The road map to the global peace

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The road map to the global peace

Step one: Remove the Zionists of Tel Aviv forever: because they are the source of all the evil in the Middle East, in the Arab and Muslim countries and in the entire world.

Step two: Let the Muslim world rise to its glory.The Muslim world will carry out its duty for deterring the West (USA and its allies) and the East (Russia and its allies) from every transgression.
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Council Member
Aug 31, 2019
Kootenays BC
The road map to the global peace

Step one: Remove the Zionists of Tel Aviv forever: because they are the source of all the evil in the Middle East, in the Arab and Muslim countries and in the entire world.

Step two: Let the Muslim world rise to its glory.The Muslim world will carry out its duty for deterring the West (USA and its allies) and the East (Russia and its allies) from every transgression.
You're nuts. Let Islam take over the planet and you can kiss freedom goodbye because Islam would force everyone to be Muslim. Up yours with that.


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
It's okay. It's not North Americans you need to worry about. You are about to lose the "Stans"and Malaysia to the godless Chinese and Iran to the Hindus


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 9, 2004
Iran would become a far nicer place if the Hindus took over and kicked the Muslims out.

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Step three: Stop the anti-Islam campaign by the media and everywhere.
Such anti-Islam campaign of the media may confuse people against the Islam religion ..
and then if such anti-Islam work is stopped, a large number of people in America, Europe and other countries may convert and become Muslims .. when the truth will be obviously clear to them ..
and this will certainly lead to the establishment of a firm global peace.


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand
I think Netanyahu announcing that he will annex the West Bank if re-elected during 911 shows that more 911s are inevitable.
They just don't get it or that's the way they want it.
When places in the West look like Gaza, Aleppo, and Mosul will that make everyone happy?


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
I think Netanyahu announcing that he will annex the West Bank if re-elected during 911 shows that more 911s are inevitable.
They just don't get it or that's the way they want it.
When places in the West look like Gaza, Aleppo, and Mosul will that make everyone happy?
Let’s start with Christchurch.


Hall of Fame Member
Apr 17, 2017
Twin Moose Creek
There still would be no peace if the world was to submit to Islam, Sunni and Shiite been at war with each other since the death of Muhammad the pedophile.


Hall of Fame Member
Sep 6, 2015
Olympus Mons
Step three: Stop the anti-Islam campaign by the media and everywhere.
Such anti-Islam campaign of the media may confuse people against the Islam religion ..
and then if such anti-Islam work is stopped, a large number of people in America, Europe and other countries may convert and become Muslims .. when the truth will be obviously clear to them ..
and this will certainly lead to the establishment of a firm global peace.
What anti-muslim campaign in the media? The media in the West won't even criticize muslims or even call islamic terrorism what it is, islamic terrorism.

The media gets all moralistic every time Israel retaliates against Palestinian aggression while ignoring the Palestinian leadership's war crimes and crimes against humanity, even AGAINST THEIR OWN PEOPLE!!!

The Rohingya acted like total assholes in Myanmar for years and years. But when the predominantly Buddhist population finally had enough, suddenly the muslim shits and their media lap dogs were acting like they were the poor victims of some kind of ethnic cleansing. When you're on the receiving end of backlash resulting from your own reprehensible actions, you're not a victim, you're getting exactly what you asked for and deserve.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
The road map to the global peace

Step one: Remove the Zionists of Tel Aviv forever: because they are the source of all the evil in the Middle East, in the Arab and Muslim countries and in the entire world.

Step two: Let the Muslim world rise to its glory.The Muslim world will carry out its duty for deterring the West (USA and its allies) and the East (Russia and its allies) from every transgression.

SELF DELUDED Muslim NUTBARS...............................................

MAKE MORE TROUBLE than they solve!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Step one for world peace............................................

is to QUARANTINE radical Muslims............................................

in the same fashion we quarantine an infectious social disease!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Has anybody recognized that Muslim violence.................

against other Muslims.................................

meaning Sunni versus Shi`ite...............................

HAS KILLED MORE PEOPLE THAN EBOLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Council Member
Jul 18, 2017
Big Bay, Awhitu, New Zealand


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 29, 2008
Tariff wars for one. Very nearly a war with Iran. He certainly hasn't stopped any..
Trade and tariff wars will end with no lose of life .Trump is no different than other American Presidents , protectionist . We inBritish Columbia have been battling softwood lumber my whole adult life . Despite those battles we continue to trade our lumber south of the border .

Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
Sunni and Shea will not conflict, because the Mahdi will abolish all sects and religions as it is told by some hadiths and traditions, and as it is pointed out in the Quran.

I asked Abu Abd-Allah about this, he said: 'the erring sects .. the sects of misguidance, error and falsehood'. He meant the Shea may be more in falsehood and error.

When Prophet Mohammed came, the people of Medina were two conflicting tribes provoked by Jews, then when the Medinite converted, they became brothers, which did not suit the Wicked Zionists and started to insert sedition and divisions, but were not successful.

Quran 8: 62-63, which means:
(62... He [God] it is Who has supported you [Mohammed] with His help and with [your companions:] the believers,

63. and He brought their hearts together. Had you expended all that is in the earth as a whole, you could not have brought their hearts together, but God brought their hearts together; for He is All-Mighty, Most Wise.)

More explanation in the link:

Moreover, when the Mahdi comes with his obvious truth, I heard Abu Abd-Allah saying:
"Jews and Christians may believe before Muslims, while Muslims will deny me, then when Muslims see the Jews and Christians have believed, they will then believe!!!"
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Torch light

House Member
Dec 4, 2017
The enmity of Jews to the Islam and Muslims:

[The Jew Shas son of Qais met the tribesmen of Aws and Khazraj: the two tribes of the people of the Medina, and he saw them cooperating and loving each other; so their unity made him sad, and he reminded them with the wars that were between them in the pre-Islam period which lasted one hundred and twenty years, then that fighting stopped by their conversion to the Islam.

So when he reminded them about that, they quarreled and cried: "The sword, the sword!" And they were about to fight each other.

Their case reached Mohammed, the apostle of God, and he went out to them together with his companions of the immigrants and helpers, and said to them: "Will you say the words of the pre-Islam ignorance while I am present among you, even after God has honored you with the Islam!?"

So the people realized it was only an instigation from Satan, so they repented and embraced each other; therefore, this aya was revealed:]

(Quran 3: 100. Believers, if you obey a party of those [Jews] given the [Heavenly] Book, they will turn you, after you have believed, into unbelievers.

101. But how could you [Muslims] disbelieve, the while God's revelations are recited to you, and His messenger [Mohammed] is present among you?

Whoso holds fast with [the religion of] God, he indeed has been guided to a 'standard and straight' way.

More explanation in the link: