$1.70 a litre in BC


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Chopping corn silage 2016: Part 4 finishing the first ag bag and starting the second

You mean the large bags of grain that you would pick up and stack like you do with large hay bales, . . . made of hay.

Dew, on tall grain that has a breeze blowing? That would be why swath is gathered in the afternoon and evening rather than first light.

Today it would have more to do with being ahead of the weather thanks to 'modern farming practices'.

'They' came in about 1960 when the yield was tied to how much fertilizer you injected into the ground at planting time. Should the fertilizer become unavailable what would be the yield of the field be, higher or lower or no change? Prior to that natural farming practices were in use. 10 farmers worked their own land and at harvest they all go together and harvested all the fields and brought the stooks to the threshing machine. That was the only 'big machine', the rest of the field work could be done by a single person with a small tractor and light-weight equipment.

The next evolution is what I am referencing as the machines will be bots that follow a program given to them. The large farms in SK from the past will become company farms, they will be where the roads end and only fields the size of townships will exist. The place where people come would be the closest town and they would repair by replacing modular components. Drone pilots would be the group that reads the state of the crop so the right combination of 'meds' is given at the various spray times and at harvest time they would be scheduling the cutting and the collecting so the 'bots' are doing the chores as efficiently as possible.
Maybe that will be helpful as you struggle for a reply.

Hemp stooks would be long rows braided at the top and spread out wide at ground level, rather than 10 in a bundle, due to weight and the 16ft length once a local strain is perfected for height.

I am going to point out that the high price of gas in B.C................................................

IS STILL MUCH LOWER.........................................

than the cost of all the psychotropic drugs that the Cdn mental health association......................................

supplies to MHz!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WE COULD SAVE HUGE MONEY.......................

if we simply revised the poisoned LIE-beral ...................

immigration policy that brings idiots like MHZ....................

into Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Less loons admitted to Canada.......................

means less support for LIE-berals.........................

and LESS INSANITY in govt policy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Central Scrutinizer
Nov 21, 2008
Low Earth Orbit
Chopping corn silage 2016: Part 4 finishing the first ag bag and starting the second
You mean the large bags of grain that you would pick up and stack like you do with large hay bales, . . . made of hay.
Dew, on tall grain that has a breeze blowing? That would be why swath is gathered in the afternoon and evening rather than first light.
Today it would have more to do with being ahead of the weather thanks to 'modern farming practices'.
'They' came in about 1960 when the yield was tied to how much fertilizer you injected into the ground at planting time. Should the fertilizer become unavailable what would be the yield of the field be, higher or lower or no change? Prior to that natural farming practices were in use. 10 farmers worked their own land and at harvest they all go together and harvested all the fields and brought the stooks to the threshing machine. That was the only 'big machine', the rest of the field work could be done by a single person with a small tractor and light-weight equipment.
The next evolution is what I am referencing as the machines will be bots that follow a program given to them. The large farms in SK from the past will become company farms, they will be where the roads end and only fields the size of townships will exist. The place where people come would be the closest town and they would repair by replacing modular components. Drone pilots would be the group that reads the state of the crop so the right combination of 'meds' is given at the various spray times and at harvest time they would be scheduling the cutting and the collecting so the 'bots' are doing the chores as efficiently as possible.
Maybe that will be helpful as you struggle for a reply.
Hemp stooks would be long rows braided at the top and spread out wide at ground level, rather than 10 in a bundle, due to weight and the 16ft length once a local strain is perfected for height.
Stay in the city.


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Prices as high as $1.49 in the lower mainland.... As low as $0.949 in YYC

That`s nice..............................

in other news Ontari-owe civil service union HOGS.............................................

are still ACTING AS IF THEY were elected to govern...........................

and not Doug Ford!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ontari-owe teachers HAVE STARTED THE COUNT DOWN...................................

to open war with Ford govt!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Lie-beral loving media whores at Toronto Red Star think that Doug
Ford should be FORCED to close down his govt news media on Twitter - with Star whores claiming it is costly Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Imagine that!! The Red Star Socialists SEE NOTHING WRONG with federal LIE-berals setting up a six hundred million dollar tax payer supplied SLUSH FUND so LIE-berals can BUY good press from “media they trust” in opposition to Ford, Kenney and Scheer!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And Red Star sees nothing wrong with our civil service unions SELLING THEIR VOTES TO LIE-berals in exchange for great pay and fabulous pensions - and then using their rich union dues TO attack Ford in tv ads!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Or we could talk about Jackass John Tory and his Silly Hall cohort of councillors who are spending HUGE OFFICE BUDGETS - whining about the abuses that Ford is heaping on Toronto - WITHOUT BOTHERING TO MENTION that LIE-berals -WHO LOVE BUYING VOTES at any price - were giving HOGTOWN proportionately TEN TIMES MORE provincial transfer money than they had offered to any other Ontari-owe municipality!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet Red Star media whores think it is a threat to our democracy when Ford actually fights back with his little news channel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Isnt it ODD that LIE-berals and civil service union HOGS think it is unfair of Ford govt to print up stickers explaining how big a tax gouge the LIE-beral carbon crap and trade scam is adding to the price of fuel at the pump!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And yet the Hogs saw nothing wrong with Wynne-bag LIE-berals FORCING local hydro utility companies to ADD partisan LIE-beral propaganda to the bills the electricity companies send us each month - at our expense !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and civil service union HOGS are whining that the Ford 2019 budget is leaving health care short by billions of dollars! They whine that Ford budgeting is not keeping up with inflation, not keeping up with the growing population and not keeping up with the needs of the aging population!

Is it not odd that it took LIE-berals 15 years and 3 terms as govt to double our Ontari-owe debt and then create that $16 billion dollar deficit - and yet now they are sneering at Ford for requiring 4 years to restore Ontari-owe finances to some semblance of order?????????????????

Native groups say the Ford budget is depriving them of needed funds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

One must ask just how many social workers and spin doctors they THINK they need??

And given the level of drug and alcohol abuse in many native communities perhaps we should say that natives are ALREADY wasteful of the money they are getting and that giving more money will fuel MORE ABUSE??????????????

Considering how loudly municipal mayors are screaming for new funding “for the honeless” - IT May Be that the people who claim WE CANNOT AFFORD to tend to the swarms of illegals coming here seeking our charity DO HAVE A POINT?

WE can save a LOT of money by refusing to tend to these cynical trespassers who have decided that Canada is the sucker nation of the world!!!!!!!!

And in this day and age- inflation is driven by LIE-beral and civil service Hog greed! WE PAY ENDLESSLY more for their endless list of entitlements!!!!!!!

If we freeze HOG wages then we FREEZE the mechanism that is DRIVING INFLATION!!!!!!!!!

AS for the cost of tending to an aging population- again we are facing HOG DRIVEN CHOICES!!!!

Canadians pay the highest aggregate total of taxes in the world! LIE-berals love to cherry pick through the lists and single out individual taxes that are lower than other places- but they are just offering Fake News to hide their GREED!

There would be MORE cash for sick Cdns if there was LESS cash for certain GREEDY CDNS!!!!!!!!!!!!

No LIE-beral has ever explained why the HOG collecting your $100 water bill should be paid one third MORE than the cashier ringing up your $150 grocery bill!!

In addition there would be more cash available to treat sick people if LIE-berals had not run up such huge debts while BUYING HOG VOTES!!!!!!!!!

It is those IMMENSE DEBTS that are sucking up 25 percent of all our tax revenue EVERY YEAR - just to pay the interest charges!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Civil service union Hogs in Toronto the APTLY NAMED HOG TOWN - have whined that Fords first budget offers nothing for Toronto!

Why should Ford offer MORE to Hogs who already get proportionately TEN TIMES MORE than any other municipality?????????????????

Toronto mayor Jackass John Tory is whining that he did not get an expected billion dollars in new gas tax revenue - that desperate LIE-berals promised just before the June election massacre - but NEVER budgeted for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Why should tax payers from ACROSS Ontari-owe PAY for deliberate Toronto civil service NEGLECT of TTC over many decades?? The HOGS gave themselves wonderful pay raises - and let the entire city fall apart!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Especially when federal LIE-berals are kicking back OUR tax money specially for TTC repairs- so Toronto will be able to save more of its own gravy - and LIE-berals can retain some purchased at our expense Hog Town votes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Do Toronto Hogs expect the rest of Canada to pay for everything they want- from TTC to Affordable housing ad infinitum?? Apparently YES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

What is the true scale of Toronto Hog entitlements?????????????

Especially when the Hogs have taken so many huge gobs of gravy for their own gross pensions and entitlements???????????????????

Toronto District School Board is whining the Ford budget will leave TDSB SHORT by $28 million dollars!

I guess $28 million is the difference between the amount of gravy Trustee Hogs want to spend this summer on pay INCREASES for teachers versus the amount Ford is allowing them to spend???????????

The new Ford budget actually INCREASES the amount of spending on education by 1.3 percent - too bad the HOGS are WAY MORE GREEDY than that!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sadly school trustees make it CLEAR they feel Ford is starving them of gravy and thus they will have to make choices between repairing schools and cutting services or short changing teacher Hogs on gravy - in other words cynical school trustees and their Hog union allies are going to do everything they can to blame FORD for fifteen years worth of LIE-beral greed and neglect!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And we KNOW that teacher Hogs NEVER GO SHORT - to deny them gravy is TO DECLARE WAR!! And that is exactly what we are facing once teachers come back from their scenic vacation country refuges!!!!!!!!!

How sad that the reason our schools are so ramshackle is specifically because Hog teachers grabbed ALL the gravy- for many decades while schools rotted!!!!!!!!!!

Toronto Red Star media whores who always sell out to LIE-berals - claim Ford LIED when he said he could find efficiencies in the Ontari-owe budget!!!!!!!!!

I say HELLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

WAKE UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

That Ford statement was made BEFORE it was discovered that the original LIE-beral deficit of “ONLY” a few billion was ACTUALLY SIXTEEN BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes Cdn media whores such as Red Star have nothing to say about Wynne-bag CLAIMING her budget was balanced while HIDING a sixteen billion dollar deficit - yet they can SNEER at Ford for not resolving LIE-beral problems in ways that suit Red Star Bigots!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The irony of it all is that LIE-beral loving media IS NOT FOCUSED on truth and even handed responsible reporting - nor are they fighting Fake News!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The media HOGS are ONLY SEEKING GRAVY just like civil service union HOGS with their SNOUTS BURIED in the public sector trough!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It’s a shameless display and it is hurting GENERATIONS of kids that will be saddled with this debt long after we and Ford are GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

captain morgan

Hall of Fame Member
Mar 28, 2009
A Mouse Once Bit My Sister
As high as $1.55 in Vancouver today.... Meanwhile, prices are a measly $0.93 in Calgary



Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
On the island it is in the $1.34 range.But we don't have to pay for the translink folley.

In light of certain FACTS....................................

such as the fate of Kinder Morgan..................................

and the global warming debate.......................................

and the fact that Jagmeet (political deadmeat) Singh has been ELECTED...........................................

as a B.C. MP............................................

and he WANTS to be Cdn prime minister.........................................................

THERE ARE CERTAIN QUESTIONS WE SHOULD BE asking...................................

of our aspiring dead meat future PM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such as::::::::::::::::

Jagmeet (the political dead meat) Singh wants to be prime minister - and as such HE MUST HAVE an opinion on the Cdn oil patch and the future of that $4.7 billion dollars of Cdn tax money “invested” in Kinder Morgan - SO JUST WHAT IS HIS POSITION on this highly contentious issue???????????????????????

Ndpers resent being referred to as the idiot cousins of LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet - WHAT PART of NDP policy strongly DIVERGES from LIE-beral policy???

The only apparent difference between NDP and LIE-beral is that NDPers would waste even more and dump us into bankruptcy even faster than LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!

And yet NDPers resent the suggestion that they lack the low guile and cunning to be “proper” LIE-berals!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And WHY is our LIE-beral loving, Socialist oriented Cdn news media giving Singh a FREE RIDE on this oil issue????????????????

In other NON news.................WHAT DOES Singh think of the current $20 billion dollar deficit??????????????????????

Will Singh maintain current LIE-beral spending???????????????????????

Is he worried about the Cdn debt level at all???????????????????

Or should we expect Singh to follow in the footsteps of Ontari-owe NDP premier and economically challenged knucklehead Bob Rae and try to spend us rich with borrowed money???????????

Has Singh NOTICED that Our idiot Boy Justin and his loser LIE-berals spent the last 4 years- and $100 billion dollars in NEW DEBT trying to make us rich with borrowed money -just like Bob Rae????????????????????????

Singh seems to recognize that some Cdns are distressed about crime levels in Canada????????????????????

Does Singh have ANY THOUGHT on this matter????????????

Cdn news media apparently cannot find any Singh comments on crime - or else Cdn media cannot be bothered reporting the NDP blather???????????????

Singh is distressed by the Quebec CAQ party choosing to ban religious symbols in public and this is apparently a rather heavy handed attempt to deal with Muslim radicals- so would Singh be willing to admit that radical Muslims are a major long term national security problem for Canada?????????????????

In related news- what does Singh think about the DELUGE of illegals crossing our borders and basically DEMANDING our charity?????????????????

And WHY is Cdn news media SILENT about NDP values?????????????????

In other news- what does Singh think about subsidies for electric TOY cars and electric TOY buses???????????????????

Our idiot Boy and his provincial counterparts - Wynne-bag LIE-berals have thrown several hundred millions of dollars at Toronto Transit Commission - in a thus far FAILED series of attempts to find green buses that will deliver reasonable purchasing cost, mechanical reliability, AND low carbon output during operation!!

What does Singh think of throwing MORE MONEY at green industries that have such a POOR TRACK RECORD - with less jobs produced than promised, and with much higher costs than expected and with various other issues such a lesser service life and lower fuel savings than promised???????????????????????

Should we assume that Cdn news media has WRITTEN OFF Singh???????????

Should we assume that many Cdn civil service union HOGS will be following the example of their Ontari-owe counterparts- set during the June 2018 provincial election - in which HOGS demonstrated they could not stomach LIE-beral FAILED POLICIES any longer - and either refused to vote at all - or switched their support to either Greens or NDP???????????????

Considering how well Greens have done in PEI recently - should we assume that federal Greenies will be picking up a LOT OF VOTES from disaffected LIE-berals and NDPers???????????????????????????

In related news................................

All 14 of the NDP candidates HAVE DEFECTED to the Green Party!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

NDP strategists suggest this is the result of Racism by New Brunswickers who don’t like the Dead Meat in a turban!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I CALL BUSH+T ON THAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In 2014 the LIE-beral govt of New Brunswick was STAGGERING under a FOURTEEN BILLION DOLLAR DEFICT for THAT YEAR ALONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!


A province with a population of 751,000 people HAD A $14 buillion dollar deficit and you don’t have to be a banker to see the troubling size of that DEBT!!!!!!!!!!

So LIE-berals ARE OUT in New Brunswick at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And that leads to the question::::::::

WHY IN HELL would angry New Brunswickers VOTE for an NDP candidate

who was EVEN MORE wssteful, bigoted, muddled and offensive..................

than the LIE-berals that NDPers are seeking to REPLACE?????????????????

If you want to vote for gravy and for debt ridden govt.........................

why not just vote for LIE-berals??????????????????????

And FORGET about the less intelligent NDPers who are simply LIE-berals who

lack the low guile and cunning to be “proper” LIE-berals??????????????????

AS a result of LIE-beral style health care rationing in New Brunswick...................

We have been treated to various medical HORROR STORIES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such as the sick baby dying of a fairly easily cured respiratory infection who kept

getting SENT HOME from the already over crowded local hospital!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The kid would have died of Mom had not thrown a HUGE HISSY FIT And thus got some attention for the kid!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1

In another case - another baby- with the SAME FAIRLY COMMON respiratory

ailment - DID DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Because Mom TRUSTED the doctors who were more concerned about not

cluttering up their hospital hallways with dying babies than they were with how it

would LOOK that the kid DIED a few hours before the appointment time a

RELUCTANT DOCTOR finally set up for the baby!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

In other news a New Brunswick man went to hospital complaing of neck and back

pains and he was prescribed some pills and sent home.........................

But the pain PERSISTED and steadily WORSENED..................................

With the guy and his family starting to kick up a fuss and demand real medical

attention for the guy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Doctors decided the guy needed an ultra-sound scan of his brain.....................

But the local hospital lacked the ability to do such a thing..........................

So an ambulance was called to take the guy to another - better equipped hospital!!!

But other emergencies tied up the ambulance....................................

And after many hours of waiting....................................

The PATIENT DIED of the brain aneurism that was the casue of the pain!!!!!!!!!!!

Three sample cases...........................

With TWO deasd and almost a third dead!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

New brunswick DOES NOT TRUST LIE-berals at this time!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And they certainly DO NOT TRUST idiot LIE-beral cousins such as NDP!!!!!!!!!

THAT judgement AINT RACIST....................................

And HAS NOTHING TO DO with what headgear the Dead Meat wears.................

IT IS SURVIVAL POLICY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
There is no gas price that could get me to move to Alberta.

Oh hemerHOID....................................................

your wanting to stay where you are is a GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With your attitude and values.....................................

it saves Alberta the cost of going through a JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE TRIAL......................................

for whoever looses patience with your crap first..............................................

and decides to SHOOT YOU for being such a nasty..............

LIE-beral ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
Oh hemerHOID....................................................

your wanting to stay where you are is a GOOD THING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

With your attitude and values.....................................

it saves Alberta the cost of going through a JUSTIFIABLE HOMICIDE TRIAL......................................

for whoever looses patience with your crap first..............................................

and decides to SHOOT YOU for being such a nasty..............

LIE-beral ass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

"loses" patience with his crap!


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
"loses" patience with his crap!

OH DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A spelling error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least you did not whine about the FONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is another article - for LIE-berals "not to read"................................................

see if you can find some more spelling mistakes.............................................

because correcting spelling is a sure way to defend the TRUDOPE Record!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-berals and their civil service union HOG allies whine that people like Doug Ford have “declared war on the poor”!!

But is that true??? The evidence says NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The person who becomes a drug addict is certainly POOR!! But the addict made a choice to become addicted!!

The addict CHOSE to ignore all the warnings and all the information about how dangerous drugs like Crack and Meth and Heroin are!! The addict CHOSE to defy society and the laws put in place to protect us!!!!

The addict must be defined as more a Villain than a victim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Parents whose children suffer from Autism consider themselves to be victims of Ford cuts!! But is this true???

Many Autistic children are so badly damaged that they will require LIFE LONG govt care!!

Is it reasonable to allow a desperate few to break the bank seeking phantom cures??

We would not pay to send cancer patients to Mexico to seek treatment from a self professed “faith healer”!!

Therefore WHY should we write a series of $120 grand cheques every year from now till forever to Autism “healers” who tell us that whatever “progress” they have made with the child WILL BE LOST FOREVER.................... UNLESS we blindly keep throwing money at “healers” who have just admitted there CAN BE NO REAL CURE???????????????????????

By blindly throwing money at Autism “healers” - we are promoting the 21st century version of Witch craft!! Autism healers are practicing voodoo science by PRETENDING they can alleviate the Curse of Autism!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

And what of Black Lives Matter bigots?? They bravely INSIST they are victims!! But WHO is the author of their suffering???

In the days of Pierre Trudeau, LIE-berals opened the border to all manner of immigrants from Third World countries - and LIE-berals did so over the protests of more Conservative minded Cdns!!

And now we have a series of sad Black faces being paraded across our news media- this one shot- that one sought for the shooting- this other is a person of interest in a robbery and etc............................

But WHO is responsible for some kids making these UGLY career choices?????

Toronto schools are open to ALL comers!! The same curriculum is taught in all schools in Ontari-owe and has been since the days of Mike Harris!!

In fact one of the motivating factors for Harris imposing the standardized curriculum was to ensure that teachers did not go easy on ethnic minorities - after all black kids MUST operate in the same economy as the rest of us...............unless of course they make the career choice for drug dealer or pimp!!!!!!!!!!!!

So why do Black kids feel they have so few options?? Could it be that a belief - one fostered by shameless vote buying LIE-berals -that all Blacks are VICTIMS of white society - is BAD for Black kids??????????

Who benefits from convincing Black kids they are helpless victims?? The honest observer sees that it is LIE-berals who benefit since LIE-berals are selling themselves as the “solution to all Black problems”!!!!

It is LIE-berals that are making war on Black kids by allowing them to think they are helpless- and in need of govt aid to remake their pathetic lives!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

LIE-beral philosophical POISON is so pervasive it has persuaded Black kids that doing well in school represents “selling out” to white society!!!

Yet LIE-berals and Blacks IGNORE the Asian experience in Canada!!!!

Great Britain was the first nation to ban slavery- and as a result Cdns decided it was a virtue to welcome escaped slaves from United States into Canada!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yet people from Asia were SCORNED as “the Yellow Peril”!! Asians were only grudgingly allowed into Canada- usually WITHOUT their wives - the intention being to give Asian contract workers a STRONG INCENTIVE to go back home!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The Cdn and Yankee govts tried various methods to ensure that very few Asians were able to settle permanently in North America and the methods ALL FAILED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Asians worked hard and lived frugally and paid the head taxes that were designed to drive them AWAY!!!!!!!!!!

Asians have taken advantage of our school system to educate and improve themselves- Asian values mesh NEATLY with Cdn values with the result that Asians excel in all manner of academic endeavors!!!!

Poor Blacks were welcomed into Canada while Asians were SCORNED and yet it is Blacks who are failing!! We can state honestly that the LIE-beral promotion of so called “white privilege” is CRIPPLING Black lives!!!!

Asians see clearly that success in school brings success in adult life- so why do Blacks SCORN the Asian values????????????????????????

WE must BLAME LIE-berals for making war on Blacks in a twisted effort to buy Black VOTES!!!!

And what of Cdn natives living on reserves?? Are they not suffering badly from those same twisted LIE-beral values that afflict Black people????????


Hall of Fame Member
Nov 27, 2008
Vernon, B.C.
OH DEAR ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A spelling error!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

At least you did not whine about the FONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sorry, couldn't resist. It's an error that has been made SO MANY times and rubbed in peoples' faces so many times, I'm quite surprised the mistake still prevails! :)


Executive Branch Member
Jan 26, 2017
Sorry, couldn't resist. It's an error that has been made SO MANY times and rubbed in peoples' faces so many times, I'm quite surprised the mistake still prevails! :)

In my case it is the curse of a fairly fast but not especially skilled typist.................................

who occassionally skips the proof read!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here is an article explaining exactly why it is so desperately wrong of LIE-berals to be using huge sums of tax money to create an electric vehicle industry that will feed off the LIE-beral electric generation slush fund they have created for the sake of producing the gravy they need to buy civil service union Hog votes so they can cling to power at any price! While at the same time they RATION health care- since there is not enough cash to go around- with this sort of result! With some comments of my own in brackets):

5-week-old girl dies at home in mother's arms while hospital over capacity 10/12

cbc.ca. March 6/2018. By Gabrielle Fahmy

Tessa McAllister and Cody Hay believe their daughter Blayke could have been saved had she been admitted to the Miramichi Regional Hospital.

Hours after an appointment with her doctor, five-week-old Blayke Hay-McAllister died in her mother's arms at her Miramichi home, her tiny fingers wrapped around her mother's hand.

On Jan. 31, two days before Blayke died, she was sent to the hospital for an X-ray and swabs. She tested positive for respiratory syncytial virus, or RSV. The virus is a common cold among older children and adults, but for an infant can be dangerous.

The results were sent to her doctor, Dr. Jeffrey Hans, the next day.

By that time, according to McAllister, Blayke had been sick for about three weeks and had been seen at least five times by doctors, including her family doctor, Hans. Each time, she said, she was told to take her baby home.

(So each time doctors- who are under HUGE pressure to RATION our health care so LIE-berals can save on gravy- had decided the kid was sick but not quite too dangerously sick? YET!)

Hans called the Miramichi hospital about admitting Blayke but was told the hospital was 20 per cent over capacity.

(It`s that rationing thing- silly people persist in getting sick in spite of LIE-beral orders to the contrary!)

On Feb. 1, after her mom tried to get her admitted to hospital earlier in the day. Her parents say the infant's suffering was apparent and she was struggling to breathe.

She said he told her the emergency department was full of flu patients and she would need to go through ER to gain admittance. Hans didn't think that was the proper course of action, McAllister said.

(Of course its not the right way! If you just show up at emergency with an obvious medical problem they cannot legally send you away- and being forced to treat patients when over capacity messes up the rationing! But the other way- with your Doc phoning and asking nicely- lets some bureaucrat fob you off till another day!)

So, again, she took Blayke home.

(And how serious a picture is this? My teen sister developed a bronchial lung infection and damned near smothered to death when her throat became plugged with mucus and she stopped breathing while sleeping! Doctors are playing dangerous games here with this rationing crap!)

(And no doubt whining LIE-berals are now asking what a sick kid has to do with electric toy vehicles? And the answer is EVERYTHING! There is not enough money for all needs and LIE-berals have DELIBERATELY CHOSEN to throw OUR money at a risky new industry that has a history of FAILING to provide the quality and service that older products do- INSTEAD of dealing with dying kids!)

(Toronto LIE-berals are on their third contract for electric busses- each time using substantial money supplied by senior govt- and the previous 2 bus contracts have been FAILURES- the mouldy green machines cost at least 50 percent more than diesel busses and DO NOT deliver the fuel economies or reliability that were the alleged selling points to begin with! Money that should go into health care is WASTED on these electric toy vehicles!)

"Holding my dead daughter … I'll never get that picture out of my head," said McAllister.

"I'll never forgive myself for falling asleep. Because what if she did make a little tiny noise? That's something I'll have to live with for the rest of my life."

The ambulance arrived five hours before Blayke was to return to the doctor's office.

"She is currently quite congested and coughing with thick mucus. Could these symptoms be compatible with cystic fibrosis?

(Cystic Fibrosis? The kid is coughing so hard they think kid might have a lethal disease like that? But there ain’t room in hospital for the kid? If you have ever seen a person- like my sister- choking to death on her own mucus it WILL BE CLEAR there is something badly wrong! Unless you are an idiot!)

"Anyway, I'd appreciate it if you would assess this infant for me and make sure there is nothing I'm missing."

On Feb 1., after the finding of RSV came back and McAllister asked Hans to get Blayke admitted to hospital, the baby's suffering was apparent, she said.

She sent a letter to the College of Physicians and Surgeons of New Brunswick, asking it to look into the case. She also asked for a meeting with hospital officials.

"Somebody didn't do their job at the hospital," McAllister said. "And the blame isn't just on the hospital, it's on the doctor who should have fought to have her admitted."

(The woman is wrong here- it is our LIE-beral govt that has FAILED us!)

Officials at the Miramichi Regional Hospital said it would always provide a bed for a patient needing one, even when over capacity. No one will be turned away.

(Seems like that is LIE-beral propaganda! I recall the outrage some years back of a doctor at a North York hospital. His mother had suffered a stroke and was taken by ambulance to the hospital- which was over capacity as usual- so the women was put on a gurney and left in a hallway.)

(Some time later- her son heard of her situation and arrived at hospital and found his mother in a hallway- and began reading her charts looking for treatment information- and there was virtually NONE! The hospital was so overloaded- 20 years ago- that they had simply given the woman pain killers and left her to quietly DIE!)

(Doctor son went on a rampage with words like LAWSUIT prominent in his rant- with the fact he was fully trained to comment on the lack of care STRONGLY motivating hospital staff!)

(Isn’t it ODD that the “dying woman” made a nice recovery and went home happy AFTER hospital administrators got a belly full of SERIOUS legal threats from her doctor son? )

(This is the price of LIE-beral health rationing- AND it is the price of LIE-berals screwing around with electric toy vehicles as well- that not ready for mass production infant industry is sucking billions out of our pockets - for NOTHING!)

(LIE-beral bribery will cost us huge sums if they manage to persuade more than 1-2 percent of drivers to adopt these vehicles! Currently electric vehicles have such short range and such long refueling times that only an eccentric few will pay the price to drive one of these toys!)

(And LIE-beral efforts to create an electric bus industry- with the full costs and disappointing performance all roughly hidden behind civil service Hog silence is NOT helping the LIE-beral cause!)

This has happened before, says 2nd mother. McAllister is not the only young parent in Miramichi to have struggled with access to health care for an infant with RSV.

Mallory Stewart came close to losing her two-month-old son last year.

"It's been 11 months since we were faced with one of the hardest things we have ever had to go through," Stewart posted on Facebook. "Eleven months since the Miramichi Hospital neglected my child, sending us home numerous times when he was so so sick. Eleven months since they were the reason Karsen almost died."

(No wonder no changes have been made! LIE-berals now face HUGE PRESSURE to ration health care even further as those swarms of illegals that LIE-berals are collecting like crazy cat ladies rounding up strays- is putting ever greater pressure on the LIE-beral gravy train! And LIE-beral GRAVY NEED trumps all others! It`s just too bad for the kids eh?)

In Stewart's case, Karsen was eventually admitted to the Miramichi hospital after three visits to the emergency department, but according to her, given little treatment there, with staff telling the family things would get better on their own.

Stewart said a swab for RSV was taken on their first visit to the ER. They learned it was positive on the second visit, but they were sent home again.

It wasn't until the third visit that their son was admitted.

Stewart believes it's only because she demanded her son be airlifted to the IWK in Halifax that he is still alive today.

(Yeah- kick up a big enough fuss for honest reasons and LIE-berals cave!)

Doctors in Halifax found one of the baby's lungs had partially collapsed, Stewart said.

"He was intubated and sedated for six days and he had a feeding tube the whole time," she said.

Dr. Hans declined an interview with CBC.

(No WONDER!!! Who in their right minds would speak of their central part in a massive medical disaster that is apparently ON-GOING? Think of the legal repercussions! Much better- for LIE-berals- to BURY the problem?)

McAllister, who is recovering from substance abuse and lives on social assistance, wonders what led to her baby's case being was treated the way it was.

(Oh- okay- this is LIE-beral snobbery in action! LIE-berals make loud noises about helping those with addictions- and then offer them nothing but free needles and some welfare money- no need to hand out valuable health care to dead beats and drug addicts is there? Is that the conclusion we should come to? That electric toy buses and gHog ravy take priority over dying babies in LIE-beral land?)

At her meeting with Miramichi hospital officials, McAllister and members of her family were told Blayke absolutely should have been admitted on February 1 because RSV was a serious diagnosis for any child under two months of age, but the officials had no clear answer as to why she wasn't.

McAllister has one theory.

"My baby Blayke died because of politics. That's what I got out of the meeting. ."

Baby needed more care than Miramichi hospital provided, says mom.

(Yeah- I think Mom summed it up- the kid was deemed an inconvenience thanks to that LIE-beral rationing crap!)


Hall of Fame Member
Oct 15, 2017
we passed a law that prohibits bitumen from crossing over into BC

you'll be able to struggle along without us