scale of Greenie plans well EXCEEDS anything Pierre Trudope laid on us with his wage and price controls in the early 1980`s!! A vote for Greenies or NDPers is a vote for social engineering on a HUGE BANKRUPT SOVIET Russian scale!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(WE are indebted to Ontari-owe LIE-beral Wynne-bag for her efforts to show us the LIE-beral way!! Globe and Mail news media reporters got hold of a LIE-beral report discussing the feasability of BANNING the use of ALL fossil fueled water heaters, furnaces and stoves in Ontari-owe- and to then REQUIRE that ALL HOMES be RE-WIRED to operate ONLY electrically powered equipment!!!!!!!!!)
(For LIE-berals - this plan offered MULTIPLE ADVANTAGES!! First - there would be a reduction in greenhouse gases if we stopped using fuel oil to run furnaces in older homes!! Next - there would be more emission reductions from OUR HOMES by banning our use of natural gas for cooking or heating!! The increase in the use of electricity would instantly create a BIGGER MARKET for electricity - and there is the DEVIL in the DETAILS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals see electricity as a HIGH PROFIT govt OWNED product!! This is why LIE-berals sold off a part of our Hydro System to private investors who happen to be ALLIES of the LIE-beral party - and then slammed shut the books so we could not see the TRUE SCALE of electrical price gouging!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(LIE-berals planned to use environmental concerns to HIDE MASSIVE gravy grabbing GREED from the public - for the benefit of LIE-berals and allies!! And both NDP and Greenies see electricity pricing as a GREAT WAY to pay for their social engineering that will hugely disrupt our economy and our lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Greenies are especially excited about legally pressuring us into retrofitting our homes to include more insulation!! This is a LABOUR INTENSIVE and hugely messy operation as my personal experience can prove!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Some years back I bought a quite elderly house that had virtually NO insulation and no vapour barrier!! Job one was to gut the house - so that modern levels of insulation and good vapour barrier could be installed!! And of course plumbing had to be moved to interior walls so that it would not freeze if left behind the new insulation on outer walls!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(All of which meant that I lived in a construction site for a number of years!! The work has of course saved me much money in heating costs and has made the house much more comfortable but it was a dirty and frustrating job -and not one that is easily done if you have small children in home!! Little kids are at risk in such an environment!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So my point is that Greenies PLAN TO FORCE US to gut and rebuild ALL our older homes - regardless of the cost or inconvenience!! A much slower approach requiring new buildings to have higher insulation values would be practical - but is seen by Greenies AS TOO SLOW - to save us from the alleged climate emergency!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Another issue Greenies are avoiding is money laundering!! Homes in all our major cities are being bought up and flipped with dirty money - and it raises the cost of housing and hurts our younger generation!! And of course the house flippers DO NOT BOTHER with things like adding insulation -because it is not important to them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(So - if Greenies were more patient they could maybe have some success requiring energy audits of homes since it would motivate house flippers to add insulation to older buildings!! Of course Ontari-owe LIE-berals attempted to force energy audits on us and the public reaction was SAVAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Cdns know very well that their home is the most costly investment they will ever make - and they will react HARSHLY to any Socialist govt meddling with their investment!! Greenies are seeking SNEAKY WAYS it implement HUGELY UNPOPULAR POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

The possibility of a Liberal minority held in office by a Green rump is so real voters should be giving a very close look at May’s proposals and the potential impact they could have on Canada’s economy and Canadians’ way of life. Instead, the biggest story yet about the Greens is digital jiggery-pokery.

(The Socialist imbeciles - Greenies, NDPers and LIE-berals are all talking themselves in CIRCLES!! NONE of their environmental polices are welcomed by the general public!! It is only a cabal of special interest groups who see any value in Socialist LIE-beral environmental policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(Our civil service union HOGS who have kept LIE-berals in power for decades - by selling their votes in exchange for gravy in a GROSS conflict of interest - and shameless violation of election law- see the carbon tax scam - supported by ALL the LIE-berals and idiot cousins - as a GREAT WAY to grab the gravy that HOGS THINK they deserve!! The LIE-beral idiots all see carbon tax SCAMS as a great way to PAY for the votes they desperately need to BUY and to PARTLY pay for their costly and disruptive social engineering!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

(The old adage about how the kingdom was lost for want of a horseshoe nail CLEARLY fits this bit of Greenie photo shopping!! It is a small detail that is symptomatic of ALL GREENIE policy- meaning NOT AS ADVERTISED!!!!!!!!)

May is seen on the Green website in a photo taken at a Victoria coffee shop earlier this year. In her hands is a Green party go-mug. It’s plastic, which nowadays is usually decried as a bad thing. But in this case because the mug is washable (and not disposable), it is celebrated as a good thing.

In the mug is a metal straw, which, of course, is morally superior to a plastic one. Message: Elizabeth May cares — twice.

The problem with this image is that neither the go-mug nor the straw was in May’s hands when the shot was taken. They were added later by Green party campaign staff.

The Green party told the National Post, which broke the photo story, that May was holding a reusable mug in the photo when it was taken, just not one with a Green party logo on it. But we’ll have to take their truth-altering word on that.

They admit there was no straw at all. The metal one was added presumably to make May seem doubly righteous.

But all this points to how unrealistic -and utterly meaningless- most green initiatives are.

(The idea of using less fossil fuel to heat our buildings - by adding extra insulation is NOT a bad one- its just that GREENIES plan to DEMAND it regardless of what we can afford!! It is the COERCIVE AND DECEPTIVE NATURE of LIE-beral/Greenie/NDP policy that is a HUGE CONCERN as it will result in notable fiscal hardship for ordinary Cdns and will provide windfall profits to the greedy gravy grabbing allies of our SOCIALIST Parties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!)

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

You typed all that with your lips ?!
Maybe, they loosen your binds for a period during the day?


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

Matt Gaetz Brilliantly dominates baiting Pelosi in Congress

" no crime as been found"..."they move on looking for something else..."

" a complete absence of concern for either evidence or facts while Careening from target to target..."

LOL pelosi just suicided a hole party.
Last edited:


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

You typed all that with your lips ?!
Maybe, they loosen your binds for a period during the day?
"Careening from target to target..."
Speaking of "Lips", LOL, that's so you in a nut shell, haha.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat


Last night Attorney and author Andrew McCarthy joined Sean Hannity to discuss the ongoing Spygate scandal. During the discussion Andrew McCarthy, who was one time an Assistant United States Attorney for the Southern District of New York, told Sean Hannity that Barack Obama knew about the spying on Trump.

Andrew McCarthy – “What I’m saying is not that the president sits there and directs that there be counter-intelligence investigations. He further stated that unlike criminal investigations, counter intelligence investigations are done for the president.

The only reason to do them is for the president with the information he needs to protect the United States from foreign threats. They’re not like criminal investigations in that regard. So in principle the information is for the president. And here we know at various junctures we have actual factual information that president Obama was involved and aware of this investigation”.

Watch video:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

You typed all that with your lips ?!
Maybe, they loosen your binds for a period during the day?


Poor stupid Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why are you whining about my posts????????????????????????????

LOOK how many posts YOU HAVE MADE..........................................

WITHOUT EVEN THINKING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I NOTE that you have YET TO OFFER................................

ANY LOGICAL FACTS IN REBUTTAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no riposte to my condemnation of Greenies and NDPers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You are a typical LIE-beral!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All spite and arrogance!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I

And NO LOGIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

You have no response other than name calling!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And as I have said- Trump is going to WALK AWAY LAUGHING.....................................

from this impeachment CRAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The KEY QUESTION is the one LIE-berals REFUSE to answer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What was Biden Jr. DOING in Ukraine that prompted Trump to ask about an investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL Trump has to do is establish that Biden did something or other.............................................

THAT LOOKED FISHY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And was worthy of cop investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

IT DOES NOT MATTER.....................................

if Biden actually did nothing wrong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

ALL that matters is that he did something that LOOKED ODD......................................

and was worthy of questions and investigation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

As president - Trump is OBLIGATED to defend the nation...................................

from its enemies- both foreign and DOMESTIC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It does not matter that Biden senior is a political enemy of Trump!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Getting the chance to sneer at Biden is merely icing on the cake....................................

for Trump during an HONEST INVESTIGATION of possible Biden wrong doing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals who support impeachment at this time....................................

WITHOUT ANY EVIDENCE...................................

will BLOW UP THEIR CAREERS..........................................

and open themselves to a MASSIVE SLANDER SUIT that will ENRICH TRUMP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

He'll be the richest man in Leavenworth.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

He'll be the richest man in Leavenworth.

Poor stupid Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump already owns lots of nice properties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would he go to Leavenworth??????????????????????????

Especially when he still has much work STILL to do in Washington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Curious Cdn

Hall of Fame Member
Feb 22, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

Poor stupid Comrade Curious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Trump already owns lots of nice properties!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why would he go to Leavenworth??????????????????????????

Especially when he still has much work STILL to do in Washington!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The orange jump suit will match his complexion!


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 23, 2015
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

OH weener man...

Key Witness In Mueller Investigation Indicted On Sex Trafficking, Child Porn Charges

George Nader, a convicted pedophile that special counsel Robert Mueller used in his Russia investigation, was indicted on Tuesday for allegedly concealing millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“The Justice Department refers only to an unidentified 2016 presidential candidate, but campaign finance records make clear that the candidate was Clinton,” Politico reported.

Convicted Pedophile Used In Mueller Investigation Indicted For Funneling Millions In Illegal Contributions to Hillary, DOJ Says

In a statement, the U.S. Department of Justice wrote:

According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election

This clown was convicted back in 90/91.
Last edited:


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

OH weener man...

Key Witness In Mueller Investigation Indicted On Sex Trafficking, Child Porn Charges

George Nader, a convicted pedophile that special counsel Robert Mueller used in his Russia investigation, was indicted on Tuesday for allegedly concealing millions of dollars in illegal campaign contributions to then-Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

“The Justice Department refers only to an unidentified 2016 presidential candidate, but campaign finance records make clear that the candidate was Clinton,” Politico reported.

Convicted Pedophile Used In Mueller Investigation Indicted For Funneling Millions In Illegal Contributions to Hillary, DOJ Says

In a statement, the U.S. Department of Justice wrote:

According to the indictment, from March 2016 through January 2017, Khawaja conspired with Nader to conceal the source of more than $3.5 million in campaign contributions, directed to political committees associated with a candidate for President of the United States in the 2016 election

This clown was convicted back in 90/91.

OH GOSH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Is it possible the credibility of this "witness" MIGHT BE TAINTED????????????????????

This is THE BIG LIE-beral problem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That they DEMAND that others be pure as the driven snow.............................

while they do a sloppy job of hiding their own dirt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One has only to think of how many "FEMINISTS" were willing to compromise their values............................

in defense of HORN DOG Bill Clinton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

IG report completely exonerates Obama


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

But but but Obama was being mean to Trump...


Hall of Fame Member
Jan 28, 2007
Re: "Explosive", "Shocking" And "Alarming" FISA Memo Rocks DC "End Mueller Investigat

IG report puts on display the greatest scandal in US history, and the scandal was perpetrated by BHO's regime.